No disrespect herdman, but you should really educate yourself before you post a thread. You’re holding up Greenpeace as though you believe it legitimizes this guys points because he was a member of an organization that champions the environment. You aren’t even aware of the history of Moore and Greenpeace. Let me give you Greenpeace’s statement on him...
“Patrick Moore often misrepresents himself in the media as an environmental “expert” or even an “environmentalist,” while offering anti-environmental opinions on a wide range of issues and taking a distinctly anti-environmental stance. He also exploits long-gone ties with Greenpeace to sell himself as a speaker and pro-corporate spokesperson, usually taking positions that Greenpeace opposes.
While it is true that Patrick Moore was a member of Greenpeace in the 1970s, in 1986 he abruptly turned his back on the very issues he once passionately defended. He claims he “saw the light” but what Moore really saw was an opportunity for financial gain. Since then he has gone from defender of the planet to a paid representative of corporate polluters.
Patrick Moore promotes such anti-environmental positions as clearcut logging, nuclear power, farmed salmon, PVC (vinyl) production, genetically engineered crops, and mining. Clients for his consulting services are a veritable Who’s Who of companies that Greenpeace has exposed for environmental misdeeds, including Monsanto, Weyerhaeuser, and BHP Minerals.
Moore’s claims run from the exaggerated to the outrageous to the downright false, including that “clear-cutting is good for forests” and Three Mile Island was actually “a success story” because the radiation from the partially melted core was contained. That is akin to saying “my car crash was a success because I only cracked my skull and didn’t die.”
By exploiting his former ties to Greenpeace, Moore portrays himself as a prodigal son who has seen the error of his ways. Unfortunately, the media – especially conservative media – give him a platform for his views, and often do so without mentioning the fact that he is a paid spokesperson for polluting companies.
The following provides a brief overview of Patrick Moore’s positions and his history of working for corporate polluters.”
For the record, I’m not a fan of Greenpeace. I disagree with their stance on nuclear energy and I oppose their often radical and sometimes violent approach to change. But to use his association with Greenpeace in the 70s to legitimize your point and to believe you’ve somehow found this rational environmentalist (in other words one that represents your worldview) is very...well...weak.
You talk about how science is just influenced by the pursuit of grants and it has somehow miraculously united 97% of the world scientist and completely ignore...or more likely in your case, failed to research...thevfact that this guy comes from a family that profited from the timber industry and is associated with organizations such as the Heartland Institute that is funded by energy industries.
Follow the money indeed.