Nope. Didn't say anything of the sort. Blame it on your west virginian education.
Uhh, yeah. That would make them bright enough to realize the financial potential of it. And your comment about selling out MSG holds no water, as I never claimed that a city of 7+ million people doesn't have 20,000 hillbillies scattered throughout it.
The Junkyard Dog was awesome. Remember Tony Atlas? Dude was a freak of nature. Here is at 60 plus years oldYou implied it. And you also said something about Saturday nights and West Virginia...well, in my case (as I posted) it was Saturday noon and a totally different part of the country. So much for your New York education.
Uh, not really. Those southern boys in the NWA gave Hogan his break. Those southern boys were the first to put on a national television show. McMahon just got lucky enough to be able to land the biggest star right when the business boomed.
Are you claiming those wops and micks in New York City were hillbillies? McMahon's dad gave Terry Bollea the name Hogan, to appeal to the Irish fans. He wanted him to die his hair red lol. The longest reigning champ in the New York territory? Bruno Sammartino, an actual born-in-Italy Italian (also an interesting man, his mother hid the family in a cave during WWII; at one time he held the world record in the bench press). These things are not coincidences.
Funny thing about racism and wrasslin'....the first black champion was in Mid South Wrestling, part of the NWA...Junkyard Dog. The McMahons were infamous for never having black champions.
You implied it.
And you also said something about Saturday nights and West Virginia...well, in my case (as I posted) it was Saturday noon and a totally different part of the country. So much for your New York education.
McMahon just got lucky enough to be able to land the biggest star right when the business boomed.
Are you claiming those wops and micks in New York City were hillbillies? McMahon's dad gave Terry Bollea the name Hogan, to appeal to the Irish fans. He wanted him to die his hair red lol. The longest reigning champ in the New York territory? Bruno Sammartino, an actual born-in-Italy Italian (also an interesting man, his mother hid the family in a cave during WWII; at one time he held the world record in the bench press). These things are not coincidences.
I also, in that same statement, referenced “families.”
So McMahon had the business sense to try and grow the interest in his product outside of the rednecks and hillbillies?
The longest reigning champ in the New York territory? Bruno Sammartino, an actual born-in-Italy Italian (also an interesting man, his mother hid the family in a cave during WWII; at one time he held the world record in the bench press).
Funny, in this thread I mentioned that my grandmother watched wrasslin' with me. Do you want to talk some more about reading comprehension? You are slipping, my friend.
What? "Professional wrestling" became big around 1920. The McMahon family got into it in the way back then. They were always the NY territory. Wops and micks. The rest of the country had wrasslin' as well, hence the territories. The current McMahon, Vincent K., got Hogan, made more money, and began buying territories that already existed because wrestling was popular everywhere. Has it had its ups and downs in popularity, like every other leisure interest? Sure. But to say Vince grew its popularity outside of rednecks and hillbillies is historically inaccurate to the point it is preposterous.
3) I made a comment referencing families in West Virginia gathering around the television on Saturday nights to watch wrestling, clearly referencing the comment Herman, and to a lesser extent, Dreh, made.
4) You then claimed I was the one who had reading comprehension issues because you mentioned watching Saturday noon (not night) viewing.
Vince took it from a small, niche event popular with hillbillies and rednecks and made it mainstream where it was popular with more demographics but still dominated by hillbillies and rednecks.
As a child, I went to one of the WWF shows. I don't remember a lot of it, but when I was older, I recall my parents reminiscing and laughing about the audience - they came out from the hills for it.
Arguing that McMahon didn't grow its popularity outside of rednecks and hillbillies is simply absurd. That's the whole point of it going mainstream. It was a niche event strongly supported by rednecks and hillbillies. McMahon took it to a level where it was more widely accepted in the mainstream instead of just the lowest class of people
Don't be like EG. You are better than that.
Good job Raoul. You said "Bloody Mary" three times in the mirror.
The only way to make real money before the 1980's was to wrestle in Japan. You could do a month's work there and make as mush as you did a year in the States.
^^^The PILL HEAD could restrain his stupidity no longer.
Can you just piss off for a thread or two? Thanks in advance.
I am claiming you have issues if you think this was some growing up in the 80s thing purely isolated to redneck hillbillies. You ever think maybe you are the one that had a weird childhood, and the rest of us were normal?
I am not going to claim the fans overlapped with the patrons of the Metropolitan Opera, but I am telling you wrestling was a lot more mainstream than you realize, long before Vince.
One minute you grew up in un-redneck NY, now it's like half redneck. Make up your mind. And the fact your parents were laughing at the audience, probably hard-working, middle class folks, tells me I might be correct about your childhood.
I am just going to flat out ask you: do you consider urban NYC wops and micks to be rednecks? I expect an answer (mainly because I feel you upstaters think you are better than the urban wops and micks).
My argument is you are wrong that wrestling was only popular with hillbillies and rednecks. You are confusing "mainstream" as a numbers game with "mainstream" as in demographics.
