DJIA - a real example of half


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 27, 2006
On August 1, 2021 the DJIA closed at 34,690. It did not close higher than that on the first of any month until December 1, 2023 when the close was 35,900. That is 29 consecutive months of a flat market, well over half (in rifle speak) of Biden’s term in office.

If rifle thinks Trump sucked for the market with an 18 month flat spot and a 57% 4 year return, how does he feel about Biden/Harris with a 29 month flat spot and a 20% return?
It’s the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Where’s it at now?
Not part of rifle’s argument. He didn’t care that the market rose 57% in Trump’s 4 years even with a once in a century pandemic. Even still, it needs to reach 48,000 by Jan 20, 2025 to match Trump’s performance.

He complained the market was flat for 18 months during Trump’s term. I’m just pointing out it was flat for 29 months under Biden. Which is, you know, much longer.
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Solid rebuttal. Rifle will be pleased with this attempt to defend his honor.
He's right. What kind of moron calls it the "DJIA"?

On August 1, 2021 the DJIA closed at 34,690. It did not close higher than that on the first of any month until December 1, 2023 when the close was 35,900. That is 29 consecutive months of a flat market, well over half (in rifle speak) of Biden’s term in office.

If rifle thinks Trump sucked for the market with an 18 month flat spot and a 57% 4 year return, how does he feel about Biden/Harris with a 29 month flat spot and a 20% return?

Why do you constantly do this to yourself? You know how bad you are at math, yet you constantly set yourself up for embarrassment.

trump took office on 1/20/17. The DOW was 19,795. trump left office on 1/20/21. The DOW closed on 1/19/21 at 30,930.

That is a 56% return. Where'd you get 57% from?

Biden took office on 1/20/21. The DOW opened at 31,017 that day. Right now, the DOW is at 40,999.

That is a 32% return. Where did you get a 20% return? Is your calculator broken again?

After you explain how you can fvck up such basic math, again, then I will answer your question.
First explain how 18 months is an unbearable lull but 29 months is nothing. Better yet, tell me again how 18 is almost half of 48.
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He's right. What kind of moron calls it the "DJIA"?

Why do you constantly do this to yourself? You know how bad you are at math, yet you constantly set yourself up for embarrassment.

trump took office on 1/20/17. The DOW was 19,795. trump left office on 1/20/21. The DOW closed on 1/19/21 at 30,930.

That is a 56% return. Where'd you get 57% from?

Biden took office on 1/20/21. The DOW opened at 31,017 that day. Right now, the DOW is at 40,999.

That is a 32% return. Where did you get a 20% return? Is your calculator broken again?

After you explain how you can fvck up such basic math, again, then I will answer your question.
You are running in circles missing the point.
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First explain how 18 months is an unbearable lull but 29 months is nothing. Better yet, tell me again how 18 is almost half of 48.
So you can't explain how you fvkcked up math two more times, in both instances, working in favor of your argument?

Again, explain how you fvcked up basic math twice, then I will be more than happy to answer your questions.
It’s the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Not part of rifle’s argument. He didn’t care that the market rose 57% in Trump’s 4 years even with a once in a century pandemic. Even still, it needs to reach 48,000 by Jan 20, 2025 to match Trump’s performance.

He complained the market was flat for 18 months during Trump’s term. I’m just pointing out it was flat for 29 months under Biden. Which is, you know, much longer.
So you made a thread about an argument you had with rifle in a different thread? Which makes no sense out of context?

Stop proving him right on running the board.
Deflect much?
I’m not even sure what I would be deflecting. It’s up like 30% over his Presidency isn’t it? I don’t think stock prices are a good proxy for economic health but that’s the argument the thread was started about. I could take a snippet of the DJIA during Trump and tell a really terrible story about him but it would be equally meaningless, especially absent context.
I’m not even sure what I would be deflecting. It’s up like 30% over his Presidency isn’t it? I don’t think stock prices are a good proxy for economic health but that’s the argument the thread was started about. I could take a snippet of the DJIA during Trump and tell a really terrible story about him but it would be equally meaningless, especially absent context.
So you made a thread about an argument you had with rifle in a different thread? Which makes no sense out of context?

Stop proving him right on running the board.
^^I commented on you ranting about Banker creating a new thread on the same argument/topic.
I’m not even sure what I would be deflecting. It’s up like 30% over his Presidency isn’t it?
Yes, it's up substantially higher than that number, which is why the numerically challenged banker owes us an explanation as to why he claimed 20%.
If I rant there’ll be paragraphs. You’ll know when I rant.
So you bitched. Is that better? Bitching and moaning about Banker creating a new thread is what I quoted. It's really not that difficult to understand.
I would like to read it.
I barely care enough about this topic to justify what I’ve written already haha.

So you bitched. Is that better? Bitching and moaning about Banker creating a new thread is what I quoted. It's really not that difficult to understand.
Sure but no more than you’re bitching about my bitching. People can start whatever threads they want but if you’re making an argument that doesn’t make any sense just to counter a different argument that doesn’t make any sense in another thread then you’re being stupid. Unless it’s funny, which the DJIA never will be. I don’t know what thread the original argument was in because I either didn’t read it or started to and got bored of it, which I can see now how that easily could’ve been the case.
@Rock98Dog still hiding from this thread even though he has posted in other threads.

Tell us, Banker, how do you come up with the 20% you assigned Biden?
I’ve considered just continuing to laugh at you privately, but kind of figured that mlblack or someone would put together what I was doing, so I left them an opportunity.

I guess the problem is that it requires a certain level of intelligence to recognize irony and that level exceeds your capabilities. Maybe not your pre-brain injury self, but certainly this new, unimproved version. So I guess I’ll have to explain.

