Pentagon explores feeding biomade meat to troops

That should help with recruiting.

Ya. They have already alienated hundreds, of what in the past, would have been good, patriotic, bad a$$ men from wanting anything to do with what many consider now to be a sissy wimp military. It’s brain dead stuff like this that just reinforces the current Administration’s apparent desired stereotype.

Biden’s numerous submissive actions wrt things like allowing the CCP to fly their spy balloon over our most sensitive military sites, allowing thousands of healthy, military aged Chinese men over our Southern Border, and sticking a knife in Israel’s back shows me that keeping America safe is dead last on Biden’s list of priorities.
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That should help with recruiting.
speaking of that. Scuttle butt is that there may be a call up of the IRR, Individual Ready Reserve, that is non voluntary. Meaning people could be forced back by an order. Word is that staffing numbers are so low in some areas that has become a strategic issue.
Ya. They have already alienated hundreds, of what in the past, would have been good, patriotic, bad a$$ men from wanting anything to do with what many consider now to be a sissy wimp military. It’s brain dead stuff like this that just reinforces the current Administration’s apparent desired stereotype.

Biden’s numerous submissive actions wrt things like allowing the CCP to fly their spy balloon over our most sensitive military sites, allowing thousands of healthy, military aged Chinese men over our Southern Border, and sticking a knife in Israel’s back shows me that keeping America safe is dead last on Biden’s list of priorities.
They lost 8,000 people or so due to the stupid vaccine mandate and then a year later said whoops sorry shouldn't have done that. Morons.
Somehow this makes me think of the book/movie Soylent Green: “It’s people!”

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