Decision Makers

Always The Herd

Silver Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007
So I just heard Mr. Gee from WVU state that the reasons the basketball series was cancelled were:

1. Contract ran out
2. Lost the sponser
3. They will play MU but ONLY at WVU coliseum

So Mr. Carey (sp?) would not so much as say "Why not also play at Marshall?".......but he always wants to say "Let's keep working for a BETTER West Virginia".......I for one just do not believe he wants that.
I'd say we should forget ALL games in all sports with west Va. U.

Move on.

Hambone is doing great, getting the best G5s and quaility P5 ACC teams as well. Probably would benifit us more NOT to play west Va too. Lets go out, be proactive, BUILD relationships with out of state local D1 schools ( see VT fans comments on marshall v west va u fans) and leave the ignorant hillbilly acts to them.,

Perception is reality and there's a real reason they got NO invite to the ACC. Hillbilly stoopid as hillbillys act....

I Agree with Dr Gee! Lets no play WV!
Let's move on and forget about them. We'll be fine.

Carey is an ass. WOWK might as well be called the Gold and Blue report.
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To me we both (West Virginia and Marshall) as fans of both in-state universities need to understand that first and foremost both of these institutions are located IN WEST VIRGINIA and as a tax paying citizen of this state both schools should be forced (for lack of a better term) to play each other regardless of how coaches, administrators, etc., feel and move on. WVU does not need to be playing Liberty in football anymore than we need to be playing Norfolk State. Our governor needs to find his political backbone and mandate the two schools play in all sports every year. Just my opinion.
Yawn, I don't care what wvwho thinks. Don't care if we ever play them in any sport ever again. Tired of all of the drama coming from up North. Of course they don't need us, neither do we need them. To be honest I think we up our game by playing other schools anyway. For one thing, we don't deal with obnoxious hilljack fans and to me that puts a smile on my face.
Yawn, I don't care what wvwho thinks. Don't care if we ever play them in any sport ever again. Tired of all of the drama coming from up North. Of course they don't need us, neither do we need them. To be honest I think we up our game by playing other schools anyway. For one thing, we don't deal with obnoxious hilljack fans and to me that puts a smile on my face.
Bray Carey has an agenda and it is NOT for ALL West Virginians!

Exactly right. Anyone who has any interest in seeing MU grow, improve and become a better overall institution should know that Bray(ing Jackass) Cary is NO friend of MU, or Huntington for that matter, and is certainly Not a legitimate, or even respected, journalist. He is a blatant, obnoxious partisan mouthpiece for certain interests in this state, and an unabashed cheerleader for WVU. He and some business associates, allegedly utilizing funds from the WVU foundation, founded the now WV Media company, which has several stations, WOWK is one, throughout WV, including two in the Beckley-Ghent area. Clearly the WORST AND LEAST PROFESSIONAL STATIONS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE MARKETS!!. Definitely NOT legitimate media nor should their so called news and public affairs broadcasts and content be given any credibility by anyone who has a half a brain and can use it!!!
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A better West Virginia would shut down the colleges and instead offer banjo and fiddle lessons.

Yeah, right, like the state needs even LESS education than it currently has. Lowest number, percentage, of college grads of all the states. Who in the world is going to bring 21st century businesses into a state with such an uneducated, under educated and semi literate populous? Especially, when a skilled work force is required for many of those types of businesses which are growing in today's world. West Virginia has far too many of the former, you know, the type that makes up the majority of the Blew and Yeller EER fan base, and too, too few of the latter!!
Yeah, right, like the state needs even LESS education than it currently has.

The facts, and they are facts, that WV has both too few educated people (or, put a better way, a hostile business climate towards job creators that means many educated people have to GTFO ASAP) and too many state colleges are not contradictory.

We don't have enough people with educations.

We have way too many state colleges.
True, but remains in charge until the sale closes approx. 1yr from now.


