Chicago's Murder Rate is Skyrocketing

Whites commit the majority of homicides. I guess we kill each other tenderly and with compassion.
Go back to that % thing that you so conveniently ignore...may need a sharp 6th-grade math student to explain that to you.:)
the coal fields of WV and KY are the poorest areas in the US. why aren't those towns in the news daily for murders? yes, drugs and economy plays a big role in the urban problems. but the BIGGEST problem is the rap/hip-hop culture that has brainwashed these kids into thinking because they are young, black, and male they have to carry a gat and resolve any form of "disrespect" by shooting. i've been in some SCARY places in Eastern KY and Southern WV, but i was never afraid of being shot just for being on the wrong street/hollar....

When compared to similar areas around the country they have some of the highest crime rates in the country.

Also Indian Reservations are the poorest areas in this country by far
When compared to similar areas around the country they have some of the highest crime rates in the country.

Also Indian Reservations are the poorest areas in this country by far


expand that list to the top 90 and you see KY with 10 counties...
But the Gang Culture in LA and Chicago is generational going into the 3rd or 4th generation now. This is engrained and now a way of life for people living in these communities.

Its not about just drugs, this is family to them
You do realize that Indian Reservations arent part of the county right??? So naturally they wouldnt come up on a list like this

The median income of American Indian and Alaska Native households. This compares with $50,046 for the nation as a whole.
Source: 2010 American Community Survey for the American Indian and Alaska Native alone population

The percent of American Indians and Alaska Natives that were in poverty in 2010. For the nation as a whole, the corresponding rate was 15.3 percent.
Source: 2010 American Community Survey for the American Indian and Alaska Native alone population

you could just look this stuff up instead of blindly throwing it against the wall....
But the Gang Culture in LA and Chicago is generational going into the 3rd or 4th generation now. This is engrained and now a way of life for people living in these communities.

Its not about just drugs, this is family to them
And the white trash drug culture isn't?
Go back to that % thing that you so conveniently ignore...may need a sharp 6th-grade math student to explain that to you.:)

You didn't seem to care about the percentages when the following statement was made.......
"twice as many white males are shot by the police as black males". You need a 6th grade student to explain that to you?
When compared to similar areas around the country they have some of the highest crime rates in the country.

Also Indian Reservations are the poorest areas in this country by far

Simply not true...these area pale by comparison to the slaughter that goes on in The Ghetto

And, yes Indian Reservations are poor area...but, they don't slaughter each other like the Blacks:)
Simply not true...these area pale by comparison to the slaughter that goes on in The Ghetto

And, yes Indian Reservations are poor area...but, they don't slaughter each other like the Blacks:)

The 80's till about 2005 there was slaughtering in the ghettos across America. No doubt about it. But since 2005 the murder rates has started to decline year over year
If you would read your own research, you would realize this list cities who have populations of 100,000 or more

jesus man....

How We Created This Report
To produce this ranking, we first decided on a list of small cities between 50,000 and 75,000 residents in size.
they ranked the cities based on occurrences per 100,000 people...not a city population of 100,000

Using data from the FBI’s 2012 uniform crime report, the latest available, we measured seven distinct crimes using the total reported incidents of each:

  • Burglary
  • Theft
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Robbery
  • Assault
We separated these crimes into four groups: murders, violent crimes (murder, rape, robbery, and assault), property crimes (burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft), and total crimes. The cities were then ranked on the incidents of each group per 100,000 residents per year, from 1 to 234, with a higher score being more dangerous. We calculated the number of crimes per 100,000 residents for 2012 in order to have a level playing field on which to compare cities with varying population sizes.
You didn't seem to care about the percentages when the following statement was made.......
"twice as many white males are shot by the police as black males". You need a 6th grade student to explain that to you?
Again, this supports my point about you NOT having a 6th-grade understanding about %. E ;)
Since there are 5X as many whites, it only stands to reason that there would be MORE whites shot by the police...And, don't know diddle you-squat about %.:p

Remember all those riots in the White communities when a cop shoots a criminal White Dude???
Nobody else does either, because whites don't burn down their communities every time some thug gets what is coming to them.:cool:
Even still Huntington and Charleston are some of the most violent small cities in America
Thanks to the Black Drug-dealers from Detroit gunning down their Black brothers over drug deals gone bad.
They need a new slogan... Black Drug-dealers Matter:p
The 80's till about 2005 there was slaughtering in the ghettos across America. No doubt about it. But since 2005 the murder rates has started to decline year over year

Go tell that to the brothers of Chicago, Baltimore, and D.C. (Hope you don't get shot & pack some heat of your own since you might step on someone else's sacred sidewalk). Major shooting galleries for Blackso_O
"Since there are 5X as many whites, it only stands to reason that there would be MORE whites shot by the police"

Exactly. But only twice as many whites were shot by police, not 5x.
Go tell that to the brothers of Chicago, Baltimore, and D.C. (Hope you don't get shot & pack some heat of your own since you might step on someone else's sacred sidewalk). Major shooting galleries for Blackso_O

I have family in all 3 cities as well as Miami, Orlando, and Atlanta. I never had a problem because I minded my business and didnt go looking for trouble.

