Oh Sisters.......did you catch the HEELs victory over the Ky cats?

Mods, please rub Toes' back since all he does is complain and whine. He's still salty that wvu fans were allowed to abuse him for so long on the smack board.

He never complains when Gary'S weeney continues his threats towards other posters but only cries when people respond to Bozo the Clown's antics.

CK....Ocevol-Evad...PLEASEEEEEE Kiss my ASS.....

Your HERD Momma's=====DADDY.....HERDZILLA22
Butler and Indiana. Those two schools were left off a previous list of teams Gary'S weeney has claimed to be a big fan of. He has boasted about going to games of both Butler and Indiana schools since his son - the one he has threatened to have beat up other posters on here - live(s)/live(d) in that area.

Hey IDIOT C K...that would be my SON-IN-LAW from Indina...You are one dumb ass....

HerdZilla22...Your HERD DADDY....LOL LOL
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Hey IDIOT C K...tht would be my SON-IN-LAW from Indina...You are one dumb ass....

HerdZilla22...Your HERD DADDY....LOL LOL

Does your son-in-law know that you are offering him up as a sacrificial lamb in your threats of physical violence against other posters? I am guessing he does, which is why you aren't allowed to be alone with your grandchildren.

April 27, 2017....Passing thru.....for HERD Baseball

HerdZilla22 (G. Sweeney) from Charlotte

Rocket, you have nothing to worry about unless you have a woman with you. Gary'S weeney only beats them up.
Mods please direct Zilla (Gary Sweeney or whomever) to the UNC board. Why do we have to hear or read about UNC on Herd Nation? We do not play them so please inform him. Thank you.