I have been thinking about this whole devil worship thing.

I know works can't save you. The point is that convincing yourself that you have let Christ into your heart is not the same as actually letting him in. He knows the truth of your faith. If you have true faith your desire to please God would not allow you to act as you constantly do on this board. Everybody gets mad and goes too far occasionally, that's the fallacy of being human. To constantly act in that manner is not the actions of a man who has truly accepted Christ.

Let's say someone is a murderer. They pray for forgiveness and ask Christ into their heart and say that they belief he is the Lord and Saviour. According to scripture the man is saved. But let's say that he decides he wants to kill again and does so, not once, but repeatedly, day after day, year after year. When Christ looks in to the man's heart, does he see himself dwelling within? Was the man sincere in his prayers and acceptance of Christ? To believe God grants salvation to those that are not sincere and view salvation as a get out of jail free card is a misunderstanding of God's promise.

I'm just trying to help you. I know you have read the Bible and understand what Christ can do for you, but be sincere and honest in your belief. Your relationship with God should be one of a servant focused on pleasing his master and spreading the Word as He commanded. Do your actions reflect that path or one where you are only interested in what He can do for you?
I know works can't save you. The point is that convincing yourself that you have let Christ into your heart is not the same as actually letting him in. He knows the truth of your faith. If you have true faith your desire to please God would not allow you to act as you constantly do on this board. Everybody gets mad and goes too far occasionally, that's the fallacy of being human. To constantly act in that manner is not the actions of a man who has truly accepted Christ.

Let's say someone is a murderer. They pray for forgiveness and ask Christ into their heart and say that they belief he is the Lord and Saviour. According to scripture the man is saved. But let's say that he decides he wants to kill again and does so, not once, but repeatedly, day after day, year after year. When Christ looks in to the man's heart, does he see himself dwelling within? Was the man sincere in his prayers and acceptance of Christ? To believe God grants salvation to those that are not sincere and view salvation as a get out of jail free card is a misunderstanding of God's promise.

I'm just trying to help you. I know you have read the Bible and understand what Christ can do for you, but be sincere and honest in your belief. Your relationship with God should be one of a servant focused on pleasing his master and spreading the Word as He commanded. Do your actions reflect that path or one where you are only interested in what He can do for you?
You're a liar! Moron!

sadly, that'll be akin to greeds reply.
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I know works can't save you. The point is that convincing yourself that you have let Christ into your heart is not the same as actually letting him in. He knows the truth of your faith. If you have true faith your desire to please God would not allow you to act as you constantly do on this board. Everybody gets mad and goes too far occasionally, that's the fallacy of being human. To constantly act in that manner is not the actions of a man who has truly accepted Christ.

Let's say someone is a murderer. They pray for forgiveness and ask Christ into their heart and say that they belief he is the Lord and Saviour. According to scripture the man is saved. But let's say that he decides he wants to kill again and does so, not once, but repeatedly, day after day, year after year. When Christ looks in to the man's heart, does he see himself dwelling within? Was the man sincere in his prayers and acceptance of Christ? To believe God grants salvation to those that are not sincere and view salvation as a get out of jail free card is a misunderstanding of God's promise.

I'm just trying to help you. I know you have read the Bible and understand what Christ can do for you, but be sincere and honest in your belief. Your relationship with God should be one of a servant focused on pleasing his master and spreading the Word as He commanded. Do your actions reflect that path or one where you are only interested in what He can do for you?

When you stop lying and can manage to love people more than you do dogs, then, and only then will I hear advice from the likes of you. The greatest commandment cannot be kept unless you keep the second great commandment which is to love thy neighbor, because you cannot love God without loving your neighbor. Just so you know, dogs do not count as neighbors. I repeat, I KNOW my condition is that of being saved, RIGHT NOW. Come back when you've managed to be converted.
The greatest commandment cannot be kept unless you keep the second great commandment which is to love thy neighbor, because you cannot love God without loving your neighbor.

This might be a good time to ask this, since with my dog answer I specified dogs over strangers and there should not be a stranger in my home....if some meth head breaks in my house in the middle of the night and pulls a knife on me, should I love him or mag dump on him? Turn the other cheek, or turn on the laser sight?
if some meth head breaks in my house in the middle of the night and pulls a knife on me, should I love him or mag dump on him? Turn the other cheek, or turn on the laser sight?