Plus I wasnt selling drugs either
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Thanks to the Black Drug-dealers from Detroit gunning down their Black brothers over drug deals gone bad.
They need a new slogan... Black Drug-dealers Matter:p

Yet alot of the murders in Huntington and Charleston are drugged up white boys who want to live that "Hood life"
"Since there are 5X as many whites, it only stands to reason that there would be MORE whites shot by the police"

Exactly. But only twice as many whites were shot by police, not 5x.
Which proves my point that whites are not nearly as criminally inclined as Blacks...and even the White criminals are not so inclined to fight the cops once they are being arrested:)
I have family in all 3 cities as well as Miami, Orlando, and Atlanta. I never had a problem because I minded my business and didnt go looking for trouble.

Plus I wasnt selling drugs either
You're welcome to live in my neighborhood...come on down...:D
Yet alot of the murders in Huntington and Charleston are drugged up white boys who want to live that "Hood life"
Good job of culling the herd (please note...not in The Herd). Society is a lot better off without that riff-raff...trash comes in all colors :D
Which proves my point that whites are not nearly as criminally inclined as Blacks...and even the White criminals are not so inclined to fight the cops once they are being arrested:)

Or it proves that whites don't get charged as often as blacks, or that white criminals are treated differently when being arrested.
another gang-banger popped and (wait for it).... another rally protesting the police despite the fact this kid pointed a loaded firearm at the cop before being shot....

my FAVORITE thing about this story (and every one like it) are the fact that all these witnesses come out of the woodwork claiming the saw the cops "high-five" each other. why are there always witnesses claiming the police were in the wrong but NEVER a witness to any of the 8 bajillion daily gang-banger on gang-banger shootings? never a witness to the little girl that got caught in the crossfire. never a witness to the shootout that sprayed a house and killed the people inside...

i would give these animals a weeks notice, barricade the neighborhoods, and then pull all the police out. see how long they lasted "self policing"....
another gang-banger popped and (wait for it).... another rally protesting the police despite the fact this kid pointed a loaded firearm at the cop before being shot....

my FAVORITE thing about this story (and every one like it) are the fact that all these witnesses come out of the woodwork claiming the saw the cops "high-five" each other. why are there always witnesses claiming the police were in the wrong but NEVER a witness to any of the 8 bajillion daily gang-banger on gang-banger shootings? never a witness to the little girl that got caught in the crossfire. never a witness to the shootout that sprayed a house and killed the people inside...

i would give these animals a weeks notice, barricade the neighborhoods, and then pull all the police out. see how long they lasted "self policing"....

Have you ever lived in neighborhoods like this??
another gang-banger popped and (wait for it).... another rally protesting the police despite the fact this kid pointed a loaded firearm at the cop before being shot....

my FAVORITE thing about this story (and every one like it) are the fact that all these witnesses come out of the woodwork claiming the saw the cops "high-five" each other. why are there always witnesses claiming the police were in the wrong but NEVER a witness to any of the 8 bajillion daily gang-banger on gang-banger shootings? never a witness to the little girl that got caught in the crossfire. never a witness to the shootout that sprayed a house and killed the people inside...

i would give these animals a weeks notice, barricade the neighborhoods, and then pull all the police out. see how long they lasted "self policing"....

Also how don't you know the police didn't lie to cover themselves. That's standard practice with the Chicago Police. Also where does it say the gun was loaded??

Honestly I don't trust anything the Chiraq Police Department have to say. They contribute a lot to the violence and drug smuggling in the city themselves. I mean what police department you know gives gang leaders police escorts out of Prison and back to their neighborhoods??

They did it for Willie Lloyd
you're right... he was on his way to church and stopped to help a homeless man across the street when the po-po pulled up and gunned him down for being black...

Obviously on his way to a job interview with a scientific firm. Notice he's reppin' the Real Space MultiGrid on his neck (that's for GK).
another gang-banger popped and (wait for it).... another rally protesting the police despite the fact this kid pointed a loaded firearm at the cop before being shot....

my FAVORITE thing about this story (and every one like it) are the fact that all these witnesses come out of the woodwork claiming the saw the cops "high-five" each other. why are there always witnesses claiming the police were in the wrong but NEVER a witness to any of the 8 bajillion daily gang-banger on gang-banger shootings? never a witness to the little girl that got caught in the crossfire. never a witness to the shootout that sprayed a house and killed the people inside...

i would give these animals a weeks notice, barricade the neighborhoods, and then pull all the police out. see how long they lasted "self policing"....
I love the self-policing idea...and, let's include black judges just in case things ever get that far along.:)
Also how don't you know the police didn't lie to cover themselves. That's standard practice with the Chicago Police. Also where does it say the gun was loaded??

Honestly I don't trust anything the Chiraq Police Department have to say. They contribute a lot to the violence and drug smuggling in the city themselves. I mean what police department you know gives gang leaders police escorts out of Prison and back to their neighborhoods??

They did it for Willie Lloyd
We're all sure the gun wasn't loaded...ALL BLACK THUGS carry un-loaded guns around, just hoping that a white cop approaches them so they can show the cop what a good law-abiding citizen they really are...and The George Washington Bridge is yours for only $19.99. :p

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