You are a person that will argue ad nauseam that 18 is almost 50% of 48. You require no degree of precision from yourself and will use that to lie and exaggerate your points. You will then turn around and challenge the difference between 57 and 56%, calling someone an idiot for that variance. The 20-30% difference is not far different than the 37.5% to 50% difference you adamantly defended as being correct. I also wanted to see if you were stupid enough to argue that 18 months and 29 months are essentially the same length of time, which means you would also be arguing that 20% and 30% are the same.

I basically told you what I was doing by asking you to tell me again how 18 is almost half of 48, mistakenly believing that even your blinded by narcissism self could get the point. I apologize for overestimating you.
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I’ve considered just continuing to laugh at you privately, but kind of figured that mlblack or someone would put together what I was doing, so I left them an opportunity.

I guess the problem is that it requires a certain level of intelligence to recognize irony and that level exceeds your capabilities. Maybe not your pre-brain injury self, but certainly this new, unimproved version. So I guess I’ll have to explain.

You are a person that will argue ad nauseam that 18 is almost 50% of 48. You require no degree of precision from yourself and will use that to lie and exaggerate your points. You will then turn around and challenge the difference between 57 and 56%, calling someone an idiot for that variance. The 20-30% difference is not far different than the 37.5% to 50% difference you adamantly defended as being correct. I also wanted to see if you were stupid enough to argue that 18 months and 29 months are essentially the same length of time, which means you would also be arguing that 20% and 30% are the same.

I basically told you what I was doing by asking you to tell me again how 18 is almost half of 48, mistakenly believing that even your blinded by narcissism self could get the point. I apologize for overestimating you.
Let me paraphrase...baldy sux at debating and message board prowess. Two things he's stupid enough to think he's good at. Board stooge.
I’ve considered just continuing to laugh at you privately, but kind of figured that mlblack or someone would put together what I was doing, so I left them an opportunity.
What you have posted before may be the most dishonest, illogical, and incorrect this posted on here this year:

You are a person that will argue ad nauseam that 18 is almost 50% of 48.
Yes, when it makes sense. 18 is 75% of half of 48. If you have 75% of $1 million, does that make you almost a millionaire? I don't think so. If you have driven 75% of the way of what is a 10 mile drive, does that make you almost there? Yes, I think it does.

You will then turn around and challenge the difference between 57 and 56%, calling someone an idiot for that variance.
Wrong. You were using exact numbers: 56 and 57 aren't estimates. They aren't rounding to a certain level. They are math errors. Further, that was minor compared to your much bigger math error.

The 20-30% difference
Your difference wasn't 20% - 30%. First, as I said, you were using exact numbers. Second, your claim was that Biden's increase was 20%. In reality, it is above 30%. So your calculation was wrong by 50%.

The 20-30% difference is not far different than the 37.5% to 50% difference you adamantly defended as being correct.
Why do you continue trying to use math knowing your struggles? I said that 18 is close to 24. And it is regarding the topic. Is 23 close to 24? Is 22 close to 24? is 21 close to 24? At what point is it not close to 24?

Where do you get your 37.5% from? 18 is 75% of 24 and the difference between 18 and 24 is 33% of 18. You're using some horribly illogical statistical analysis to be using the 37.5% number.

So let's compare:
My number was 75% of something and a difference of 33% of the original.
Your number was 67% of something and a difference of 50% of the original.

On top of that and just as important, is that I notated that the number wasn't exact. I said it was "near." You, on the other than, tried using an exact number for trump (57%) which would lead a reasonable person to assume that you were doing the same with Biden's number, when in reality, you were using a very rough estimate that was 50% away from what you quoted. And to complete your lack of honest, your exact calculation for trump was incorrect (in trump's favor) while what you presented as an exact number for Biden was not only far away from accurate but also worked against him.

Finally, nowhere did I have a difference of 37.5% to 50%. as shown above, I was 75% of something or a difference of 33%.

I really don't know if you are this bad at math, as it has been years of you screwing numbers up, or if it's just you being dishonest with your arguments.
That’s something I dare say we all struggle with.
Chris Hansen Conan Obrien GIF
18 is 37.5% of 48. That’s where I got that mysterious number. You are claiming 37.5% is almost 50%.

Now, back to my question. Why does an 18 month flat period in the market mean Trump was bad, but a 29 month flat spot under the current administration not seem to bother you?
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18 is 37.5% of 48. That’s where I got that mysterious number. You are claiming 37.5% is almost 50%.
Jesus, this is bad statistical analysis. Let me show you how:

A girl in my high school blew four out of the five basketball starters between her senior year of high school and her sophomore year of college. If I said "she nearly blew the entire starting basketball team," reasonable people would agree with me, right? Yet she only blew 80% of the starting basketball team, so based on your argument, she wasn't even close to blowing all of the starters.

I already showed you how your attempt at statistical analysis between the two sets isn't equal. In all ways, 18 is much closer to 24 than 20 is to 30. I can see why you want to get off of this part of the discussion since your attempt is hollow.

Now, back to my question. Why does an 18 month flat period in the market mean Trump was bad, but a 29 month flat spot under the current administration not seem to bother you?
Well, let's use some basic thinking on this.

trump had absolutely no excuse for 18 months of flatness. If you want to blame Covid, then fine, but that would only account for eight or nine months of his end tenure, not 18.

On the other hand, Biden's flatness is directly related to starting his tenure during Covid when the focus was on doing what needed to be done to keep the economy from crashing and then from aiming for a soft landing instead of a full-blown recession (which they have done amazingly well in doing). Just like I don't fault trump for the economy during Covid, I don't blame Biden for it. Are they both at fault for extending the government payments too much? Sure. But Biden has been battling trying to get a soft landing and has done a great job at that. Just being able to pull that off even if there was no growth in the economy (which there has been over the past year or so) would have been a solid job from the feds.

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