Remove the plank from your own eye
I use planks to build things. idiot.
Remove the plank from your own eye
in fairness, all i've ever indicated about your dad was the CB radio comment. it was a joke and you seemed to think i was being serious. the funniest part of that exchange was you having a relative of the same name you used disparagingly toward me. cleatus, i think it was.WV-Fan tried using that line
is that herd fever's pit bull barking in the background?
you can add me to that group of people as well. I know i care more about the well being of my pets throughout all of time than some stranger. If that means I'm going to hell, then save me a spot.YOU said you cared more for your dog than you did a stranger. Realizing this, maybe you shouldn't question ANYONE'S religion.
you can add me to that group of people as well. I know i care more about the well being of my pets throughout all of time than some stranger. If that means I'm going to hell, then save me a spot.
greed would rescue the Ayatollah before he ran in to grab his wife or other family members. Travolta told him it's the right thing to do.Same here. If my house is on fire, and inside are my two dogs and a stranger, well buddy you are third in line for my rescue attempts. Pack first.
I use planks to build things. idiot.
caliherd, Raoul Duke MU and WV-FAN like thisyou can add me to that group of people as well. I know i care more about the well being of my pets throughout all of time than some stranger. If that means I'm going to hell, then save me a spot.
And you could build an entire home if you would try pulling them out of your own eye first, hypocrite.
Same here. If my house is on fire, and inside are my two dogs and a stranger, well buddy you are third in line for my rescue attempts. Pack first.
yeah, i'm on their team. so what? you'd save something you loved over me. difference between people like us and liars like you, we admit it.caliherd, Raoul Duke MU and WV-FAN like this
That's exactly what it means. And it goes for the 3 posters who liked your post.
yeah, i'm on their team. so what?
does your dog hump your leg?I'm fairly certain that people who love their dogs more than people have no hope on the day of judgement. That's the "so what".
Please God if there’s ever a meeting, tell me the time and place. I’ll make a vacation out of it. And another thing...this 61 year old will kick all your asses.
Well...maybe not. The last time I got in a fight was sixth grade and I got my clock cleaned. But in fairness, she was the biggest girl in my class.
The hypocrisy is you talking about any religion. You have none.
I'm fairly certain that people who love their dogs more than people have no hope on the day of judgement. That's the "so what".
I'm fairly certain that people who love their dogs more than people have no hope on the day of judgement. That's the "so what".
A cage match should gross enough pay-per-view to pay off all Fever’s debts. This could be the most legendary bout since nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.
I used to use planks to build things. Before I ran my business into the ground.
That GIF has already been used in this thread by another user. Message board protocol requires a one-week self-suspension.
That GIF has already been used in this thread by another user. Message board protocol requires a one-week self-suspension.
That's the "christian in me" coming out.
well, damn, either missed it or forgot about it. still a good gif.
guess i'm out
Whether you care for pets over humans or vice versa it has nothing to do with going to heaven or he'll. It's not what we do but what Jesus done for us all on the cross. You must believe he was God wrapped in flesh and came to Earth to show us the way. Then as told in the old Testament and NT he was crucified but conquered death by raising from the dead and sacrificed himself by his blood covering the sin's of all those who believe in him. You too if a believer will conquer death. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. He sends no one to Hell. People have free will to make that choice. It's takes faith and faith comes from God. I urge Yagi and others to ask God to give you the faith to believe. Don't miss out.Give yourself a chance. When reading Yagi's post it makes me think of my hero Archie Bunker who said this about Faith-'-'- You know it takes faith. Faith is believing in something that no one in their right mind would believe. lol
well, damn, either missed it or forgot about it. still a good gif.
guess i'm out
(It’s not really protocol. You don’t have to leave.)
Show us where, in the Holy Bible, that Christ said for us to go out among the nation's and be disciples to dogs. You can spend your existence trying to save animals without souls, but that certainly isn't what God wants.
Your problem is you just want to cherry pick the parts of Christianity that are convenient to you
Is that the Christian or Scientology day of judgement?
Are you drunk or doped up??
I don't cherry pick scripture. You don't know what you're talking about. At all.
I'm fairly certain that people who love their dogs more than people have no hope on the day of judgement. That's the "so what".
You have made this comment:
You aren't concerned with nor do you love non-believers as Christ loves you. You would care more for a dog than people you're arguing with on here.
You're cherry picking your religion. No wonder you added Scientology. You a la carte both to fill in the blanks. Nice work, hypocrite.
No I think that’s his that herd fever's pit bull barking in the background?
No I think that’s his mom.
The fakin’ Jamaican has been very active on Twitter today, like usual, but he’s cowardly ducked this thread when I started talking about his spousal abuse. He has to know by now that I have evidence of the allegation of domestic violence against him, but he also knows he’s caught in two different lies regarding it.
@Herd Fever , are you going to answer my question?