The new owners will, like most all chain TV station owners, send in a professional manager whose main goal is to do well and move on to the next bigger market the company owns.

This will mean several good changes for WOWK.

- The Braying Jackass will be silenced.

- The news, hamstrung by a long list of "right" and "wrong" opinions, will be re-staffed with actual qualified people who will cover things as "fair and balanced" as any TV outlet does. Certainly, they will start to cover news that happens west of Dunbar, even, shudder, news from Huntington or even, shudder, shudder, for the one-third of the market that lives in Ohio or Kentucky.

- The news similarly will stop this idiotic sharing of reports from its "sister stations" in the hills. Nobody in this area cares who the Sheriff of Taylor County is, what he thinks, or anything else about the empty parts of the state.

- In sports (most significant for here) the WVU WVU WVU WVU WVU only sports coverage (even in the off-seasons) will be replaced by the proper mix of that remote school and Marshall, UK, OSU, OU, and the local small colleges, with coverage of, umm, baseball, in umm, baseball season.

- Perhaps (too much to ask for) NORTHERN West Virginia's (and the Braying Jackass' ) NFL team will be replaced by the local team. The one from a market that borders this one.

A foreign power, given unlimited resource and out to destroy WOWK could not have damaged it as much as the Braying Jackass' amateur management did. A set of trained railroad firemen, trying to run a steam engine on stack of $100 bills, could not have had a money burn like he had.

(And remember, all of the evil 25314 names that have run this state into the ground, were all of the sucker investors on Bray's little idiot venture. Them, and the WVU foundation. )
I am glad that I'm not the only one who picks up on what a pro-WVU idiot Bray is. He just about trembles with promoting his agenda. At the close, did anyone here him exude about "Huggs" and their basketball team?

Plus Danny Jones thinks Goodwin -- who used the Blankenship trial as a personal forum and only got a misdemeanor conviction -- is going to beat Jim Justice in the Democratic primary. DECISION MAKERS is all about Charleston, the Republican Party and WVU: Fvck the working man (Right to Work!) and the rest of the state.

It is a shame when a university president (who was ran off by The Ohio State University) and certain coaches are more powerful than the governor. Ask the people of Montgomery (WVU-Tech) how they were treated in a takeover! Now, Gee thinks he is going to use Mt. State to overshadow Marshall in the southern par4t of the state. U-SPAM: who was the idiot that put WVU eight miles from the Pennsylvania border?
The facts, and they are facts, that WV has both too few educated people (or, put a better way, a hostile business climate towards job creators that means many educated people have to GTFO ASAP) and too many state colleges are not contradictory.

We don't have enough people with educations.

We have way too many state colleges.

May be true, SamC, but just look at what WVU is doing, or planning to. vis-a-vis its moves in southern WV. They have, or plan to have, the jackass hick county commissions in both Kanawha and Fayette counties to NOT SUE over the planned relocation of WV TECH to Beckley!! On one hand, WVU (Gee) tells Fayette officials that they will maintain, maybe even renovate, some Tech facilities in Montgomery to try and find uses for them to help the economy in that area of Fayette County. On the other hand, WVU Tech will move its programs, etc., to UC Beckley (formerly Mountain State U.) campus in Beckley, which will also require some remodeling, renovations, upgrades, etc. In other words, both Beckley and Montgomery will require some serious CAPITAL $$$$$$$ to carry out WVU's "expansion" plans into Beckley. Where does this money come from? Why the State, of course!!!

So WVU, which already gobbles up an unfair amount of higher education capital dollars in this state, will use state monies, via bonding, to carry out its plans. Meanwhile, MU, which has nearly 400 million dollars of planned renovations, new academic, recreation and athletic facilities, etc., on the drawing boards in its approved Master Plan, just waits while said plans are "gathering dust". The blatant truth, to the detriment of higher education overall in WV, is that neither MU nor any other state college or university, aside from WVU, has the ability to issue capital bonds without further approval from Charleston, the legislature, etc. On the other hand, WVU's board of governors has virtual carte blanche to issue such bonds at any time WITHOUT further state approval. That's why they have constant construction going on and can get projects going in a relative short period of time. Meanwhile, on the Huntington campus, the "silence is deafening".

