One of the Koch Brothers Died

He donated over a Billion dollars in charity.

And his reputation is undeserved. The Koch's are pretty run-of-the-mill rich guys who donate to political campaigns where they see fit. Certainly not the epoch-ending evil people they were demagogued to be.

They were, corporately, the 32nd biggest contributor in 2018, as an example. ... d000000186

They are largely libertarian and don't really care about social conservative issues, and are in favor of legalizing marijuana.

Country and Marine just proving themselves to be tools of propaganda.
He donated over a Billion dollars in charity.

And his reputation is undeserved. The Koch's are pretty run-of-the-mill rich guys who donate to political campaigns where they see fit. Certainly not the epoch-ending evil people they were demagogued to be.

They were, corporately, the 32nd biggest contributor in 2018, as an example. ... d000000186

They are largely libertarian and don't really care about social conservative issues, and are in favor of legalizing marijuana.

Country and Marine just proving themselves to be tools of propaganda.

You’re a fvcking tool preacher man if you don’t see how corrupt the Koch boys are (were) in his case
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You’re a fvcking tool preacher man if you don’t see how corrupt the Koch boys are (were) in his case
So, you're openly applauding the death of another human being, as well as cussing a man of the cloth. What will you do, in order to pull off the triafecta? Maybe rape a crippled girl while she's out riding around the block in her wheelchair? Or, just bitch slap her, which I believe is out of Fever's playbook.
So, you're openly applauding the death of another human being, as well as cussing a man of the cloth. What will you do, in order to pull off the triafecta? Maybe rape a crippled girl while she's out riding around the block in her wheelchair? Or, just bitch slap her, which I believe is out of Fever's playbook.

Yes seems about right on your first point. Rest of your BS is just your deranged mind in work
So I’m supposed to mourn for a corrupt billionaire who’s done more harm politically in this country than just about anyone imaginable? And to boot I'm not supposed call out a right wing preacher who openly supports a POTUS who has degraded women, lies,cheats, steals, commits fraud as a hypocrite? Lmao, yeah ok
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You’re a fvcking tool preacher man if you don’t see how corrupt the Koch boys are (were) in his case

I like it. Marine throwing his hat in the ring with a strong push for "dumbest liberal sheep on this site (besides dtard)." Well played, sir. The only chance you lose after your showing in this thread is the next time Greed chooses to post anything.

Who supports the death penalty, gets drunk, and told a poster "fvck you."

Oops. Too late.
I like it. Marine throwing his hat in the ring with a strong push for "dumbest liberal sheep on this site (besides dtard)." Well played, sir. The only chance you lose after your showing in this thread is the next time Greed chooses to post anything.

Oops. Too late.

You enjoy soccer... so
I like it. Marine throwing his hat in the ring with a strong push for "dumbest liberal sheep on this site (besides dtard)." Well played, sir. The only chance you lose after your showing in this thread is the next time Greed chooses to post anything.

Oops. Too late.

And your avatar is from a shitty cartoon show so who gives a fvck what you think
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come on Corky you can do better than this.

Oops. Too late.

Yes, you always are. Idiot.

The agenda of the Koch brothers is to repeal every major piece of legislation that has been signed into law over the past 80 years that has protected the middle class, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the most vulnerable in this country.
It'll be interesting to see how history treats the Koch brothers. Charitable, Pro-Choice, and against the War on Drugs but vehement climate deniers and certainly driven by the dollar.

While Koch served on the Board of the National Cancer Institute, Koch Brothers lobbied the EPA to not categorize Formaldehyde as a know carcinogen, a product Koch Industries manufactured in mass.

Not the Sacklers but certainly on the same greed team.

They obviously changed politics with their money......Supported Bush and fought Obama, they pulled back from presidential politics after Trump was nominated and had recently announced they wouldn't be involved in 2020.
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It'll be interesting to see how history treats the Koch brothers. Charitable, Pro-Choice, and against the War on Drugs but vehement climate deniers and certainly driven by the dollar.

While Koch served on the Board of the National Cancer Institute, Koch Brothers lobbied the EPA to not categorize Formaldehyde as a know carcinogen, a product Koch Industries manufactured in mass.

Not the Sacklers but certainly on the same greed team.

They obviously changed politics with their money......Supported Bush and fought Obama, they pulled back from presidential politics after Trump was nominated and had recently announced they wouldn't be involved in 2020.

Yeah, fvck em.
Who supports the death penalty, gets drunk, and told a poster "fvck you."

The Bible has the death penalty for like a 100 different things, Jesus made shitload of wine because everyone was drinking so hard they went through five days of wine in three, but Keeper is a bad guy. Fvck you, for sure.

Which branch of Baptists do you belong to?
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The Bible has the death penalty for like a 100 different things, Jesus made shitload of wine because everyone was drinking so hard they went through five days of wine in three, but Keeper is a bad guy. Fvck you, for sure.

Which branch of Baptists do you belong to?

He's (keeper) a f'ucking hypocrite and a perfect example of why anyone in their right mind would never want to be a Christian. Get off your f'ucking high horse.
He donated over a Billion dollars in charity.

And his reputation is undeserved. The Koch's are pretty run-of-the-mill rich guys who donate to political campaigns where they see fit. Certainly not the epoch-ending evil people they were demagogued to be.

They were, corporately, the 32nd biggest contributor in 2018, as an example. ... d000000186

They are largely libertarian and don't really care about social conservative issues, and are in favor of legalizing marijuana.

Country and Marine just proving themselves to be tools of propaganda.

Politically, I think they can go get fvcked. This mainly is because of health care issues, climate change (even if you don't believe in climate change, cleaner energy is still better for the environment), some of the dirt bags they have been behind, and my general belief that dumping that kind of money into politics breeds further corruption (Soros can also get fvcked). .

Oh, and anyone that supports the Ayn Rand Institute, or any Randian bullshit, can also get fvcked, so lump them in there as well.

Cheering the death of one of them? That's just being a dick, it isn't cool.

And I certainly recognize their giving to things I do agree with.

They will leave a very mixed legacy.
He's (keeper) a f'ucking hypocrite and a perfect example of why anyone in their right mind would never want to be a Christian.

He's a hypocrite for supporting the death penalty and drinking in moderation, when that stuff is cool in the Bible? Wouldn't the real hypocrites be the ones going against the Bible, like Extra?

Get off your f'ucking high horse.

Leave my horse out of this (can you even ride a horse?)....and fvck you too while I am at it. IT IS GO GET FVCKED DAY ON PULLMAN.
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He's a hypocrite for supporting the death penalty and drinking in moderation, when that stuff is cool in the Bible? Wouldn't the real hypocrites be the ones going against the Bible, like Extra?

Leave my horse out of this (can you even ride a horse?)....and fvck you too while I am at it. IT IS GO GET FVCKED DAY ON PULLMAN.

He's a hypocrite for being a trump supporter.

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