Marshall caved to political correctness

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
and kicked Butler off the team.

I can't stand that kind of stuff. U.S. of the offended and Marshall caved in. Screw that Marshall.

If I were Butler I would say they called me a N word and told me they would put a burning cross in my yard.

Marshall didn't let him go until it hit the press nationally. They let him go through spring ball and new the charges. They didn't care about the homosexuals then. Hits ESPN, whoops Butler has got to go.

Whatever you do, do not slap a gay dude while he can say something back and video tape you bitch slapping him.

Damn, you can't even fight in college anymore. Damn, when I was in school they would have put 100 people in jail every weekend. I had to crawl out on the floor of a bar in Huntington when all hell broke lose.

Meanwhile, Huntington has a drug problem and people dying of heroin overdoses and detroit thugs poisoning the youth and the biggest reaction in a decade from the mayor, Marshall, the police, and others is over a guy slapping a gay dude.
Well, if Marshall, Doc, and Hamrick would have cared why did they wait. They should have booted him a month ago. They booted him when they were exposed.
Well, if Marshall, Doc, and Hamrick would have cared why did they wait. They should have booted him a month ago. They booted him when they were exposed.
Putting aside any gay issues here....

A fight involves two (or more) people trying to hurt each other. When only one person is the lone aggressor...that's not a fight.

This is America, Herdman, not Russua. You can't just assault someone on the street unprovoked.
So if the gay guy hut him back it would be ok? Would most straight guy have even called the cops?
If the victim had hit him back when he was not the aggressor or trying to fight, butler still should have been booted.
This is not a bar fight gone bad. From what is reported (we can await further info for definitive proof), it looks like this is some guy attacking someone unprovoked on the side of the street.

No matter whether the victim fights back, chooses to call 911, or goes home to post about it on now way is it Ok to just hit someone standing by the road...even in 1970 this was illegal.
Yep, they caved. Saban wouldn't have let this happen at Bama. He'd still be on the team for sure.
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Herdman, would your reaction have been the same had the alleged victims were holding pro-life or Ted Cruz (or any other right wing candidate) signs?
Well, if Marshall, Doc, and Hamrick would have cared why did they wait. They should have booted him a month ago. They booted him when they were exposed.

The university was notified yesterday or the day the before that butler was going to be arrested. They saw the video the same day butler was booted. They didn't cave you're just playing up your message board persona with the original post.
I'd like to see somebody play up a flute. They're always looking down at it like they're trying to eat corn on the cob or something. They should stick the flute way up in the air and play it.

I bet those middle school kids tried it, but the real fat band teacher got mad. I heard she hid in the back room and ate a bunch of candy bars after some kids mooed at her.
Something is smelling bad somewhere. This whole things makes no sense.
Herdman....are you sure you aren't taking your position only to provide yourself with the opportunity to jump on one of your soapbox issues? The statement clearly says that additional information came to light that changed the school's stance. That leaves us with two possibilities...that either the school isn't being truthful to cover themselves or that it happened just as they are saying. Not a single person on this board is in a position to know what the truth is. Yet you choose to believe the angle, without actual knowledge of the truth, that satisfies your need to do what you love to do...rant.

Here's the deal. I have no idea what the truth is. But I certainly know history. Doc has been absolutely unflinching in his treatment of athletes in the area of discipline. He has gotten rid of so many athletes for violation of his set rules since his arrival that he's actually been criticized many times for NOT giving these kids chances. Last year he sent Grooms packing and he was the CUSA Freshman of the Year. History says he's been consistent in his treatment of athletes and how he disciplines.

Are you sure you aren't taking your that you basically have to make an assumption that the school is totally fabricating the "additional information" order to provide yourself with one of your political rants? I mean...there's a history with that as well.
that either the school isn't being truthful to cover themselves

You just answered you own question, GK. That is what I am saying. The held on as long as they could and then when the heat got hot in the kitchen they folded.

Huntington is too small of a town. Marshall is too powerful of an entity. They are too connected to politics. They knew what Butler did. I am sure they were talking to police. Hamrick and Holiday probably have as much influence in Huntington as the police.

On the flip side, I don't feel this is a federal case. Butler is an idiot but this doesn't warrant the wast of FBI time and resources. Marshall let him play spring ball knowing damn well and good what he did. It is not like they are on some high road. If the gay couple would have not wanted charges pressed or dropped it, Butler would be preparing for fall camp. If it would have not got to the national press Butler might still be there.
Here's the deal. I have no idea what the truth is. But I certainly know history. Doc has been absolutely unflinching in his treatment of athletes in the area of discipline. He has gotten rid of so many athletes for violation of his set rules since his arrival that he's actually been criticized many times for NOT giving these kids chances. Last year he sent Grooms packing and he was the CUSA Freshman of the Year. History says he's been consistent in his treatment of athletes and how he disciplines.


OK, do Doc is tough on discipline with the bad characters he recruits? He knows dang good and well what these guys history and character is. I am not going to commend him for recruiting guys he knows that have a history and then getting rid of them to save his own neck.

College football is a dirty business. We all like it. Half these guys, probably more, would never sniff a college campus. There is not some moral high road here. Coaches use these guys while it is convenient. I know a guy in the recruiting game and it is dirty as they come. Players also use the schools. It goes both ways. These guys are not choir boys and then we act surprised when they do something?
These guys are not choir boys and then we act surprised when they do something?

The marketing people are afraid that if they don't keep selling the student-athlete farce, the geezers won't let them bilk them out of all their savings.
The marketing people are afraid that if they don't keep selling the student-athlete farce, the geezers won't let them bilk them out of all their savings.

Exactly. The coaches are like well, go to Florida and get another idiot. This one screwed up.

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