Russia has begun attacking the port city of Odesa.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Thst is thr largest southern Port of southern Ukraine. Russia has also stopped allowing grain to leave Ukraine which will lead to a food shortage later this year in some areas of the world.

If the Russians move beyond a naval attack of Odesa and take it they would control the southern portion of Ukraine and all major ports and control of the access to the sea. Ukraine could only import and export from the west by land.

Russia is text book taking the south to control the sea as previously mentioned.

Later this year nations in Africa and other regions could have a famine problem.

Wagner Grouo has appeared to reconstitute itself in BELARUS and their new leader appeared to make comments about African operations in their future.

I am sure our illustrious leaders in DC are on things with visions of grandeur.

The real shit storm of this proxy war could be on the horizon as dominoes begin to fall across the globe.
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Not to fear. Your orange jesus said he could end the war in one day. Move on.
Not to fear. Your orange jesus said he could end the war in one day. Move on.
Probably two days but, I digress.

We are now funding a likely never ending war there. We will now move to proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere partly because of these nitwits in DC. Think tankers.
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Probably two days but, I digress.

We are now funding a likely never ending war there we will know move to proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere partly because od these nitwit in DC. Think tankers.
Kind of like that iraq/afghanistan 20 year blunder that cost 2 trillion and left afghanistan the same as we found it.
For the record under Obama and Biden admins Ukraine has lost about 30 percent of their country and countless dead.
For the record, none of this might have occurred if your beloved george w texas had stopped the russian invasion of georgia.
Of course. Poor little putin is as paranoid as oath breaker is.
Nope. Foreign policy experts in DC have been talking about this one for years, as well as Putin.

It really is no different than China’s position and threats on maintaining Taiwan as their’s and don’t mess with it. It is no different than Russia attempting to put missiles in Cuba in the 50s. Generally, you stay out of the big boy’s backyard. Ukraine has always had a strategic allegiance to Russia. That’s a fact.
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For the record, none of this might have occurred if your beloved george w texas had stopped the russian invasion of georgia.
hahaha, Ok, lump Georgia in there. So, none of it would have happened would it? Laughable.
Nope. Foreign policy experts in DC have been talking about this one for years, as well as Putin.

It really is no different than China’s position and threats on maintaining Taiwan as their’s and don’t mess with it. It is no different than Russia attempting to put missiles in Cuba in the 50s. Generally, you stay out of the big boy’s backyard. Ukraine has always had a strategic allegiance to Russia. That’s a fact.
These morons in DC and elsewhere, hey let's let Ukraine in NATO? #1 why? #2, what the hell did they think Russia would do? #3 Putin is a thug.

You can simultaneously think Putin is a thug and say we helped create this mess. EG doesn't get that.
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While we send billions to Ukraine, guess what these pictures are? Let me tell you what they are. They are pictures of inside the barracks of a US military installation that has air conditioning problems. THe living quarters of our troops. Front line troops.

So let's send more money to Ukraine and we can't even fix our damn barracks for our troops.

Give it to this guy he got creative to cool his room down as it was 95 degrees outside and probably that inside. For the record, these were shared on a world wide media site and are public knowledge and domain.


Water standing in the return ducts.

And one more thing, these DC think tankers and moronic PC bleeding hearts stirring up their crap spent millions renaming military bases and can't even fix the damn air conditioners, among other things.
Yes. it's laughing at you when I use your argument to expose your stupid.
hahaha, you are a simple minded thinker. Let's see Bush sees Russia attack Georgia, Obama sees Russia attack Ukraine, Trump nothing, Biden sees Russia attack Ukraine.

While we send billions to Ukraine, guess what these pictures are? Let me tell you what they are. They are pictures of inside the barracks of a US military installation that has air conditioning problems. THe living quarters of our troops. Front line troops.

So let's send more money to Ukraine and we can't even fix our damn barracks for our troops.

Give it to this guy he got creative to cool his room down as it was 95 degrees outside and probably that inside. For the record, these were shared on a world wide media site and are public knowledge and domain.


Water standing in the return ducts.


The money spent in ukraine is not preventing the repair and/or upgrade of the military, you idiot. But if you think it is, you can ask the rich who got a big tax break from your orange jesus to return their tax break. I'm sure they'd be patriots like you and hand it right over.
The money spent in ukraine is not preventing the repair and/or upgrade of the military, you idiot. But if you think it is, you can ask the rich who got a big tax break from your orange jesus to return their tax break. I'm sure they'd be patriots like you and hand it right over.
^draft dodging war monger^^
The money spent in ukraine is not preventing the repair and/or upgrade of the military, you idiot. But if you think it is, you can ask the rich who got a big tax break from your orange jesus to return their tax break. I'm sure they'd be patriots like you and hand it right over.
Always someone else’s responsibility with you.
The money spent in ukraine is not preventing the repair and/or upgrade of the military, you idiot. But if you think it is, you can ask the rich who got a big tax break from your orange jesus to return their tax break. I'm sure they'd be patriots like you and hand it right over.
Return money that they earned? The government didn't give them this money.
Ok. Then ask the poor working class to pay for it and leave the rich alone because they really need the $$
Why should anyone have to give even more $$ to the govt? You said yourself…it’s not an income/$$ problem with the military budget. Why is your answer always the govt should take more instead of appropriately managing the $Trillions they already take?
Extra is truly unable to differentiate the fact that two things can be true at the same time. Just because you don’t support an open check to Ukraine does not mean you support Putin. It’s what he does and has done for years. It’s either intentional or he really can’t think critically.
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