Wow, that's long. I'm running short on time today -- the tanning salon(?) and gym call -- so I'll make a couple points and read and respond to the rest later.
First, I didn't say taxpayers shouldn't pay for teachers healthcare. I said taxpayers shouldn't have to keep teachers' healthcare costs level while everyone else's are skyrocketing. Public employees already get pensions and better benefits than almost everyone in the private sector. Why should taxpayers have to absorb premium increases in addition to having to pay more for their own healthcare.
I'm not even sure where you're going with the insurance commission analogy. I read it twice and still can't figure out what it has to do with anything. Everyone is worried about how they're going to pay their bills and support their families. But WV is broke and can't afford to start giving public employees (teachers or otherwise) raises and level premium health insurance. It's just not sustainable.
You have some valid points on the sustainability of health coverage. The health care system in this country is broke and that’s the larger issue. The problem is that there are just too many people enriching themselves in the system. Everyone is going to have to make concessions to fix it.
As far as the YMCA and tanning...probably a little cheap, but the fact is I’m the only teacher who posts on this board (as far as I know) and you fired a shot with the OP as well as the snide comment in another thread about teachers needing to be held accountable. Those shots fall directly on me and I retaliated. Like I said I’ve always liked you. I really don’t think you’re the person you present yourself to be here at times.
As far as my insurance analogy...I believe it to be dead on. You asked why the taxpayer should foot the bill for the teachers’ healthcare increases. Teaching is like any other job out there. The products and service come at a cost. I’m saying that everyone foots the bill for increases of expenses in every job in existence through cost increases in the products they provide or the service they deliver. Teaching is no different.