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Treadmill MUsic

Gold Buffalo
Gold Member
Feb 29, 2012
To all the fake fans and negative post about the team losing yesterday. We will certainly bounce back next week! I think we needed to see a lil stress getting down 14-0. The boys could have folded, but all of them didn't! They fought back with heart and grit! Last years bunch would have quit. To all you posters that cannot support this football team, leave your mf mask off!
It sucks we lost but hopefully it humbles the team and disallows any more losing.

We haven't lost since week 2...let that sink in for a second.
Considering this time last season, losses came every week.

Pretty much every aspect of the game came up short yesterday...
Coaching, execution, preparation, offense, defense, special teams, etc. Butch had his team fired up and took advantage of everything we gave them.
I'm just happy this board isn't like the other one of perpetual bitching and complaining.

We lost 2 games thus far and have won 6, whereas last season, we had lost 6 games and won 2 thus far.

The east is still ours for the taking. FIU lost to MTSU quite badly. If we win out, we will hold the tiebreaker. FIU and FAU have to play each other which can cancel themselves out of the east. We beat FAU and WKU we essentially control our own destiny. The best route, obviously, is to win out but even with this loss, we can still take the east.
To all the fake fans and negative post about the team losing yesterday. We will certainly bounce back next week! I think we needed to see a lil stress getting down 14-0. The boys could have folded, but all of them didn't! They fought back with heart and grit! Last years bunch would have quit. To all you posters that cannot support this football team, leave your mf mask off!

Mike, you could have tweeted that as well.
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“Judge Smails: It's easy to grin When your ship comes in And you've got the stockmarket beat. But the man worthwhile, Is the man who can smile, When his shorts are too tight in the seat.”

Tough loss. Friday night will reveal the core of this years team. Are they 2016 2.0? Or are they able to re-group and show some mettle.
We shall see ....... Go Herd!
I am not one saying that we suck and haven’t beat anyone. I AM one saying that we lost because we came out with no energy and seemed to take FIU lightly.

The next 2 weeks will show what kind of team we are, especially this week.
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Let’s see what kind of leadership is on the team now that they’ve been punched in the mouth.

Play calling isn’t going to change. It’s up to the players if they want to really turn this thing around let whatever happened last year to surface again.
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I told the folks I was watching the game with that it look like they all got drunk Friday night.

Well, definitely the D-line played like they had one hell of a collective hangover. Radio broadcast NEVER mentioned a tackle by one of our ends or D tackles - - -seems like every stop was by a corner or a safety, which means that as a team, you are in deep Doo Doo!!!
To all the fake fans and negative post about the team losing yesterday. We will certainly bounce back next week! I think we needed to see a lil stress getting down 14-0. The boys could have folded, but all of them didn't! They fought back with heart and grit! Last years bunch would have quit. To all you posters that cannot support this football team, leave your mf mask off!

I'm sorry what did you say? All I heard was blah blah blah ..... blah blah... mumble mumble mumble .... I'm a sissy and can't call a crap team a crap team cause my vagina hurts ...... This team is crap, they have played one maybe one and a half true football games. Our defense has carried us all year and our special teams gets some credit, but our offense is junk, with all the talent we have we have one of the worst play books ever!! Bill legg has to go or we will always loose these games when they are on the line.. Marshall's glory days If we were down in the forth we all knew that we would march down the field and win the game.. bill legg and his 3 and out routes will never have us there.....!!
FAU still has to play FIU on November 18th in Boca. I believe FAU will route the Panthers, which could possibly secure our tie breaker pending we win on Friday and take care of the Toppers. So, yes, there is still an opportunity to win the East.
I can root for the team. I just have zero confidence in our coaching staff: A) Having them ready to play, B) Having a complete game plan, C) Making in game adjustements and D) Managing the game

Other than these things, Marshall is probably the most talented team and favorite to win each individual game in CUSA. If you ever wondered what the Herd would have been like if Snyder could recruit, we are seeing it first hand. Based on Doc's ability to win games against good coaches, what gives you hope against a hot FAU on the road this week?

