GOP members “near treasonous,” “morons,” “disgusting.” - GOP Senator

He’s not a conservative, don’t care what he thinks.

So only people that 100% agree with you have any value in what they say‽

A person can't be a conservative for you to care what they say, but they have to meet your definition of a conservative.

Is that the American way? One view and only one view matters. If that view doesn't win the election then it must have been stolen.
So only people that 100% agree with you have any value in what they say‽

A person can't be a conservative for you to care what they say, but they have to meet your definition of a conservative.

Is that the American way? One view and only one view matters. If that view doesn't win the election then it must have been stolen.
The left has gone so far off the rails that I really don't give a shit about anything they say at this point. When you've completely abandoned the principles on which this nation was founded, continue to demonize the men that laid that foundation, abandon morality, reason, and common sense, I just don't have any respect for anything you spew out of your gutless, ignorant trap.
The left has gone so far off the rails that I really don't give a shit about anything they say at this point. When you've completely abandoned the principles on which this nation was founded, continue to demonize the men that laid that foundation, abandon morality, reason, and common sense, I just don't have any respect for anything you spew out of your gutless, ignorant trap.
You're a trumptardian idiot and liar.
The left has gone so far off the rails that I really don't give a shit about anything they say at this point. When you've completely abandoned the principles on which this nation was founded, continue to demonize the men that laid that foundation, abandon morality, reason, and common sense, I just don't have any respect for anything you spew out of your gutless, ignorant trap.

I responded to what he had to say about a republican.

Personally, my problems are with both sides. Both sides have people that have abandoned morality, reason and common sense.

So in your response when you say you, were you speaking of me Personally?
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I responded to what he had to say about a republican.

Personally, my problems are with both sides. Both sides have people that have abandoned morality, reason and common sense.

So in your response when you say you, were you speaking of me Personally?
If you don't know the answer to that, you need to work on your reading comprehension.
If you would have told me in 2012 that Mitt Romney would be the most rational politician on either side of the aisle I would have laughed in your face... Yet here we are.

He's conservative enough not to vote with the Dems, but not so conservative to be drawn in by Trump's BS and the cronies who have ridden the same wave of idiotic buzzwords and soundbites to political office.

You want to know what is ruining our political climate?... Its that we don't have enough forward thinking adults in the room anymore. The Marjorie Taylor Greene's and AOC's of the world have become "celebrity politicians" and every word of horse shit that comes out of their mouths is pushed out to their equally out of touch bases on both ends of the political spectrum. The fringes get more powerful and the common sense middle of the road shrinks.
If you don't know the answer to that, you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Of course use insults, you started by saying they, then went to you. So why change from they to you.

And again why did you respond to me specifically about the left, when I was responding about a statement from a republican, maybe you should work on your own reading comprehension.
If you would have told me in 2012 that Mitt Romney would be the most rational politician on either side of the aisle I would have laughed in your face... Yet here we are.

Romney is somewhat of an enigma as your post alludes to. To me his biggest weakness is his desire to be universally liked. He's a Republican so the media doesn't like him. They only use him when his positions run counter to most other Republicans. In effect they use him, he gains nothing from the Left and alienates the Right in the process.

He was definitely way more correct than Obama about Russia during 2012 when he was mocked by him, just as Trump was right about manufacturing jobs when Obama mocked him.

However the media didn't give him credit for his concerns about Russia at the time, they just continued cheerleading for Obama and his cute little comment about the '80s. However they did find the time to be vocal in their criticism about Romney about his 47% comment, which in effect doomed his campaign...

Verdict is still out who out number 1 foe is. When strength of economies are factored in I still believe it to be China. China is just more patient that Putin is and that is of great concern to me...
So only people that 100% agree with you have any value in what they say‽

A person can't be a conservative for you to care what they say, but they have to meet your definition of a conservative.

Is that the American way? One view and only one view matters. If that view doesn't win the election then it must have been stolen.
Not at all, he’s just snake in Republican clothing. Guys like him have been the problem and made the Republicans the weak sauce they have been for 30 years. They have let the leftist have their way by trying to appease them and ignored the values their party is suppose to stand for.
They have let the leftist have their way by trying to appease them and ignored the values their party is suppose to stand for.
Yep, your party stands for insurrection against the U S government to overturn a free and fair election, conspiracy theories, trickle down economics, voter suppression, a kim jong un and putin apologist, tax cuts for the rich, for cowards that continue to spread the Big Lie, for freedom of ONE religion, freedom of expression (including lies) while banning books, all while not being able to tolerate a mask or a vaccine that saves lives.
I respect your views, the problem is to many people think that their view is THE view that is American. So if you disagree with Romney's stance then he is part of the problem. As if there is only a place for 1 set of values and beliefs in this country.

That in my opinion is un-American. Both parties keep trying to push the country farther left or farther right and do it in a way that demonizes the other side. When there many Americans that fall somewhere in the middle. Average Republicans, moderate Republicans, Independents, moderate Democrats and Average Democrats. However it is the extreme side of both parties that are ruining this country.

There is room for both liberal and conservative thought and beliefs in America. It is conservative beliefs that fight to keep our military strong and our spending under control. It is liberal beliefs that fought to make all races free and equal and give women the right to vote.
Yep, your party stands for insurrection against the U S government to overturn a free and fair election, conspiracy theories, trickle down economics, voter suppression, a kim jong un and putin apologist, tax cuts for the rich, for cowards that continue to spread the Big Lie, for freedom of ONE religion, freedom of expression (including lies) while banning books, all while not being able to tolerate a mask or a vaccine that saves lives.

