Since Murox is a Man of His Word

Does it matter that the guy was a registered Democrat until 2016? That has to count for something here.

I call bullshit, unless he registered to vote for a particular local Dem in the primary (I did this once for Cabell County Sheriff). Question: besides the GOP and their rules, does WV now allow Dems to request a GOP primary ballot?
I cannot speak for other mods, but frankly I think $100 is enough, I don't care if he still posts.

No one forced him to accept the bet. In fact, I was offering the wager to big country and it didn’t involve any money. That’s when murox jumped in, added the $100 to the bet and accepted.
I cannot speak for other mods, but frankly I think $100 is enough, I don't care if he still posts.

It’s a self ban. He is just being stand-up about it. If the mods all want him to come back, that’s on you all to work out. He is dead serious about giving CR the $100. I can tell you that much.
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It’s a self ban. He is just being stand-up about it. If the mods all want him to come back, that’s on you all to work out. He is dead serious about giving CR the $100. I can tell you that much.

Since you have taken over the Sarah Sanders Hucka-B.S. role for Murox the Moron, please answer this:

Why did Murox the Moron refuse to swear on his father's and wife's life that he didn't do what I stated he did?
Since you have taken over the Sarah Sanders Hucka-B.S. role for Murox the Moron, please answer this:

Why did Murox the Moron refuse to swear on his father's and wife's life that he didn't do what I stated he did?
Can't speak for rox, but swearing on my parents(other family member) is a big no no for me. Unwritten rule, don't touch that one.
Since you have taken over the Sarah Sanders Hucka-B.S. role for Murox the Moron, please answer this:

Why did Murox the Moron refuse to swear on his father's and wife's life that he didn't do what I stated he did?

I’m not his spokesman. I just know that, unlike you, he will honor his bet.

You have his cell if you want to ask him.
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I’m not his spokesman. .
You have his cell if you want to ask him.

I already know the reason. He doesn't need to explain it to me. He needs to explain it to the board who he lied to with the forged document and the guy who welched on.

I just know that, unlike you, he will honor his bet.

Show where I agreed to a bet that I didn't uphold my end.
As the judge for the other bet involving 'rox, I feel the need to chime in on this one.

For all parties involved, here is the post rifle made referencing a bet:

You're joking, right? You think he is going to back anything I say?

You in the mood for another bet? If I post a video of it - so no way you can argue that it is photoshopped - which shows that it absolutely is from you admitting exactly what I said you did, and shows the actual $1 donation that you made, you'll have to sit out two years.


He was careful in all of the posts following this one, only mentioning that murox would have to leave the board.

That's how I interpreted things, at least.
He was careful in all of the posts following this one, only mentioning that murox would have to leave the board.

That's how I interpreted things, at least.

Exactly. I knew that the threat of me posting irrefutable proof of his forgery would lead him to coming clean. After my threat/challenge, he suddenly had a remarkable turn in his memory in which he suddenly recalled making a bet with an unnamed poster with the same parameters.

Then, of course, he refused to swear on his father's and wife's life about what I claimed.

I am always careful with my words. It is why morons like the racist in Michigan, Herdman, Murox, and BC fail so much in reading comprehension.
Bets don't always have the same or an equal payout. Any idiot would know that.

If you don't believe me, bet on the Patriots tonight to beat the Bill straight up (moneyline). If you select that and wager $1100, you'll only win $100.

Did I say they always have the same payout? No. But, each party is potentially giving up something in order to win something else. Otherwise there is no bet.
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Did I say they always have the same payout? No. But, each party is potentially giving up something in order to win something else..

Great. Now, show me where I said I would give up something if I lost or where I agreed to give up something if I lost.

You can't, yet . . .

Otherwise there is no bet.

Thanks for proving my point. Since I didn't say I'd give up something or agree to it, according to you, there is no bet. If no bet, your claim that I welched or didn't keep my word has no merit.

Thanks for playing. Murox the Moron wouldn't even be foolish enough to have just walked into that one.