Huge Crowd for Trump Talk

I am puzzled as to why he was invited to speak at their convention when he is (in all likelihood) going to receive the Republican nomination.

Is it because there is an open invitation every year for the Republican and Democrat candidates to speak at the libertarian rally. He just so happened to take advantage of the opportunity this year.
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Is it because there is an open invitation every year for the Republican and Democrat candidates to speak at the libertarian rally. He just so happened to take advantage of the opportunity this year.
Then what the fvck was your point of saying he was an invited speaker? That doesn’t change the fact that he was met with overwhelming booing.
Is it because there is an open invitation every year for the Republican and Democrat candidates to speak at the libertarian rally. He just so happened to take advantage of the opportunity this year.
For the record, I would have said the same thing had it been Biden. I just find it odd that the largest third party gives such an invitation.
Maybe they do it for attention?

Kinda like running outdoors in one's undies.
And that somehow changes the overall negative reaction to him?

I watched the whole speech and thought he pretty much knocked it out of the Park. There were a LOT of “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” chants. I wasn’t expecting any.

After all. He WAS speaking at an OPPOSING Party’s Political Convention. And he WAS making a lot of sense. I think he earned a lot of respect from the crowd for having the balls to even show up.
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So you didn’t watch the whole speech. Got it. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I read the transcript, trumptard. Lies, lies, and more lies mixed in with the usual "I'm being persecuted" whining from the life long criminal now under 88 FELONY indictments.
I read the transcript, trumptard. Lies, lies, and more lies mixed in with the usual "I'm being persecuted" whining from the life long criminal now under 88 FELONY indictments.

So I’m right. You didn’t watch the whole speech. You only watched the candy picked cut and paste snippets posted above.

“Reading a transcript” or watching a cut and paste snippet in no way gives you any indication of the FULL speech crowd reaction. There were multiple “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” chants. Never expected that at an opposing Party’s Convention.
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I'm just glad Raoul Duke got to hear him speak.
Can you imagine how fast they would roll Raoul's ass outta that convention?

His fake Liberaltarian schtick would get exposed the moment he started arguing with them about how perfect every goddamn thing is that has come from Mush and the Left.
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Can you imagine how fast they would roll Raoul's ass outta that convention?

His fake Liberaltarian schtick would get exposed the moment he started arguing with them about how perfect every goddamn thing is that has come from Mush and the Left.
Well if it helps him understand himself I'm all for it
Then what the fvck was your point of saying he was an invited speaker? That doesn’t change the fact that he was met with overwhelming booing.

I was replying to the thread title. The implication being that Trump drew a small crowd, when, in reality, it wasn’t his crowd.
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I was replying to the thread title. The implication being that Trump drew a small crowd, when, in reality, it wasn’t his crowd.
That wasn’t the implication at all. It was to draw people to watch and hear the video based on the previous bogus claim of his huge NYC crowd.
So I’m right. You didn’t watch the whole speech. You only watched the candy picked cut and paste snippets posted above.

“Reading a transcript” or watching a cut and paste snippet in no way gives you any indication of the FULL speech crowd reaction. There were multiple “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” chants. Never expected that at an opposing Party’s Convention.
Your orange jesus' crowd treats him as if he's the real Jesus. Pitiful display of stupidity from a bunch of misinformed and delusionals. Like you are.
Then what the fvck was your point of saying he was an invited speaker? That doesn’t change the fact that he was met with overwhelming booing.

Have you seen Pedo-Joe's approval ratings?

I'll bet you Pedo-Joe is booed far more than Trump.

Keep dreaming and stay giddy, hater. 😉
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Have you seen Pedo-Joe's approval ratings?

I'll bet you Pedo-Joe is booed far more than Trump.

Keep dreaming and stay giddy, hater. 😉
Oh, another "BUT TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" argument.
Oh, another "BUT TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" argument.

Actually, it's a "BUT PEDO-JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" argument. I'm sure that’s what you meant. 🙄

By in large, Americans are cheering Trump. That's why Pedo-Joe is losing in the polls and has terrible approval ratings.
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Your orange jesus' crowd treats him as if he's the real Jesus. Pitiful display of stupidity from a bunch of misinformed and delusionals. Like you are.

Hmmm. Do I detect a hint of jealousy??🙂

“Misinformed and delusional” is your boy proclaiming, and then doubling down on his claim that the inflation rate was 9% when he took Office when it was only 1.4%.

By the way, when IS your boy Biden going to have the balls to throw a rally??? Is he afraid that no one but you will show up?. 😂😂
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Hmmm. Do I detect a hint of jealousy??🙂
No. But I definitely detect a strong presence of stupidity from you.
“Misinformed and delusional” is your boy proclaiming, and then doubling down on his claim that the inflation rate was 9% when he took Office when it was only 1.4%.
Your orange jesus told 30,000 lies while in office. And is under indictment of 88 FELONIES. Additionally he has been found liable for defamation, sexual abuse, and fraud. It would be best for you to leave these subjects alone.
By the way, when IS your boy Biden going to have the balls to throw a rally??? Is he afraid that no one but you will show up?. 😂😂
How much good did those rallies provide on Nov 3, 2020. moron.
By the way, when IS your boy Biden going to have the balls to throw a rally??? Is he afraid that no one but you will show up?. 😂😂
Oh, great. Another deplorable dork who says things that aren't even remotely funny but then puts multiple laughing faces after his own comment.
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So I’m right. You didn’t watch the whole speech. You only watched the candy picked cut and paste snippets posted above.

“Reading a transcript” or watching a cut and paste snippet in no way gives you any indication of the FULL speech crowd reaction. There were multiple “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” chants. Never expected that at an opposing Party’s Convention.
The left has been doing that from day one…..
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Oh, great. Another deplorable dork who says things that aren't even remotely funny but then puts multiple laughing faces after his own comment.

Again....Why do you care? Does it give you a sense of superiority? Does it stroke your ego? Obiously, he did it to show he is laughing about it. He couldn't give two shits, whether you think it's funny.
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We had an impressive rally in November of 2020. Historical fact.
Never seen vans loaded like that or drop boxes stuffed like that. It was impressive, especially some of the statistically impossible votes.
That wasn’t the implication at all.
This ^^^ is a lie. If you wanted to draw attention to the boos as opposed to crowd size, you would have phrased the title differently. You've said multiple times over the years that "words matter." The implication of the title is that no one showed up, hence your use of the term "huge."

If that's the case, perhaps you should follow your own advice. Then you wouldn't end up looking like a moron.
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This ^^^ is a lie. If you wanted to draw attention to the boos as opposed to crowd size, you would have phrased the title differently. You've said multiple times over the years that "words matter." The implication of the title is that no one showed up, hence your use of the term "huge."

If that's the case, perhaps you should follow your own advice. Then you wouldn't end up looking like a moron.

Wrong. You just aren't a bright person. The title of the post was to play off of the thread from the previous day's argument about the crowd size. The point of the post wasn't to mock the size of the crowd: Hell, the video doesn't even show the size of the crowd. The point of the thread was the only words I put in the body and what the entire video was about: "Seems that he is well-liked by these Libertarians."

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