Race together Starbucks


Gold Buffalo
Sep 18, 2011
Has anyone followed this new campaign that Starbucks has launched? They are having baristas write #racetogether on cups, in order to encourage a discussion on race relations.

I don't know about you all but I can't wait to see what in depth philosophical points of view my coffee maker has on race. This may well be one of the dumbest campaigns ever by a corporation. At some point someone will get pissed and it won't end well.
There has been more race related baiting since you know who was anointed. Liberals are just not happy enough to win. They have to create more controversy(that does or does not exist) in order to fulfill their agenda. Race relations, gay rights, gay marriage, abortion, guns, religion, you name it. The liberals are never freakin' happy.
It's time to admit that we really are privileged. We have the same great American opportunity, but we don't have to contend with the mountain of pity from the media and pop culture.

If I had everybody telling me I couldn't do anything and paying me not to try, I'd have probably given up too.
Does this mean, as I white guy, when I order my vanilla latte or vanilla coffee I'm going to be looked at as a racist for "sticking with my own kind"?
Can't even get a cup of over priced coffee without somebody making a civil rights case out of it.
I read a funny article raising hell about this today. Starbucks is being hollier than thou yet they dont have a starbucks in Ferguson or Selma or anyother overwhelmingly black neighborhoods.
So apparently nobody thinks this is a good idea.
Sorry to hijack, but since we're on the subject of "things that piss me off pertaining to coffee," I'd like to add my two cents:

If you take pictures of your coffee and post it on instagram, not only will I instantly unfollow you, I will consider you retarded.
The CEO of Starbucks was also the guy who sold the Seattle Supersonics for big dollars without batting an eye to Oklahoma City despite the city's pleas to work on a deal to keep the team in Seattle. It's like one of the richest guys in world talking about income inequality and bashing Papa Johns.