Looking at WVU board, they are reporting that Huggins is


Silver Buffalo
Aug 5, 2008
cancelling all future games with Marshall. Is anyone else hearing this? Is this just a rumor?

They are blaming us of course, but I for one like this game. Hate to see it go.
If it isn't going to change to a home-home I really don't care if it is ever played.

Playing in Charleston is lame, and it takes most of the energy out of it. I have been there every year in recent memory, but tired of driving to Charleston for the game so politicians can campaign and shake some hands.
Oh, I would love a 1-1, but we know that will never happen again.

I did not mind the Charleston games. It always gave me a chance to catch up with some friends and family and watch the game. Outside of 9 years ago, I never had or saw any issue with fighting or anything outside of good natured ribbing.
DD intimated Chuggins was scared to move the games back on campus and hurt little Bobbie's feelings.
Who cares!! Hug A Beer acts like he and WVU are doing us a favor by playing the game. Can't stand him or WVU so I say move on. He forgets that he was 13-19 in 2012-2013 and 17-16 in 2013-2014.
Neutral site game vs Big 12 is very good deal for us. Also it used to be a nice money maker for us not sure about lately. If the game is lame in Charleston it's because those great fans in huntington won't drive 45 minutes to support their team.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If hey do cancel it, then any future series needs to be balanced between TV contracts. Our network partners should get to carry the game every other year.
Wouldn't be surprising. He has complained about the series since he got there and finally someone on our side said something and he got all upset. He didn't like the fact that someone else spoke about it instead of him.

When I have made the drive over from Lexington, I always enjoyed it. I have never understood why our fans wouldn't drive 45 minutes from Huntington to support the game especially in years when it felt as if we were going to have a chance at winning.
Muight as well not play us now while we are bad. it will be harder to drop the game once Dan makes the team good again.
Originally posted by 19MU88:
Neutral site game vs Big 12 is very good deal for us. Also it used to be a nice money maker for us not sure about lately. If the game is lame in Charleston it's because those great fans in huntington won't drive 45 minutes to support their team.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I have been there every year, but it is still lame in comparison to what it could be on each campus.

It it would be a fun game on each campus, but it won't matter too much if it ends. Tired of Huggins acting like he is doing us some favor by playing us. It is just one game. Not going to effect either program very much.

It is just something that makes sense considering we are the only two D-1 teams in the state, and the fact you play quite a few OOC games in basketball. I get the complaints in football, but what is one game in basketball?

It should happen, but I won't shed a tear if it doesn't.
Originally posted by Dunk#7:

Playing in Charleston is lame, and it takes most of the energy out of it. I have been there every year in recent memory, but tired of driving to Charleston for the game so politicians can campaign and shake some hands.
Dude I know. Driving 45 minutes to watch a Herd basketball game? Why don't you just go ahead and play the game in space.

And to see them play who? Some middling team from the Big Roman Numerals Conference that our fans are completely and utterly ambivalent about? Maybe if it was a team that the Huntington fans like to come out to see, like a Concord or a Brescia or a High Point, but "Western Virginia University?" Who the hell is that?

And that venue! The Charleston Civic Center is old and decrepit. Those seats are cramped and uncomfortable, and they don't even have those ceiling paint flakes or sidewall dirt that makes the Hendo Center feel so much like home.

Good riddance to this game, I say. For far too long, the Huntington fanbase has been subjected to having to watch (on TV) Marshall actually play WVU (on TV) in sports MY GOD ITS ON MY TV JUDITH TURN THE GODDAMN CHANNEL. The sooner we get these games cancelled, the sooner we can move them all to an arena where Marshall can actually compete with WVU, like the press or an internet message board or something.

Marshall fandom isn't about going to games, supporting the team, showing devotion or having courage - its about hiding behind the city limits of the one place on the planet Earth where Marshall fans are in the majority and lobbing flaming bags of shit over the invisible wall at the backs of people who otherwise wouldn't care that we existed.
this would likely save us 2 to 3 years of the worst losses ever recorded in the series...
I doubt there is much to these rumors. Fact is both schools make significant money out of the deal.

