Can the US ever win another war?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I am not sure anymore. I am not talking about weapons capability or the troops fighting it. They are certainly capable. But, our leadership is not. Plus, I am not so sure people understand what it takes to win and what we did In a comflct like WW2.

It especially becomes essential when you are talking about near peer threats. I am not talking about counterinsurgency.

Look at the conflict in Israel. People screaming Israel is going to far. What do you think we did in Dresden, Germany? Japan? Israel has declared total war with victory as their goal. We did that in WW2. How can you win a war if you are not committed to it?

If thr war comes with China, Russia, Iran, or a combination of all three can we win? Hauling around lawyers on the battlefield and being afraid to do what you have to do is a recipe for disaster. This time the enemy can hit back at your homeland in significant ways. They can take over economically and geographical territory.

We aee going to be tested at some point. China just said again it is going to take Taiwan. What are you going to do about it?
If we fought to win we could take over the entire world in a week. We’ll never do that, though.
Today's US military is too afraid of hurting the enemies feelings to try and win any wars.

The liberals can get out there and fight, since they insisted on injecting wokeness into a system designed to kill in order to protect and defend.

Don't worry, we'll make sure there's plenty of MRE's with tofu for you out on the battlefield. Also, the water buffalos will be filled with kombucha.
No. In the new geopolitical game that borrowed the name “war” no side can ever win too decisively, because since the 50s the other side (speaking sides on the massive, geopolitical scale) has maintained the option to flip over the board and ruin earth for everybody.

So we have these little limited conflicts that maximize human suffering (and profits for weapons manufacturers, who coincidentally donate lots of money, money being equivalent to power, to politicians) and resolve basically nothing. And it just goes and goes.

How would WWII happen in 2023? Hitler would've had nukes and would’ve used them if there was unacceptable levels of meddling from the allies. We would have had the choice to tut tut them in the UN while changing Facebook profile frames to be pro-Polish or something, or to engage in a real shooting war which would’ve ended with the aforementioned nukes.

What would you have wanted us to do in that situation?
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I am not sure anymore. I am not talking about weapons capability or the troops fighting it. They are certainly capable. But, our leadership is not. Plus, I am not so sure people understand what it takes to win and what we did In a comflct like WW2.

It especially becomes essential when you are talking about near peer threats. I am not talking about counterinsurgency.

Look at the conflict in Israel. People screaming Israel is going to far. What do you think we did in Dresden, Germany? Japan? Israel has declared total war with victory as their goal. We did that in WW2. How can you win a war if you are not committed to it?

If thr war comes with China, Russia, Iran, or a combination of all three can we win? Hauling around lawyers on the battlefield and being afraid to do what you have to do is a recipe for disaster. This time the enemy can hit back at your homeland in significant ways. They can take over economically and geographical territory.

We aee going to be tested at some point. China just said again it is going to take Taiwan. What are you going to do about it?
All this administration cares about is winning the war against its own citizens.
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Look at the conflict in Israel. People screaming Israel is going to far.
Well of course they are, it's an ugly situation with an ugly history, and some pre-held beliefs about the two belligerents.

Why do you people get all up in arms about what a small percentage of people care? Newsflash: the majority of people don't give a shit one way or the other.

And Israel has not declared "total war"...not sure if there is a legal standing of such anyways. Israel is being highly selective in the targets it hits. Israel could kill every last person in Gaza if they wished to.

Peer to peer conflict, pffft. We haven't fought one of those since the Civil War, because their isn't much peer about the war not being on one side's home turf at all or barely. We killed hundreds of thousands of people in the WOT, no matter what protestors thought of it. Yeah, the USA can kill the fvck outta people if we need to....or even if we really don't need to, so I wouldn't worry too much about the need to if it comes to that.
If we fought to win we could take over the entire world in a week. We’ll never do that, though.
Not a chance.

In WW2 we had 16 million people in uniform, active duty

Now we have maybe 1.4 million.

The military now is even about 40% smaller than it was in the late 80's.

There is not a remote chance we could do that. Not even close. Our military right now is about as "weak" as it was in the late 1970's.

Plus, to take over the world you need to be able to Hold Ground. We are not even remotely set up to do that now like we were during the Cold War.

We likely could have never held the entire world. To do what you say, we would have to add vast number of troops. We don't have enough tanks, fighting vehicles, weapons nor supplies to even remotely come close.
Well of course they are, it's an ugly situation with an ugly history, and some pre-held beliefs about the two belligerents.

Why do you people get all up in arms about what a small percentage of people care? Newsflash: the majority of people don't give a shit one way or the other.

And Israel has not declared "total war"...not sure if there is a legal standing of such anyways. Israel is being highly selective in the targets it hits. Israel could kill every last person in Gaza if they wished to.

Peer to peer conflict, pffft. We haven't fought one of those since the Civil War, because their isn't much peer about the war not being on one side's home turf at all or barely. We killed hundreds of thousands of people in the WOT, no matter what protestors thought of it. Yeah, the USA can kill the fvck outta people if we need to....or even if we really don't need to, so I wouldn't worry too much about the need to if it comes to that.
Ugghh we fought peer to peer in WW2. The German Army was actually on paper superior when we started. The Japan Navy was peer. The Japense Army was not as formidable as the German Army but was tough as nails in smaller island type campaigns.

Our military is shifting to get back to peer on peer threats China being the main and bigger problem.
Not a chance.

In WW2 we had 16 million people in uniform, active duty

Now we have maybe 1.4 million.

The military now is even about 40% smaller than it was in the late 80's.

There is not a remote chance we could do that. Not even close. Our military right now is about as "weak" as it was in the late 1970's.

Plus, to take over the world you need to be able to Hold Ground. We are not even remotely set up to do that now like we were during the Cold War.

We likely could have never held the entire world. To do what you say, we would have to add vast number of troops. We don't have enough tanks, fighting vehicles, weapons nor supplies to even remotely come close.

Take out Russia then nuke 2-3 other countries and watch the rest of the world fall in line. We have the firepower so we don’t need as much manpower.
Ugghh we fought peer to peer in WW2. The German Army was actually on paper superior when we started. The Japan Navy was peer.
On paper, sure. But not having war on your homeland is a giant advantage. When we cranked up to our industrial potential Germany and Japan were no longer peers on that front. WWII was very unique, ICMBs have rendered these advantages moot for us, really for all, and that's why proxy war has been the way to go since...though sometimes a player gets dumb and gets bogged down where they never should have went. Russia, USA both do this. Give it time and China will do it too, likely in Africa or they will be dumb enough to get sucked into Afghanistan lol.