Marshall Dorms Are Full For The Fall

All growth, at least in talking about enrollment, isn't good growth.

If you are squeezing your profit margin too much, it's not good. If you are watering down your product (say, for instance, lowering basic qualifications to be accepted into school by not even requiring an application to be completed for local students with just a 2.5 GPA), it's not good.
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They need a new kind of degree. Something on the order of general studies. It proves that the student at least had the guts to stick around for 4 or 5 years and go in debt tens of thousands of dollars just to come out of college as dumb as he went in.
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I just found out a nephew who's attending UVA is majoring in Dutch Poetry. No lie. I laughed when I heard that. Is that money well spent?

No lie? I think it's a lie. WIthout looking, I can't imagine that any U.S. college, especially one like UVA, has a "Dutch Poetry" major.
No lie? I think it's a lie. WIthout looking, I can't imagine that any U.S. college, especially one like UVA, has a "Dutch Poetry" major.
I swear. I asked twice. I just looked on the UVA site and it is offered via their English Dept. and Creative Writing. Seems its a pre-cursor for a study abroad program.
I swear. I asked twice. I just looked on the UVA site and it is offered via their English Dept. and Creative Writing. Seems it's a pre-cursor for a study abroad program.
An area of emphasis isn't the same thing as a major. They do NOThave a major in Dutch poetry
An area of emphasis isn't the same thing as a major. They do NOThave a major in Dutch poetry
That's what they told me,you would think the parents would know. But looking at the web site it doesn't appear to be a "MAJOR". Still, I question the young mans choice in this area. To each his own.
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- Any person who majors, or whatever knitpick alternative like "area of emphasis-es" something that you cannot find 1000s of the modern electronic version of a help wanted ad for is a dope.
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I swear. I asked twice.
Probably should have asked a third time.

But looking at the web site it doesn't appear to be a "MAJOR".
Shit, it's not even a minor offered. Without looking it up and just going by your word (I know, that isn't wise), it would possibly be a course to allow one to study abroad for a semester in a specific country.

As I said yesterday, this board needs a full time fact checker. No lie.
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When WVU was having financial problems months ago, one of their cost cutting measures was to eliminate the puppetry major.
I think that one was set up when Gee first arrived in the Hole. He wanted some WVU students trained as puppet string pullers to help him manipulate the feckless and spineless legislative and governmental leaders in Charleston. Now that he is on his way out the door, the Committee trying to reduce massive deficits accumulated during his tenure decided that puppetry is a luxury the "Flagcrap" School could no longer afford!!!