So while facilities in college campuses statewide continue to deteriorate or become obsolete, outside of Morgantown, there, the construction boom continues unabated. Its easy to close campuses, like WVU Tech, where the campus was allowed to deteriorate and the enrollment, as a result, declined. Then WVU rushes in, makes the move to Beckley, like a white knight savior. Who's next in Gee's power/campus grab? Concord? Bluefield State? WV State? MU?

Want a stark comparison to the above pathetic state of our colleges and universities, aside from WVU? WV State just lost their president, Dr. Hemphill, to Radford University, a school of about 9,000 students in Virginia. At Radford, Hemphill's predecessor, who was there for about the same time as Dr. Kopp was at MU, oversaw over $400 million in capital construction at the during her tenure. Folks, I doubt seriously if during the same time period that there was $400 million in capital construction in ALL OF THE STATE COLLEGE CAMPUSES IN WV OUTSIDE OF MORGANTOWN!!!

MU alums, supporters, fans and administration, as well as the Huntington area population as a whole, had better wake up and realize just what really is going on, and being planned by the Morganhole school and their Charleston political cronies, as to the current status of, and future plans for, the state's entire higher education system!!!
So this morning I sent Mr. Cary this email. I look forward to his reply.
Mr. Cary,

I generally try to listen to your program just about every Sunday. Just like many viewers there are some guests/topics I enjoy listening to/about and others not so much or not at all. I fully understand that you try to get as many guests onto your show as time will permit and this usually covers a vast array of topics.
I have always enjoyed your catch phrase “Let’s keep working for a better West Virginia”.
My comment today is this: Are you truly speaking about “all” of WV or are you just (behind the scenes) referring to WVU? This past Sunday you had Mr. Gee on as a guest again (too many in my opinion). I don’t remember exactly how you phrased the question to him but it was something along the lines of this: “Why in the world did we stop the basketball game (with MU)”? He then replied........first of all the contract ended, the sponsor ended & that the coaches and athletic directors are perfectly willing to play Marshall.....but now they feel it is time to play it at the WVU coliseum when it makes sense financially, so it is not about “not” playing it is about “where we play” and that they would play Marshall in Morgantown if they agreed. How would this benefit Marshall to only play in Morgantown? Why not play it in Huntington.........or both Huntington and Morgantown?
Could you not have rebutted his comments? Are you still sure you are “Working for a better West Virginia”? I sincerely ask you to search your heart and make the necessary amendments in all of your future shows, commentaries, publications, etc.
I would certainly appreciate your reply to all of my comments. I could then post them on “the net” so that all could see how that you are working for all of us in the state of WV.
Full Definition of rebut

  1. transitive verb
  2. 1 : to drive or beat back : repel

  3. 2 a : to contradict or oppose by formal legal argument, plea, or countervailing proof b : to expose the falsity of : refute

  4. intransitive verb
  5. : to make or furnish an answer or counter proof

Have a great day and keep working “For a better Marshall University” in the state of West Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tech has been dying a slow death for 40 years. A lot of old Tech grads don't want to hear that, but it is true. This is for 3 reasons.

- They built I-79. Before 79 was finished, WVU might as well have been on the moon for most people in the main populated parts of WV. Morganhole sucks, but it sucks less now than it did in previous decades, and what rational college kid actually wants to spend 4 years in Montgomery? Montgomery sucks more than the 'hole does.

- They have this War On Coal going on. Combined with the slow death of the chemical industry in the Kanawha Valley. That is what Tech made, young engineers to run coal mines and chemical plants. The product it is selling nobody needs anymore.

- The state is emptying. There are less college aged kids every year.