It is what some in his party believe, but not all. Your party also has problems. When do we stop arguing like it is sports between a hated rival where we have to take up for all things on our side and trash everything on the other side.
There is room for both liberal and conservative thought and beliefs in America. It is conservative beliefs that fight to keep our military strong and our spending under control. It is liberal beliefs that fought to make all races free and equal and give women the right to vote.
Agreed... And its an absolute shame where we are now as a country due to the ends of the spectrum.

The farthest left liberals want more programs, more government, more debt, etc... Meanwhile, the farthest right conservatives are speaking at white supremacy events, hailing Putin as a hero, and doing all they can to protect business interests rather than people.

How about we get back to reality, where we watch how much we spend as a country, we limit entitlement programs, etc AND we agree that white supremacy is bad, Putin is a d-bag, and billionaires should pay at least some level of taxes like regular working folks.
Is it just a coincidence that biden had all those dealings in Ukraine and now here we are?

One year in and look at the train wreck under his watch.
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12 Months in and look at the world. Mush Biden.

he and hunter made money in Ukraine.
He’s not a Christofascist white nationalist insurectionist, don’t care what he thinks.

12 Months in and look at the world. Mush Biden.
Biden is such a poor leader that he has managed to convince Germany to up their military budget and Switzerland to give up their neutrality.

Biden is such a poor leader that he has managed to convince Germany to up their military budget and Switzerland to give up their neutrality.
Ok, but this Ukraine deal should have not got to this point, hahaha. Putin only massed those troops up for nearly 8 months and Biden watched. Cmon Hey great job letting this Ukraine thing happen. Oh, and Afghanistan, high inflations, terrible supply chain, and here we are. Great job Mush, Russia built troops up for 8 months all along the Ukraine border. But, you got German to react. Great job. Want to talk about CHina and Iran?
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Ok, but this Ukraine deal should have not got to this point, hahaha. Putin only massed those troops up for nearly 8 months and Biden watched. Cmon Hey great job letting this Ukraine thing happen. Oh, and Afghanistan, high inflations, terrible supply chain, and here we are. Great job Mush, Russia built troops up for 8 months all along the Ukraine border. But, you got German to react. Great job. Want to talk about CHina and Iran?
Completely unhinged idiot trumptard oath always.
Nahhh. Russian did that.
Can't believe they even type that stuff. Mush has changed the course of Europe and perhaps the world but German is going to pay their minimum NATO dues. Great job Mush.

Hey Mush how many briefings did you sit through as Russians Divisions massed on the border of Ukraine? Oh wait, you were probably napping.
Can't believe they even type that stuff. Mush has changed the course of Europe and perhaps the world but German is going to pay their minimum NATO dues. Great job Mush.

Hey Mush how many briefings did you sit through as Russians Divisions massed on the border of Ukraine? Oh wait, you were probably napping.
You're a lying idiot oath breaker.
Can't believe they even type that stuff. Mush has changed the course of Europe and perhaps the world but German is going to pay their minimum NATO dues. Great job Mush.

Hey Mush how many briefings did you sit through as Russians Divisions massed on the border of Ukraine? Oh wait, you were probably napping.
Giving Mush Potato credit for anything is hilarious. The man is literally told to keep his mouth shut...when he is coherent. The EU even realizes no one is driving the US train.
Ok, but this Ukraine deal should have not got to this point, hahaha. Putin only massed those troops up for nearly 8 months and Biden watched. Cmon Hey great job letting this Ukraine thing happen
One day you are here saying peer-on-peer agression bad, the next day you say Biden should have done something...well there's only one thing left after diplomacy, and that's blowing shit up.
Nahhh. Russian did that.
So I guess Trump really does deserve the credit.
One day you are here saying peer-on-peer agression bad, the next day you say Biden should have done something...well there's only one thing left after diplomacy, and that's blowing shit up.

So I guess Trump really does deserve the credit.
I have never been for troops in Ukraine. If the USA was going to do anything then , it should have been months ago while the Russians were building up. He should have called more attention to it. Sent troops to Europer earlier, including heavy assets and should have been funneling the weapons Ukraine needed in there earlier along with training and advisors. Russia did this over months and months. You don't build that up over night. We waited to long to do anything. US intel had to know this was going on, just like the Taliban. Mush reacted instead of being a leader.

Mush is an idiot. Afghanistand and now this in less than a year. He is a complete morona and danger. He is lethargic corrupt inpet Mush head.
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Is that the American way? One view and only one view matters.

Like this???

At least two possible sources of the Wuhan virus - naturally occurring or a lab leak...

Naturally occurring - you are enlightened because you "trust the science"...

Lab leak - all you had to do is watch the news, read Facebook rants or read the posts on this site to witness the baseless name-calling and demonizing of the "idiots" who even consider such a thing...

It's a two-way street but I think more traffic is coming from the left...
It's a hard sell though when Republicans get in there and pass out more welfare than anybody ever.

That's what Trump did after he shut us down. Wanted us all dependent on Uncle Sugar, down to when you're allowed to even leave your house. Happened under his watch. I'm surprised that people forget how much he blew everything by letting that happen.