Joe Biden's Son Was Not Killed in Iraq

You would be running from veterans if you weren't on a keyboard. He served in US Marine Corps, Eunuch.
I don't care if you both had super powers other than stupidity, lying, and oath breaking. You're both unAmerican, and losers and suckers.
Trump isn't an outsider. He's been playing the system his whole life...and playing both sides of it, at that.

That's what people don't get. A billionaire isn't going to save us. It's not only going to take an average person as POTUS, but it's going to take a whole lot of them to change the Constitution and get the big money out of politics.

Not so sure about some of this. You can be an insider and then become an outsider, much like Trump has become. The very people that embraced him in the past are the most ardent haters today.

It will take money for anyone to crash the party going on in DC. Perot tried. Trump succeeded to a degree. Until Perot died I had no idea how solid a guy he was.

On the flip side social media has changed things so maybe influence and followers will be more important than cash.

I've got some friends that know Don Jr. Says he's solid and down to earth. Also heard Trump had an epiphany that pushed him into politics.

Patrick J. Buchanan had a similar epiphany when he was touring a plant. He went from being an Establishment Republican to a populist.

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