Also where does it say the gun was loaded??
Are you seriously that fvcking stupid?
Also where does it say the gun was loaded??
Are you seriously that fvcking stupid?
Are you seriously that fvcking stupid?
And you know piece of shit thugs lie too just ask Dorian Johnson and others in the Michael brown caseCome on now, you know cops lie to cover their ass. And we are talking about the Chicago Police, take what they say with a grain of salt
And you know piece of shit thugs lie too just ask Dorian Johnson and others in the Michael brown case
And you do know hands up don't shoot was a flat out lieAnd you do know in the Michael Brown case, the prosecution used a witness who lied and wasn't even at the scene
Come on now, you know cops lie to cover their ass. And we are talking about the Chicago Police, take what they say with a grain of salt
Fev thinks the cops should give the criminals a 10-question quiz about their disadvantaged childhood plus give them the first 2 shots (2 shots because they usually aren't real accurate on only 1 shot)Nothing in your reply responds to the fact you are stupid to think it matters if a gun is loaded or not when someone points it at the police (or anyone else that is armed).
If you pull a gun on me you are getting some holes in your chest. Period. I am not asking first if it is loaded.
Come on, Herdman...we're not exactly talking about smart people here...these a re the animals that burn their own communities down when a cop kills a criminal...⁉️Speaking of guns what is the deal with the gang bangers turning the pistol sideways? That is the worst way ever to shoot a pistol.
Speaking of guns what is the deal with the gang bangers turning the pistol sideways? That is the worst way ever to shoot a pistol.
true story:
my 2nd year at Marshall I was in a Sociology class. this topic came up. the Prof was a younger guy (can't remember his name. he was co-writing a book with David Edwards the black guy that got kicked off the first MTV Real World for "rape"). he was making fun of the sideways pistol play just like we all do. he went on about you couldn't hit shit and it was just some ghetto gang thing. a black guy in the class raised his hand and explained that it was done by "smart" gang bangers to keep the shell casings from exiting the vehicle. when turned sideways they would eject back into the vehicle. he said once it started showing up in movies and rap videos everybody started doing it for the look.
the jaws of everyone in the class hit the floor...
Hunting Season in The Ghetto..."Let The Games Begin"Just since starting this thread a week & a half ago, 83 people have been shot & 16 people have died. Chicago's summer shooting season has even gotten here yet.
i've fired 10's of thousands of rounds. i'm well aware of what the brass does. the point of the story was that there was some actual motive for the sideway grip originally. weather it be reasonable or not....
short wiki read about the side grip:
i found the part about the Tommy gun being fired sideways to cause side to side recoil vs up interesting...