I do not attend the game. I can enjoy the Herd at home in the HC and be around Herd fans. The Charleston game is, more than anything, a way for WVU's hilljack, redneck, loser, non-alumni, fairweather fans to get to see "their" team play. Why would I want to be around such people, when I can see the team I am interested in play more than a dozen times in Huntington, around normal people who have the ability to form complete sentances and have more than one tooth?

Thuggens is just a typical frustrated drunk. Wandered around the basketball world for his whole adult life, never actually won much of anything. Sees the end coming and knows that no one will really much remember. It will be a pleasue seeing him, and the "hopes and dreams" and all of that ho-ha come crashing down in the coming three months.
Originally posted by herdalicious:
Originally posted by Dunk#7:

Playing in Charleston is lame, and it takes most of the energy out of it. I have been there every year in recent memory, but tired of driving to Charleston for the game so politicians can campaign and shake some hands.
Dude I know. Driving 45 minutes to watch a Herd basketball game? Why don't you just go ahead and play the game in space.

And to see them play who? Some middling team from the Big Roman Numerals Conference that our fans are completely and utterly ambivalent about? Maybe if it was a team that the Huntington fans like to come out to see, like a Concord or a Brescia or a High Point, but "Western Virginia University?" Who the hell is that?

And that venue! The Charleston Civic Center is old and decrepit. Those seats are cramped and uncomfortable, and they don't even have those ceiling paint flakes or sidewall dirt that makes the Hendo Center feel so much like home.

Good riddance to this game, I say. For far too long, the Huntington fanbase has been subjected to having to watch (on TV) Marshall actually play WVU (on TV) in sports MY GOD ITS ON MY TV JUDITH TURN THE GODDAMN CHANNEL. The sooner we get these games cancelled, the sooner we can move them all to an arena where Marshall can actually compete with WVU, like the press or an internet message board or something.

Marshall fandom isn't about going to games, supporting the team, showing devotion or having courage - its about hiding behind the city limits of the one place on the planet Earth where Marshall fans are in the majority and lobbing flaming bags of shit over the invisible wall at the backs of people who otherwise wouldn't care that we existed.
As I stated I have attended every one of the Charleston games including this season, but I would enjoy it a lot more in the on campus environment.

I go to every Marshall football and basketball game it is feasible for me to get to.

I even decided my town and job based on following Marshall. I am tired of all the fans that moved away telling everybody else how they should attend games. My entire life revolves around Marshall and attending games. I have had opportunities for more money elsewhere, but I refuse to move away from Huntington and Marshall because the grass is greener where you water it.

Stop moving away and help grow this community that is already well on its way to realized growth.
Good riddance. They can't ever put us away then pout every hear about having to play. Eff em.
Originally posted by 19MU88:
Neutral site game vs Big 12 is very good deal for us. Also it used to be a nice money maker for us not sure about lately. If the game is lame in Charleston it's because those great fans in huntington won't drive 45 minutes to support their team.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
LOL! Considering Kanawha Co. has the second highest population of MU grads in the country, maybe your buds in Charley West should get out and support their alma mater.
We should call up Pitt and try to get a 2-for-1 deal going with them... We got a deal done for football, lets do the same for basketball.

The Peterson Event Center is a great college venue, Pitt is normally pretty good and for those fans who are interested in traveling if we ever get good again Pitt is not much farther to go than Morgantown.
what a big baby huggy is. Get over it. If he cancels then maybe he is scared, otherwise why care, just win the game and don't worry about it.
Originally posted by Dunk#7

Stop moving away and help grow this community that is already well on its way to realized growth.
I grew up in Charleston, went to college in Huntington, then found work in Charleston after college. I've been there at the Capital Classics with you, at least for the last 11 years. The reason why hearing people in Huntington complain about the location of the Capital Classic drives me nuts is because I make that drive every single time I want to see a Marshall home game, and I consider myself unbelievably fortunate to be this close.