Closing Tech was a smart move. Personally, I don't buy that this "WVU Beckley" is anything but a subtrafuge. Gee can use it to keep the professors and stuff from Tech from demanding transfers to the 'hole. As they age out, they won't be replaced and the whole thing will just be a community college.

Why would Gee and WVU want a college in Beckley? Gee and WVU are all about taking from WV, not serving it and a college in Beckley helps Beckley, and Beckley is in WV.
Gee is posturing so that when the question of playing Marshall is asked he can reply that he gladly would play Marshall and has said as much. I only said it needs to start in Morgantown, I never said it always needs to be played there. So he is not against playing (my foot) He is simply getting in position to say Marshall it the one that does not want to play. With the economy tanking in most of the state you would think the Governor would push for anything to change the atmosphere and put a more positive outlook even if only for a few months before the game is played each year. Well as most note I have little love for WVU and playing, but it is special to the players and coaches (on both sides if it were admitted ) and God knows it really is good for the State as a whole IMO so it should be mandated and WVU will live if it is.
So this morning I sent Mr. Cary this email. I look forward to his reply.
Mr. Cary,

I generally try to listen to your program just about every Sunday. Just like many viewers there are some guests/topics I enjoy listening to/about and others not so much or not at all. I fully understand that you try to get as many guests onto your show as time will permit and this usually covers a vast array of topics.
I have always enjoyed your catch phrase “Let’s keep working for a better West Virginia”.
My comment today is this: Are you truly speaking about “all” of WV or are you just (behind the scenes) referring to WVU? This past Sunday you had Mr. Gee on as a guest again (too many in my opinion). I don’t remember exactly how you phrased the question to him but it was something along the lines of this: “Why in the world did we stop the basketball game (with MU)”? He then replied........first of all the contract ended, the sponsor ended & that the coaches and athletic directors are perfectly willing to play Marshall.....but now they feel it is time to play it at the WVU coliseum when it makes sense financially, so it is not about “not” playing it is about “where we play” and that they would play Marshall in Morgantown if they agreed. How would this benefit Marshall to only play in Morgantown? Why not play it in Huntington.........or both Huntington and Morgantown?
Could you not have rebutted his comments? Are you still sure you are “Working for a better West Virginia”? I sincerely ask you to search your heart and make the necessary amendments in all of your future shows, commentaries, publications, etc.
I would certainly appreciate your reply to all of my comments. I could then post them on “the net” so that all could see how that you are working for all of us in the state of WV.
Full Definition of rebut

  1. transitive verb
  2. 1 : to drive or beat back : repel

  3. 2 a : to contradict or oppose by formal legal argument, plea, or countervailing proof b : to expose the falsity of : refute

  4. intransitive verb
  5. : to make or furnish an answer or counter proof

Have a great day and keep working “For a better Marshall University” in the state of West Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told you I would let you know when I got a reply from Mr. Cary. I received this at 6:58PM this evening.
This is the exact reply that I received:
"Thanks for the note and I apologize for the tardy response. I am a great believer in the game and am disappointed that is cancelled for now. I think the actions of both schools during the last year have gotten to this point. I would hope the schools could resolve the issue and play the game in the future."
Hate to disagree Sam, but I know some of the kids I went to H.S. with that actually loved going to calculus class went the the old WV Tech and became pretty darned good engineers. I hated to see west Va u buy them because I knew it wouldn't last long. Strategy: say we're here to help build you, then suck as much money as possible out of it and then consolidate. I went there for a weekend, it had great charm.

That said, I am one of the old WVans that loved the WVIAC hoops tourney every year. That too seems to have lost its luster, used to be a great time in the old CCC.

My take is this, anyone in the state that believes west Va. u is acting in state wide altruistic mode is wrong. Moreover that "we own the plantation" of WV by west Va u is what Dr. Kopp fought and beat on a daily basis. Kopp HATED west Va. u more than anyone knows.

