Is the President of the United States Going to Address the American People and the Veterans Who Fought for 20 Years?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
What is this guy doing? In my state alone we have thousands of troops from here deployed back to Afghanistan and the region. Where is this man? He owes an explanation as to what is going on.

Our countrymen fought there for 20 years and we are all watching on tv and the news as to what is happening. He is missing. His VP is silent as well. His Press Secretary is on vacation.

He owes it to the American people and the veterans who fought there bravely for 20 years. It is his duty to do so.
"Imperative for the President to speak to the nation and the world," tweeted Robert Gibbs, a former press secretary for then-President Obama. "He must lay out again the reasoning behind his decisions, how he sees the future of this region & what must be done to prevent another safe haven for al-Qaeda to plan attacks."
When was the last time someone actually took responsibility for something bad that happened during their administration?

Obama blamed Bush.
Trump blamed Obama.
Biden blames Trump.
There's plenty of responsibility to go around. Biden's been a constant for pretty much all of it (even Saigon). Biden’s fingerprints are all over this, from start to finish. He voted for it, voted to fund it, was second in charge for 8 years, & just a month ago he assured everyone this exact scenario wouldn’t happen. For people to act like he’s somehow absolved in any way for this withdraw debacle is laughable.
When was the last time someone actually took responsibility for something bad that happened during their administration?

Obama blamed Bush.
Trump blamed Obama.
Biden blames Trump.

I know nothing of winning elections/political this may be off.

But I think the correct play is Biden to say:

"Look, no one had the fortitude to actually leave even though everyone wanted it. I said the buck stops here and we're leaving. We did a terrible job executing the exit and for that I'm firing (insert high level military/intelligence people) and this won't happen again."

Then hope the media holds your water and memory holes this awful weekend.
There's plenty of responsibility to go around. Biden's been a constant for pretty much all of it (even Saigon). Biden’s fingerprints are all over this, from start to finish. He voted for it, voted to fund it, was second in charge for 8 years, & just a month ago he assured everyone this exact scenario wouldn’t happen. For people to act like he’s somehow absolved in any way for this withdraw debacle is laughable.
You’ll get no arguments from me on any of these points.

However, while the people who want to absolve Biden are laughable, so too are the people who are assigning him 100% of the blame.
Then hope the media holds your water and memory holes this awful weekend
Of course the media will ultimately hold his water. All he needs to do is stumble and bumble through a teleprompter speech and take no questions. The ultimate problem many "awful weekends" does this ultimately cause us for years to come.
You’ll get no arguments from me on any of these points.

However, while the people who want to absolve Biden are laughable, so too are the people who are assigning him 100% of the blame.
No Sir, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to blindly defend absolutely everything, just like the draft dodging Scientological carpenter.
You’ll get no arguments from me on any of these points.

However, while the people who want to absolve Biden are laughable, so too are the people who are assigning him 100% of the blame.
Exactly! There are many fingerprints on this whole debacle
No Sir, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to blindly defend absolutely everything, just like the draft dodging Scientological carpenter.
You're an idiot trumptard. It doesn't get worse than that unless you're also an oath breaker and/or supporter of insurrection.
Looks like Pres Mush is expected to speak at 3:45pm. Should be a coherent strategic layout.

With that said...Obama officials appear to be piling on here:

Over the weekend a chorus of former Obama administration officials publicly criticized Biden’s handling of the situation. Ryan Crocker, a former ambassador Afghanistan under the Obama administration, said the Biden administration had “a total lack of coordinated, post-withdrawal planning” and called the current predicament a “self-inflicted wound.”

Former CIA Director David Petraeus, who oversaw forces in Afghanistan during the Obama administration, called the Taliban takeover “catastrophic” and an “enormous national security setback,” warning things will get much worse unless the U.S. changes course.

"A enormous national security setback"....that's quite the understatement.
I blame Biden. No other President that I can think of would have ordered the shit show that we saw this weekend . None. Rep or Dem.
Of course you do, you don't have the ability to take off your partisan glasses for a second. trump helped the Taliban leader(Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar) get out of prison, Pompeo met with the Taliban leaders and emboldened and gave them legitimacy. Pompeo even got the Afghan government to release 5000 prisoners that went right back to the battlefield! Did he expect them to just play nice when we were leaving? Biden's team has screwed the pooch on this, but to discount trumps mishandling is complete and utter nonsense.
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Of course the media will ultimately hold his water. All he needs to do is stumble and bumble through a teleprompter speech and take no questions. The ultimate problem many "awful weekends" does this ultimately cause us for years to come.
Unfortunately, you’re exactly right. This isn’t just a bad weekend, this is the start of a humanitarian crisis.
Of course you do, you don't have the ability to take off your partisan glasses for a second. trump helped the Taliban leader(Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar) get out of prison, Pompeo met with the Taliban leaders and emboldened and gave them legitimacy. Pompeo even got the Afghan government to release 5000 prisoners that went right back to the battlefield! Did he expect them to just play nice when we were leaving? Biden's team has screwed the pooch on this, but to discount trumps mishandling is complete and utter nonsense.

Again, no other President would have handled this like Biden did. NONE. Not saying Trump was perfect, but this pullout or whatever is squarely on the Biden Admin.

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