Just immediately pretend you are also there to rob the place. After the two of you have a quick laugh, let him know seriously though, you were there first, so you got dibs.
This might be a good time to ask this, since with my dog answer I specified dogs over strangers and there should not be a stranger in my home....if some meth head breaks in my house in the middle of the night and pulls a knife on me, should I love him or mag dump on him? Turn the other cheek, or turn on the laser sight?

Dogs versus strangers is the same as dogs versus humans. That meth head you're talking about is loved by God in the exact same way he loves the most pious person on earth. No difference. None.

I've been asked similar questions before. It's one of the most difficult I've ever had thrown at me. And I don't have an answer for it, with possible one exception. That exception being do I have family members in the house? If so, God said "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." Does "provide" mean just money ( I don't think so but am not certain). If by "providing" God means also to provide love, safety, instruction, etc., then I can certainly see God allowing that person to be killed. But once again, I'm not certain what "provide" means.
That meth head you're talking about is loved by God in the exact same way he loves the most pious person on earth. No difference. None.

I agree with that.

That exception being do I have family members in the house?

I do not believe that exception is necessary. I believe we have a God-given right to self-defense that can be found in the armies of the Israelites.

Now I am fully aware of Jesus' words in the Garden, Matthew 26. I believe he gives a mixed message. 52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword." OK, that is pretty clear. But then he follows up with this: 53 " Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send legions of angels? 54 But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?” So now he says it would cool if legions of angels saved him, except that Scripture be fulfilled. Now I may very well pray for strength if a man breaks in my home, but I sure am not praying for a legion of angels, that was His gig, not mine. I would thank God for me having the sense and strength to protect myself, and my family (who is present 99% of nights).

I am going with mag dump. If the dumb SOB asked me to buy him food earlier that day on the street, I would do it.
You don't find any irony in posting "love your neighbor" on a message board where you berate people, judge people (which the Bible also has a passage, or several, on), and call people morons (another thing the Bible covers)?
You don't find any irony in posting "love your neighbor" on a message board where you berate people, judge people (which the Bible also has a passage, or several, on), and call people morons (another thing the Bible covers)?

What part of the following do you not understand?.....

When you stop lying and can manage to love people more than you do dogs, then, and only then will I hear advice from the likes of you. The greatest commandment cannot be kept unless you keep the second great commandment which is to love thy neighbor, because you cannot love God without loving your neighbor. Just so you know, dogs do not count as neighbors. I repeat, I KNOW my condition is that of being saved, RIGHT NOW. Come back when you've managed to be converted.
Religion is kind of weird. All you have to do is say you have faith and ask for forgiveness. Then you can proceed to treat other humans without them morons, talk about getting in fights at games, brag about how much you drink, disrespect women, etc...and you still get to go to heaven. It’s kind of life’s get out of hell free card, Then by the virtue of where you were born, how you were indoctrinated, etc., you don’t adopt the standard christian company line. That person can lead a life showing kindness and respect to others and helping his fellow man...that guy is going to burn forever. And from heaven all the Christians are yelling down moron at him.
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What part of the following do you not understand?.....

When you stop lying and can manage to love people more than you do dogs, then, and only then will I hear advice from the likes of you. The greatest commandment cannot be kept unless you keep the second great commandment which is to love thy neighbor, because you cannot love God without loving your neighbor. Just so you know, dogs do not count as neighbors. I repeat, I KNOW my condition is that of being saved, RIGHT NOW. Come back when you've managed to be converted.
Hate to tell you, but your path to righteousness has nothing to do with what anybody else does, inclusive of bankers love affair with muts. And, at the end of the day, even if banker has sex with his dog it doesn't make what he says wrong. Furthermore, your actions prove what he's saying about you right. Your issue is you're too hard headed and/or stupid and consumed with being better spiritually than banker to comprehend what he's saying. How do I KNOW? Your actions man, your actions. I'm sure you can find biblical reference that confirms a person's actions speak much louder than their words . . .
Here's what makes banker wrong. It's the same thing that makes you wrong.
You don't hold anyone else, not a single person on this board, anywhere close to the same standard. Maybe, just maybe, when you try to convince others on the board how wrong they are when doing the same or worse than I do, I'll hear YOUR advice. You can start with banker about these comments and let him know how he needs to take his own advice and your advice. Address him in the same way you do me. After you do that we can go on to other posters. We can save you for last.