In short to let this athletic series die is just another example of why the state scores last in everything, is continuing the same path and there is NO new life blood coming in. West Va. u is not the answer , it's the problem.

Enough said, time to move on, forget EVERYTHING to do with west Va u, build relationships for Marshall outside the state ( which we are) and build from there.
Hate to disagree Sam, but I know some of the kids I went to H.S. with that actually loved going to calculus class went the the old WV Tech and became pretty darned good engineers. I hated to see west Va u buy them because I knew it wouldn't last long.

We can disagree without being disagreable. I think my anti-WVU cred is undeniable. I would urge you to read the revitalization report from a few years ago. I too know a lot of old WVIT grads, and they all have this "it is all a plot by WVU" idea about Tech's demise. The reality is elsewise.

Tech has been dying for a long time. It simply has reached a point where is no longer was viable. Back in the 90s, there was a race between WVU and MU. First prize was Tech. Loser got the grad school in South Charleston. Thank GOD we "lost". The MUGC is a vast improvement over the half-assed predecessor, which helps WV, and it is building friends (and alumni) throughout the Kanawha Valley and elsewhere in SWV. Tech was a white elephant for WVU. The old Tech alumni do not want to hear it, but WVU had to take money out of its main campus $$ to keep Tech going, and the number of people going there, and especially the number of people majoring in engineering, was just not enough.

It is easy to just hate on WVU, and usually it is right. This is not the case this time. If we had "won" Tech, it would be in the same, probably worse because we do not have the spare cash to burn that WVU did, and all the old Techies would be hating on us, and we do not have the political buddies to survive it.
to The Real SamC, The GreenhouseEffect and did you change the subject so much from my original thread?
We can disagree without being disagreable. I think my anti-WVU cred is undeniable. I would urge you to read the revitalization report from a few years ago. I too know a lot of old WVIT grads, and they all have this "it is all a plot by WVU" idea about Tech's demise. The reality is elsewise.

Tech has been dying for a long time. It simply has reached a point where is no longer was viable. Back in the 90s, there was a race between WVU and MU. First prize was Tech. Loser got the grad school in South Charleston. Thank GOD we "lost". The MUGC is a vast improvement over the half-assed predecessor, which helps WV, and it is building friends (and alumni) throughout the Kanawha Valley and elsewhere in SWV. Tech was a white elephant for WVU. The old Tech alumni do not want to hear it, but WVU had to take money out of its main campus $$ to keep Tech going, and the number of people going there, and especially the number of people majoring in engineering, was just not enough.

It is easy to just hate on WVU, and usually it is right. This is not the case this time. If we had "won" Tech, it would be in the same, probably worse because we do not have the spare cash to burn that WVU did, and all the old Techies would be hating on us, and we do not have the political buddies to survive it.

Only thing, Sam, we STILL don't have any "spare cash", whether to upgrade, modernize, etc., the deteriorating main campus in Huntington, or to upgrade, enlarge, improve the MUGC campus in S. Charleston, or to establish and build an adequate and permanent MU facility in fast growing Putnam County to grow our presence, and student enrollment, there.

Just wait, you will soon see construction $$$$ flow into upgrading the former UC campus in Beckley, now the WVU-Beckley campus. Oh, yeah, they will somehow find the $$$$ to reconfigure, upgrade etc., some of the Montgomery campus for other purposes to soothe the feathers of the locals in Fayette County when the Beckley move is accomplished. Part of the political deal that Gee has agreed to with local pols in Fayette and Kanawha counties. Bottom line is that all across WV, college physical plants continue in disrepair and in outdated states, while way, way too many construction capital $$$$$ are sucked up by the "Black MorganHOLE" WVU campus.
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Without a doubt WVU is the straight True Blooding the state sucking resources . Now is the time to have the state invest in building Marshall ... I know it's a bunch politics but Marshall and the 20/20 campaign will make use more independent in hope to make that leap and surely needed upgrades to main campus

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