Our defense has to be on in order for us to win. If Heater has a bad day, MU loses. Everything is against us going down to FL this week. We just lost as a 17 point favorite at home. Now we need to go down and beat an FAU team that just went to WKU and won. DONT THINK SO.......our coaching staff does NOT have the capabilities to do so based on their historic performances up to date. Talent wise we can compete, but when it comes to coaching it is like putting a 3rd string punter up against your top LB in an Oklahoma drill, and unfortunately we have the 3rd string punter.
I also wonder with our new indoor facility if the coaching staff even had them in the rain practicing..... looked like the rain was a new thing at the start of the game.. personally the indoor facility hasn't proven to have done anything.. the weight room has been a huge plus but the indoor field not so much.. it opened in 2014 the year we won a conference but that team didn't get to use it but alittle bit during that season.. just another way the coaching staff needs to be more prepared and fire bill legg
I agree with you guys that we came out flat. However this team did not give up. I hate to point out what should be obvious but Chase gave them 14 points. Last time I looked we lost by 11. Take away 2 huge turnovers and we win this game in spite of everything you list. I think we do no worse than 2-2 to close out season. If we play to our potential we win out IMO. Time to man up and get it done..... Go Herd!
No we won't. With both us and FIU having one conference loss, they hold the head-to-head tiebreaker. We need to win out and hope FIU takes another loss. IF this happens, we win the east.

Its cute seeing all these new posters coming out after a loss but being silent when we win.

Of course I know FIU holds the tiebreaker over us. However, their slate of conference games isn't easy either. They still have FAU and WKU left...both not easy.
I am concerned with MU can only control their own destiny.
I agree ........ If we play to our potential we win out IMO. ....... done..... Go Herd!

How often do we do that? In all fairness, most teams do not. It is hard to play to your potential week in and week out. But we have to put ourselves in the best position to succeed. We don't. My belief is that we do not possess the football IQ to do so.
How often do we do that? In all fairness, most teams do not. It is hard to play to your potential week in and week out. But we have to put ourselves in the best position to succeed. We don't. My belief is that we do not possess the football IQ to do so.

Your belief is based on???
Its cute seeing all these new posters coming out after a loss but being silent when we win.

Of course I know FIU holds the tiebreaker over us. However, their slate of conference games isn't easy either. They still have FAU and WKU left...both not easy.
I am concerned with MU can only control their own destiny.

New Poster? I've been here longer than you, Slick. Plus I was under a different screen name years ago. Furthermore, I post much more on the CSNBBS board.

If you "knew" FIU holds the tie-breaker, then why make the comment that you did? If you don't want called out, then don't post false information. And no, I don't comment much when we win because it is what I expect from the team. But thanks for your concern.
New Poster? I've been here longer than you, Slick. Plus I was under a different screen name years ago. Furthermore, I post much more on the CSNBBS board.

If you "knew" FIU holds the tie-breaker, then why make the comment that you did? If you don't want called out, then don't post false information. And no, I don't comment much when we win because it is what I expect from the team. But thanks for your concern.

Because I am only focused on Marshall and what we do. Can't control what others do. Like me unable to control your inherent lack of knowledge.

But to clear it up...if Marshall wins out they can win the east.
FIU has 1 loss and would need another to eliminate themselves from it.
Concurrently, FAU requires a loss and one from us would do it since FIU and FAU play one another and essentially (again, if we win), cancel thenselves out.

However, what is important and requires focus is us winning out. If we do that then let everything fall as they may.

Because I am only focused on Marshall and what we do. Can't control what others do. Like me unable to control your inherent lack of knowledge.

But to clear it up...if Marshall wins out they can win the east.
FIU has 1 loss and would need another to eliminate themselves from it.
Concurrently, FAU requires a loss and one from us would do it since FIU and FAU play one another and essentially (again, if we win), cancel thenselves out.

However, what is important and requires focus is us winning out. If we do that then let everything fall as they may.

Lack of knowledge? That's rich. I'm not the one that displayed my ignorance by posting that if we win out we hold the tiebreaker. As a matter of fact, another poster called you out on it too. I already knew the rule as evidenced by myself and someone else correcting you. You evidently are the one with the "lack of knowledge". Now, carry on Cupcake.
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Our in game decisions are horrible. We are not mentally prepared for the "small things" that make a big difference. A few examples, from Saturday:

1. 2nd Drive; we have them 3rd and 6 in their own territory. We bite on the pre snap hard count. WHY? This mental mistake kept the drive alive and they built on it to go up 14 - 0. Is that the "players" fault? Or is this one of the little things Butch notices in film? Either way, good teams, well prepared and coached, playing up to their potential do not commit these types of mistakes.

2. Play calling in bad weather: We have a QB that is okay on deep throws. Following a fumble, in the rain, down 14-0 what do we do? Deep ball after deep ball. Contrary to this type of calling, FIU's develops rythm in their passing game by throwing short play action passes to their TE early on. (Using Marshalls aggression against itself)

On a much bigger note of not having football IQ/being prepared/getting the most out of our players:

1. We have a Philip Rivers type QB running a spread offense. Litton can't carry out good fakes, hardly ever runs the ball, etc...... Don't you think we should adjust our offensive scheme to fit his strenghts?

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