Obama is a Muslim.

it's more that people of self centered and entitled and don't give a damn about anyone else

Did you try the ol' penis in the popcorn trick with your mom?

but you sure as hell thought

Sweet Jesus, let it go.

If dherd's vag had any more sand in it

As far as I'm concerned, Russia can do what they want in those sh-thole countries in Africa.

Haven't fully figured out if you are a troll or just a moron

I still can't believe that terrorist loving biatch is in Congress.

You think it's funny that you offer strange men on a message board hand jobs?

you are somewhat intellectually challenged

What a horrible, BS spin by the scumbag mayor
Here's what makes banker wrong. It's the same thing that makes you wrong.
You don't hold anyone else, not a single person on this board, anywhere close to the same standard. Maybe, just maybe, when you try to convince others on the board how wrong they are when doing the same or worse than I do, I'll hear YOUR advice. You can start with banker about these comments and let him know how he needs to take his own advice and your advice. Address him in the same way you do me. After you do that we can go on to other posters. We can save you for last.
Thanks for proving my point . . . your actions can't be justified by comparing to actions of others. Besides, I don't see anybody else that posts here constantly berating others ("moron", "liar", "devil worshiper", etc.) all the while proclaiming to be some great Christian. frankly, while I realize your a horrid example of a Christian, if you were what christianity is about, I and most others would want nothing to do with it.
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Thanks for proving my point . . . your actions can't be justified by comparing to actions of others. Besides, I don't see anybody else that posts here constantly berating others ("moron", "liar", "devil worshiper", etc.) all the while proclaiming to be some great Christian. frankly, while I realize your a horrid example of a Christian, if you were what christianity is about, I and most others would want nothing to do with it.
You don't get to set the bar for me higher than you do for someone else. You don't want anything to do with Christianity regardless, and you don't get to blame that on me or anyone else. I'm waiting on you to set the bar the same for everyone else posting here. It's ok, we will take up your case last.
You don't get to set the bar for me higher than you do for someone else. You don't want anything to do with Christianity regardless, and you don't get to blame that on me or anyone else. I'm waiting on you to set the bar the same for everyone else posting here. It's ok, we will take up your case last.
I'm not setting the bar. Your God does....and your failing horribly. You keep blaming everybody else for you acting like an asshole, see how that works out for you.

Spoiler: just because you say it will doesn't mean it will.

And, again, we're on your ass because you claim to be holier than thou yet act like a prick. Nobody else who posts does that so no need to call anybody else out.
I'm not setting the bar. Your God does....and your failing horribly. You keep blaming everybody else for you acting like an asshole, see how that works out for you.

Spoiler: just because you say it will doesn't mean it will.

And, again, we're on your ass because you claim to be holier than thou yet act like a prick. Nobody else who posts does that so no need to call anybody else out.

You can't even see the bar. I know exactly why you and others cry so loud when I post. It's because I don't sugar coat the truth. That's THE reason. No other.

I'll hear your advice when you clean up YOUR act. Not before. A d I'll repeat the very thing you don't want to hear....I KNOW I'm in a saved condition. You KNOW you are not.
You can't even see the bar. I know exactly why you and others cry so loud when I post. It's because I don't sugar coat the truth. That's THE reason. No other.

I'll hear your advice when you clean up YOUR act. Not before. A d I'll repeat the very thing you don't want to hear....I KNOW I'm in a saved condition. You KNOW you are not.
Still blaming others for your non-Christian like behavior.

I'm sure someone will save you a seat in hell.
Your actions tell me you're a man with a paper asshole.

Funny thing, wonder why the guy that uses the foulest language and probably lies more than anyone on the board is the most defensive about religion?? Wait....I just answered my own question.
Funny thing, wonder why the guy that uses the foulest language and probably lies more than anyone on the board is the most defensive about religion?? Wait....I just answered my own question.
I'm not defensive about anything, tell me how you think I'm being as such. I merely think you're extremely hypocritical and it's fun watching you squirm attempting to justify your actions by blaming others who act the same but don't claim what you do.

Did you do your weekly church thing and repent for attempting to make others think Christians are assholes today?