I called the former owner of the board out for being hypocritical. He warned that the next person who posted personal info about another poster would be banned. I posted screen shots of him providing personal information about a poster he didn't like to me. He was able to get that personal information by using the info the poster signed up with when setting up an account on here. He provided me that information hoping that I would use it to chase off the poster that he didn't like.
Plenty of people currently active on this board saw that stuff when it was posted. Three others were "banned," and they too, can support that story. The wvu fan who the previous owner was trying to protect even posted that I shouldn't have been banned, as I was not one of the people he was complaining about posting personal info. But that's what happens when you fight the good fight and call out the owner for hypocrisy.
Now, the owner has since posted that the screen shots I posted were taken out of context or some other bullshit, but that's not the case even remotely. It is exactly what I said it is. There is no other way the messages he sent could be interpreted. This was the same board owner who tried bribing me with free premium access on here if I would post on the paid forum, because you know, that's what the board owner would try doing for a guy the "entire board hates," moron (and that bribing is also screen shotted).