Chinese Negligence or Intentional Acts Cost Millions of Lives and Economic Despair Worldwide. What is Biden Going to Do?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
It is becoming more clear that the Chinese covered the leak, intentional or negligence, from the Wuhan lab up. It is becoming more evident this was not a natural crossover act from animal to human through consumption(as I have questioned for a year). The result was millions of dead worldwide and the near economic collapse of modern times.

What is the leader of the United States going to do? At this point it appears nothing. His answer so far, or his handlers, is to turn it over to the corrupt, inept, and bribed World Health Organization. Chinese bought and paid for.

The President of the USA should step up and deal with it. He won't. He and his cronies have to many hands in the corrupt cookie jar as well. They are many others, including corporations, Hollywood, politicians, business leaders, and world leaders are corrupt and beholden to China.

China screwed us and screwed us bad.
It's infuriating. They screwed the whole world bad. Even more infuriating are the fake numbers they give the rest of the world to make themselves look like they got the virus completely under control.
And yet China gets a pass by so many. Figure this one out.

are you actually mentally retarded or just like to argue that much? i really don't think you are mentally retarded. Check the news you Chinese Pandering Hick
It's the only schtick he's capable of. He logically cant discuss a topic or offer legitimate positions when asked. Just like his poor attempt at starting the "coal miner" thread. He's reduced to rebuttals of "NUHHH UHHHH" when it's demonstrated he's the moron.
It's the only schtick he's capable of. He logically cant discuss a topic or offer legitimate positions when asked. Just like his poor attempt at starting the "coal miner" thread. He's reduced to rebuttals of "NUHHH UHHHH" when it's demonstrated he's the moron.
And yet China gets a pass by so many. Figure this one out.

It's not like the US hasn't overthrown some democratically elected governments...

What is the leader of the United States going to do?
What will the world do if the USA ever fvcks up like this? We have been REALLY lucky a couple of times with lab mishaps.
It's the only schtick he's capable of. He logically cant discuss a topic or offer legitimate positions when asked. Just like his poor attempt at starting the "coal miner" thread. He's reduced to rebuttals of "NUHHH UHHHH" when it's demonstrated he's the moron.
You're a lying idiot.
You're a lying idiot.
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What will the world do if the USA ever fvcks up like this? We have been REALLY lucky a couple of times with lab mishaps.
WTF? We should be held accountable for our actions. You so blindly defend the left that you've lost any ability for free thinking. An issue like this isn't about left vs right, millions have died and it should have never happened. Then Fauci starts flip flopping like a fish out of water now that they're catching him in his lies. None of this seems at all suspicious though, amirite?

What will it take before you finally agree with someone outside of your circle? You'd rather die on that hill than to admit to something which doesn't fit the left's narrative.
WTF? We should be held accountable for our actions. You so blindly defend the left that you've lost any ability for free thinking. An issue like this isn't about left vs right, millions have died and it should have never happened. Then Fauci starts flip flopping like a fish out of water now that they're catching him in his lies. None of this seems at all suspicious though, amirite?

What will it take before you finally agree with someone outside of your circle? You'd rather die on that hill than to admit to something which doesn't fit the left's narrative.
It is bizarre behavior. this thing stinks to high heaven and they just ignore it. It is getting more and more clear each day what went on.
We should be held accountable for our actions.
How do you suggest that is done? Nuke em? That seems a little over the top. Economic sanctions? I've been saying to do that to China as long as this board has existed....where the hell you been? And I didn't need no stinking virus to come up with that idea, China has always sucked.

What will it take before you finally agree with someone outside of your circle?
My circle is pretty much my wife and our three dogs. And none of them are interested in geopolitics. Well, maybe Aspen is, being a French Bulldog makes her international in a way.
How do you suggest that is done? Nuke em? That seems a little over the top. Economic sanctions? I've been saying to do that to China as long as this board has existed....where the hell you been? And I didn't need no stinking virus to come up with that idea, China has always sucked.

My circle is pretty much my wife and our three dogs. And none of them are interested in geopolitics. Well, maybe Aspen is, being a French Bulldog makes her international in a way.
If they did it on purpose, I would keep your first option on the table.

There is a whole list of things we can do. But, it is hard to do when many in DC including the mush brain in charge have been profiting from them. Every damn corporation in America wants to turn a blind eye too it even it did kill millions and bankrupt people.
Economic sanctions? I've been saying to do that to China as long as this board has existed....where the hell you been? And I didn't need no stinking virus to come up with that idea, China has always sucked.
Then why do you seem to like Biden so well and despise Trump?

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Is Yahoo acceptable to you?

Looking for link to where Biden said the lab leak is a likely scenario....
Give us a link where Biden said that....

Two agencies within the intelligence community are leaning toward the theory the virus “emerged from human contact with an infected animal” while another agency is leaning towards a “lab accident” as the most likely scenario, the statement said.

There you go, it is a likely scenario. Educate yourself. The writing is on the wall.


A conclusion that the virus leaked from a lab in China would carry significant political weight. Both the Trump and Biden administrations have criticized China’s handling of the pandemic, including its lack of transparency early on. "I think China knows that in the early stages of Covid, it didn't do what it needed to do, which was to, in real time, give access to international experts, in real time to share information, in real time to provide real transparency," Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last month.

They know this mothe****er came from a lab.

We are in a pickle thanks to the Chinks.

Two agencies within the intelligence community are leaning toward the theory the virus “emerged from human contact with an infected animal” while another agency is leaning towards a “lab accident” as the most likely scenario, the statement said.

There you go, it is a likely scenario. Educate yourself. The writing is on the wall.
Hey idiot, looking for link to where Biden said the lab leak is a likely scenario....
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