My wife is not allowing me to leave the house until COVID is completely gone


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007

Man claims COVID-19 made his penis shrink​

An anonymous man in his 30s who had to be hospitalized after contracting COVID-19 last July now claims that the disease left him with a shrunken penis and erectile dysfunction.

"When I got out of the hospital, I had some erectile dysfunction issues. Those gradually got better with some medical attention, but I seem to be left with a lasting problem. My penis has shrunk," the man wrote in a letter to Slate's "How To Do It" podcast.

"Before I got sick, I was above average, not huge, but definitely bigger than normal. Now I've lost about an inch and a half and become decidedly less than average."

Dr. Ashley Winter, a urologist in Oregon, confirmed to the podcast hosts that "COVID d--- is like a real thing."

Multiple studies have linked COVID-19 to erectile dysfunction and other reproductive health issues.

An Italian study last year found that 28% of men who contracted COVID-19 experienced issues with erectile dysfunction, while only 9.33% of men who hadn't contracted COVID-19 experienced the same issue.

Researchers at the University of Miami found that the "widespread blood vessel dysfunction, or endothelial dysfunction, that results from the COVID-19 infection could then contribute to erectile dysfunction."

"In our pilot study, we found that men who previously did not complain of erectile dysfunction developed pretty severe erectile dysfunction after the onset of COVID-19 infection," Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, associate professor and director of the University of Miami's Reproductive Urology Program, said about the results.

A group of doctors, the Urologists United for Vaccination Education, put out a PSA in October encouraging men to get vaccinated, saying that men who have had COVID-19 are six times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.

"Studies have shown that COVID can affect the blood vessels of the penis in a similar way that it affects the blood vessels of the lungs, preventing them from providing enough blood to the penis to cause an erection, and leading to permanent impotence," the group writes.

For men who have already had COVID-19 and are experiencing erectile dysfunction, Dr. Winter suggested using medicine like Cialis or Viagra, or even using extension devices that can add back length.

"These are easy things you can do at home, to either prevent shortening or actually get back length that you've lost," she told the podcast hosts.
  • Wow
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Man claims COVID-19 made his penis shrink​

An anonymous man in his 30s who had to be hospitalized after contracting COVID-19 last July now claims that the disease left him with a shrunken penis and erectile dysfunction.

"When I got out of the hospital, I had some erectile dysfunction issues. Those gradually got better with some medical attention, but I seem to be left with a lasting problem. My penis has shrunk," the man wrote in a letter to Slate's "How To Do It" podcast.

"Before I got sick, I was above average, not huge, but definitely bigger than normal. Now I've lost about an inch and a half and become decidedly less than average."

Dr. Ashley Winter, a urologist in Oregon, confirmed to the podcast hosts that "COVID d--- is like a real thing."

Multiple studies have linked COVID-19 to erectile dysfunction and other reproductive health issues.

An Italian study last year found that 28% of men who contracted COVID-19 experienced issues with erectile dysfunction, while only 9.33% of men who hadn't contracted COVID-19 experienced the same issue.

Researchers at the University of Miami found that the "widespread blood vessel dysfunction, or endothelial dysfunction, that results from the COVID-19 infection could then contribute to erectile dysfunction."

"In our pilot study, we found that men who previously did not complain of erectile dysfunction developed pretty severe erectile dysfunction after the onset of COVID-19 infection," Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, associate professor and director of the University of Miami's Reproductive Urology Program, said about the results.

A group of doctors, the Urologists United for Vaccination Education, put out a PSA in October encouraging men to get vaccinated, saying that men who have had COVID-19 are six times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.

"Studies have shown that COVID can affect the blood vessels of the penis in a similar way that it affects the blood vessels of the lungs, preventing them from providing enough blood to the penis to cause an erection, and leading to permanent impotence," the group writes.

For men who have already had COVID-19 and are experiencing erectile dysfunction, Dr. Winter suggested using medicine like Cialis or Viagra, or even using extension devices that can add back length.

"These are easy things you can do at home, to either prevent shortening or actually get back length that you've lost," she told the podcast hosts.
Sounds like they’ve officially found Covid patient 0….traced back to Greed. No wonder he’s always so angry!
Sounds like they’ve officially found Covid patient 0….traced back to Greed. No wonder he’s always so angry!
I have had Covid recently. Let's say I am not fully back in the game.

Like a case of whiskey dick. Maybe 3/4 Morning Wood.

I expect to be taken off of injured reserve by the end of the weekend. If not, I am going to have to pull off a Kirk Gibson style at bat. Gonna touch em all and limp across home plate.
I have had Covid recently. Let's say I am not fully back in the game.

Like a case of whiskey dick. Maybe 3/4 Morning Wood.

I expect to be taken off of injured reserve by the end of the weekend. If not, I am going to have to pull off a Kirk Gibson style at bat. Gonna touch em all and limp across home plate.
Maybe you should visit her office.
Can you imagine really going to her for ball and urinary problems? I would have been extremely uneasy with it. When you've got a grapefruit sack and guts about to fall in the floor, this is not what you want to see really.

Most women hate men anyway. I'd be scared she was going to take revenge out on me or something. The shit was bad enough to deal with already.

Holy shit, I mean just think about how it would be sitting there with a four inch cut and bloody stitched up nutsack and then this walks in. There she blows, stitches start ripping. It was a nasty, bloody ass mess the way it was.

As bad as that was, still it wasn't as bad as the shutdown.
I’m saying her face looks jacked up and y’all are some easy lays if you’re going nuts over that.
Easy lays hell. It would take forever and a day and probably never happen. It would be nothing but aggravation. Would have to find something ugly to deal with this. Thank goodness 90 some percent of urologists look like walruses.
Not all of us have the privilege of living in southern California.
You really do get blind to it after a while. A friend of mine came out to visit a while back, and he is from VA Beach where it ain’t that bad. We went to the grocery store and he was kind of slack jawed at what’s just walking around here. But kind of like the weather you just get used to it and it’s normal.
You really do get blind to it after a while. A friend of mine came out to visit a while back, and he is from VA Beach where it ain’t that bad. We went to the grocery store and he was kind of slack jawed at what’s just walking around here. But kind of like the weather you just get used to it and it’s normal.
I wonder what the Urologists look like there.

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