I grew up a WVU fan, and I'm still enamored with the novelty of being able to spend all day working in the yard and then just pop on over to Huntington to watch a football game. All those Charleston Mountie fans the Huntington Herd fans hate so much spend about seven hours on the road and in traffic every time they want to go see their favorite team play. (Personal testimony: the ones who do it, do it often and don't complain. The ones who tell you they don't go because of the drive have probably never been to a Mountie game anyway.)

That's kind of where my perspective is framed - driving an hour to see your favorite team play a big game shouldn't be a big deal. For all the vitriol toward WVU that comes out of Huntington, the ambivalence toward attending the games is offensively hypocritical to the Charleston-based fans who pay the rhetorical bill for all the trash talk.

If you don't want to play WVU in sports, terrific. Let's cancel all the games. But lets all agree - fans and administrators alike - to STFU about WVU from now on.
I think you and I are framing things differently. My complaints are about the atmosphere and venue not the drive.

I would enjoy the game in Morgantown more than Charleston

Games played on campus are just better in general in my opinion, and it is easier to generate excitement. It just feels like Charleston takes some of the wind out of the sails and I would prefer it be on a home court of one team or the other.
And my fear is that a campus-campus thing would go the way of the football series before it even started. Its part of what gave me such heartburn over D'antoni's comments: if there is going to be a change in the condition of the series, its going to be that it ends. I don't know if there is any truth to these rumors that the gears are turning on something, but its evident to me from Huggins' comments that if anyone up north can end the series now, they will.

What will be interesting will be to see which lasts longer: the Capital Classic, or Dan D'Antoni's career as a college basketball coach. His saving grace appears to be that we don't care about basketball, judging from the big raise our interim administration just approved for our AD. Hamrick just botched a coaching hire worse than any I've seen in my sports-watching lifetime, but our football team went 4-0 against the MAC teams he scheduled, so sure what the hell here's some $$$.
So you don't think Doc and Hamrick have done a great job to this point? I am all for the new contracts

How can you cast judgement one game into the conference schedule with a new coach and all of the athletes gone for the most part. We all knew it would take several years for D'antoni to recruit and work his style into the system. Why judge his performance with very few D-1 players?

I don't understand the negativity.

Everything is positive in my Marshall world currently, and I am just waiting on basketball to come around after the situation I discussed above
Exactly herdlicious I make that same drive repeatedly for every game.

Dunk - the series isn't going on campus. Period.

Twolf - do you think before you shoot off your big mouth? How many of the games have you been to?

I am from the Huntington area and have resided in the KV the last couple of decades. I swear reading these forums just lets me know how many negative, short sighted, cheap, lazy morons reside in the tri state. My apologies to the non stupid folks from the tri state
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Offer him a 12 pack of natty light and a few double stacks from Wendy's and I bet he reconsiders.
I'm all for a home and home series. Playing in the WVU Coliseum is tons better and more exciting than playing at the CCC, particularly in 1980, when I was there to see Laverne Evans and Sam Henry beat the Mountaineers in the last minute. I also realize that it will never happen because WVU got tired of getting hammered in Huntington (0-5) and because the Charleston game serves WVU's interests. They get to play every year in a hotbed of Mountaineer support. Prior to the Marshall series starting in 1977, WVU used to play at least one home game a year in Charleston and this "Capitol Classic" allows them to knock off two birds with one stone - meet their "obligation" to Charleston and keep from getting embarrassed at the Henderson Center. Whatever benefit Marshall gets from the current set-up is minimal - we were forced by WVU to move the game there. I'm personally sick of the threats, ridicule, and disrespect from WVU and Huggins, and wouldn't mind if they went their merry way and we had nothing to do with them again. Let WVU meet their "obligation" to Charleston with some "powerhouse" like VMI. We don't need them and my wish for the future is that we would stop discussing our "non-rival" and start discussing the many bigger and better schools that are willing to play us.
I'm with you licious........tired of all the bitching and whining from both sides.....they don't want to play and when we do we complain about the terms and conditions........don't want 'em and don't need 'em....maybe DD did us all a favor for " messin with sasquatch" and the dumb drunk dickhead fell for it.
Originally posted by herdalicious:
What will be interesting will be to see which lasts longer: the Capital Classic, or Dan D'Antoni's career as a college basketball coach. His saving grace appears to be that we don't care about basketball, judging from the big raise our interim administration just approved for our AD. Hamrick just botched a coaching hire worse than any I've seen in my sports-watching lifetime, but our football team went 4-0 against the MAC teams he scheduled, so sure what the hell here's some $$$.
First of all, I have heard nothing at all about a raise.