I've never said Vince didn't grow the industry in numbers,again I arguing he was able to do so because he had the capital to hire Hogan right when he was blowing up.
He jumped that hurdle 6 months ago.
Think of chicken fighting . . .if all of the matches are held in rundown barns in Wayne with a bunch of local chickens and a crowd of tobacco-spitting drunks who are trying to fight everyone, the demographics are going to be very slim.
The overwhelming percentage of adults who follow(ed) it are rednecks/hillbillies
That’s why wrestling’s biggest markets and most passionate fan bases are (by far) NYC, Philadelphia, and Chicago. All redneck towns.
The overwhelming percentage of adults who follow(ed) it are rednecks/hillbillies. That was consistent in the '80s as well as today. Kids from all backgrounds watched it . . . but again, kids.
I watched it as a kid. I went to one of their big events. I used to order Wrestlemania and friends would have sleepovers and have their parents order it. But again, kids . . . 7-11 year olds. Once we realized girls had tits and it felt good to get your pecker rubbed, we quickly grew out of WWF in order to give us the best shot at getting girls. For rednecks and hillbillies, they never grew out of it or increased their intelligence to a level where it was no longer entertaining.
Ha. Keeper is now in this thread saying wrestlers couldn't make any real money. If something is mainstream, it's popular enough where the "stars" can make real money. But it gets better. This is a quote from McMahon:
"In the old days, there were wrestling fiefdoms all over the country, each with its own little lord in charge. Each little lord respected the rights of his neighboring little lord. No takeovers or raids were allowed. There were maybe 30 of these tiny kingdoms in the U.S. and if I hadn’t bought out my dad, there would still be 30 of them, fragmented and struggling. I, of course, had no allegiance to those little lords"
. [Sports Illustrated, 1991]
In other words, he was saying that all of these regional companies that you keep mentioning were struggling. And if not for him, they would still be struggling.
Name any other industry that is mainstream (which is your argument) where there are no other competitors in your entire state and possibly neighboring states, yet they are struggling and the stars don't make real money. You can't, because if it was truly mainstream, they wouldn't be struggling as McMahon said and would be able to make real money (as Keep said they couldn't).
I've already said that there are rednecks everywhere. Maybe you should go back and read this thread slower. What I contested was BC's claim that it was some rural, farmland area.
I also said that as children we watched it. Children watching it doesn't equate to rednecks. Grown adults watching it? Yeah, that wreaks of redneckish. And yes, if I brought it up to my parents tomorrow, they would laugh and talk about how it was scary to see some of these adults - how they acted, what they looked like, how serious they took wrestling to the point that they wanted to fight some of the wrestlers from the crowd, etc.
Are you ignorant to the common jokes people make about adult wrestling fans? My parents weren't the only ones who have commented on it. It's a topic that many non-redneck adults laugh at when discussing. They saw it first-hand . . . thousands of people they had never seen before (not individually, but rather, an entire demographic that was absent the rest of the year) in the area who came out of the woods for a WWE event.
I've never once heard that belief referenced. Upstaters think they are better than NYC Italians and Irish? This is 2019, not 1910. It's not even a belief or stereotype I have ever heard outside of how immigrants were viewed 100 years ago by everyone - most definitely not upstaters thinking they are superior to anybody. In fact, if anything, it is the complete opposite. NYC residents resent having to support poor upstaters with their tax dollars.
Of course every single fan, all 100% of them, weren't hillbillies or rednecks. But that demographic made up the biggest portion of fans by far. What percentage of legit WWE fans in 1990 had a four year degree? Same question with a Master's/advanced. You think those percentages were higher than the actual U.S. population? Not even close.
And Vince absolutely did greatly expand the demographics, not just the simple numbers. The money he made from it was put back into the business allowing for far better entertainment - better arenas throughout the country, better action, better stars, etc. Doing those things absolutely expands the demographics to a higher level.
Think of chicken fighting . . .if all of the matches are held in rundown barns in Wayne with a bunch of local chickens and a crowd of tobacco-spitting drunks who are trying to fight everyone, the demographics are going to be very slim.
But if you take chickens that are bred their entire lives to fight, have the fights in small arenas in bigger cities, have security there, and have a legit gambling operation, you're suddenly going to get interest from a much wider demographic.
That's what McMahon did. He took wrestling out of these small venues in small cities with awful television, awful actors, awful budgets, etc. and put better actors in big arenas with huge budgets and national television. He greatly widened the demographic of the fan base. Instead of poor rednecks, he was getting rednecks with disposable incomes who lived in bigger areas.
Think of going to the local drag racing track on Saturday night in Russellville, Arkansas. Think of what type of crowd will be there. Then, think of the crowd at any major Nascar race ten years ago. You're still getting an overwhelming percentage of rednecks, but the latter event will bring an entirely new demographic on board that had no interest/desire/ability to go to a drag race in Russellville, Arkansas. That's what McMahon did.
Let me dumb this down for Murox the Moron's lackey and the three who liked this post: the drunk preacher, Tier Three, and Her-man.
NYC MSA: 20.3 million
OKC MSA: 1.3 million
Let's say that only 5% of those in the NYC MSA are rednecks/hillbillies.
Let's say that 70% of those in the OKC MSA are rednecks/hillbillies.
Clearly, OKC is substantially more of a redneck area than NYC. But does that mean it has more rednecks overall, thus making it a bigger redneck market?
Those numbers would mean there are about 100,000 more rednecks in the NYC MSA than the OKC MSA. In other words, capitalizing on the redneck market in NYC is more lucrative and valuable than capitalizing on the redneck market in OKC. So yes, when you have the #1, #3, and #5 largest MSAs in the country, as NYC/Chicago/Philly are, then you are going to have a bigger market than just about anywhere else in the country in just about every single industry. It's basic math and basic common sense.
It goes back to the very basic and common sense point I had to make regarding filling up MSG for many WWF shows - when you have a huge population such as NYC, it isn't hard to find 20,000 rednecks.
Does that mean NYC is a redneck city? Of course not. It simply means that NYC (and the other mega-MSA areas you named) simply have a huge number of everything - not as a percentage of their populations - based on having a huge overall population. Even if a very small percentage (such as 5%) of those populations are rednecks, it still leaves a ton of potential customers to fill seats in an arena.
He’s too easy to bait.
I didn’t even mention all the rednecks in LA, San Francisco, Phoenix, etc. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget about all those international rednecks in Toronto, Montreal, Saudi Arabia, and various parts of Europe. Redneckville.
And we all know about those rednecks in Hartford, Connecticut...where they are tonight.
How many times have you been to LA? How about San Fran? Toronto and Montreal? How about Saudi and various parts of Europe?
As I said, there are rednecks everywhere, especially in huge metropolitan areas. Those numbers aren't as concentrated, as a percentage, as redneck regions, but they still exist. And in major metro areas, those numbers exist that are large enough to fill a 20,000 capacity arena for a redneck event.
G-Wagens .
It's ok, you can spell it as "G-wagons." Murox the Moron isn't here, so you don't have to worry about him lying and claiming that the official Mercedes site has it spelled as "G-wagen" and then watch him disappear when asked for a link showing that. You don't have to worry about him disappearing when multiple, legitimate car magazines/websites spell it as I did.
jackwagenIt's ok, you can spell it as "G-wagons." Murox the Moron isn't here, so you don't have to worry about him lying and claiming that the official Mercedes site has it spelled as "G-wagen" and then watch him disappear when asked for a link showing that. You don't have to worry about him disappearing when multiple, legitimate car magazines/websites spell it as I did.
Good for you. It's always been G-Wagen for me, because ich spreche Deutsch. And here's Road & Track using G-Wagen:
And Car and Driver as well:
And yes, M-B's official German website:
Geländewagen: literally, terrain car.
Good for you. It's always been G-Wagen for me, because ich spreche Deutsch. And here's Road & Track using G-Wagen:
And Car and Driver as well:
And yes, M-B's official German website:
Geländewagen: literally, terrain car.
because ich spreche Deutsch.
Do you call your car a Datsun or a Nissan?All of that was a waste, as there has never been any question of whether "G-wagen" is an appropriate spelling. The question was if "G-wagon" was appropriate, and I showed multiple reputable car magazines spelling it that way. Why? Because it's the American/English way, and perhaps surprisingly to you, you're American and speak English regardless of how much you wish your name happened to be "Hans."
No, the question was if the Mercedes website actually used "G-wagen." Murox the Moron claimed that it did, then after numerous requests for him to prove it, he disappeared. Now, you're not doing much better by simply showing "Gelandewagen" and not the aforementioned request of "G-wagen."
No, you definitely do not.
No, you definitely do not.
Now, you're not doing much better by simply showing "Gelandewagen" and not the aforementioned request of "G-wagen."
you're American and speak English regardless
if "G-wagon" was appropriate, and I showed multiple reputable car magazines spelling it that way.
It's been 30 years since I studied German (two years in high school, which was common in Cold War Indiana),
Christ in Heaven....WTF do you think "G-Wagen" is short for?
You showed multiple car magazines fvcking it up. Glückwunsche, Arschloch.
But, everybody knows that wagen in the proper German name. Experts and purists would agree. Why is this even an argument?
Remember way back when, when rifle at least pretended not to comment on topics of which he had no knowledge? Well...throw that out the window.
In other words, you don't speak German. Exactly.
but that wasn't the issue.
Pussy and diagramming sentences is what he needs to stick to.Remember way back when, when rifle at least pretended not to comment on topics of which he had no knowledge? Well...throw that out the window.
Remember way back when, when rifle at least pretended not to comment on topics of which he had no knowledge? Well...throw that out the window.
I speak/read/write enough to be able to lightly converse with Germans.
Meanwhile, your entire argument is based on not being able to translate the name of this vehicle....and you are too obtuse to realize that is the root of you being wrong. So yeah, who the fvck are you to tell anyone what language they speak?.