Second, no one has any clue how Dan will turn out. Anyone with a shred of knowledge about our basketball program would know that we don't have the players to compete this year. To say he has been a failure is completely stupid. Your statement regarding Dan calls in to question any of the statements you make.

Third, Hamrick has done a great job.

Your negative attitude about Marshall and defending of wvu is really getting old.
Originally posted by herd1990:
Offer him a 12 pack of natty light and a few double stacks from Wendy's and I bet he reconsiders.
Change that to a 12 of Sierra Nevada Torpedo & a combo from Cook Out and you can get me to reconsider my marriage status
The environment t in Charleston wouldn't be bad if the Herd fans would buy the tickets and show up. If the arena was split 50-50 it would be a lot more fun. I have seen how the neutral site games were when UK played Indiana and tickets were split 50-50. the reason the environment sucks is because the Herd fans won't go.

Saying that I would much prefer seeing it on campus. Personally I hate this while neutral site thing college basketball and now college football is enamored with. Games on campus are 10 times better. If Huggins wants to cancel I say go for it. He just can't handle that someone talked back to him after he has trashed the series often in the past.

Watch the big teams that never go to a true away game in their OOC portion of their schedule and see what happens when they play their first conference road game. They struggle and often lose. Indiana did tonight and a Duke has done this many times.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Don't know whether the rumor is true, but if it is, the fault lies with Marshall -- or, rather, with D'antoni and his asinine remarks. He may turn out to be a good coach, but so far he's proven that he's unfit to wash Hugg's jockstrap. Huggins "scared" to play him? Really? Geez, they've won 75% of the games in Charleston, where we should have most of the fans. Which we don't, as many on here have duly noted. And our precious victories in Huntington happened a long time ago when the programs were much more equal than they are now. We're not in their league, and we all know it.

The game clearly benefits MU by giving us, as a team in basically a "one-bid league" a chance to take on a Power Conference team with a strong RPI every year. -- and do it on a "neutral court" where, if Marshall's fans cared about anything except football, should really be practically a home game for us. No other similar team will ever give Marshall that kind of deal with that kind of "big OOC win" opportunity. What does WVU get? A game where our team always plays over their heads, gives WVU a tough game, and then the victory often just pulls down their RPI. Foolish; just utterly foolish. If it's true, we deserve it.
Originally posted by SquireJack:
Don't know whether the rumor is true, but if it is, the fault lies with Marshall -- or, rather, with D'antoni and his asinine remarks. He may turn out to be a good coach, but so far he's proven that he's unfit to wash Hugg's jockstrap. Huggins "scared" to play him? Really? Geez, they've won 75% of the games in Charleston, where we should have most of the fans. Which we don't, as many on here have duly noted. And our precious victories in Huntington happened a long time ago when the programs were much more equal than they are now. We're not in their league, and we all know it.

The game clearly benefits MU by giving us, as a team in basically a "one-bid league" a chance to take on a Power Conference team with a strong RPI every year. -- and do it on a "neutral court" where, if Marshall's fans cared about anything except football, should really be practically a home game for us. No other similar team will ever give Marshall that kind of deal with that kind of "big OOC win" opportunity. What does WVU get? A game where our team always plays over their heads, gives WVU a tough game, and then the victory often just pulls down their RPI. Foolish; just utterly foolish. If it's true, we deserve it.
i chortle when you use "we" in your posts...
Glad to see lots of our fans here blowing what D'antoni said out of proportion almost as much as Huggins. If he's really that sensitive that what d'antoni said drove him that far over the deep end, he needs to get on some medication.