So What Happens When Govt Forces Minimum Wage Hikes?

As I've said before imbecile, I no longer have employees.

Yep. Just as I said before.

decided to "semi retire". No need to keep a thriving, growing business expanding during the longest economic expansion. No need to keep individuals fully employed with “higher” wages. Quit... just like all other successful business do.

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Im not arguing about your last employees. You absolutely complained about not upping their salaries because it would force you to raise prices and could be undercut by competitors

You're not arguing near as much as you're simply trying to fill blank space with more lies. It's all you do is lie.
I stated earlier that I don't mind raising prices whatsoever if the rest of my competitors have to do the same thing. You lying idiot.
You're not arguing near as much as you're simply trying to fill blank space with more lies. It's all you do is lie.
I stated earlier that I don't mind raising prices whatsoever if the rest of my competitors have to do the same thing. You lying idiot.
So you won’t raise wages unless your competition does too. If the govt says so you’re fine with it because everyone else will too. That’s exactly what I claimed earlier in the thread. But somehow I’m the idiot
So you won’t raise wages unless your competition does too. If the govt says so you’re fine with it because everyone else will too. That’s exactly what I claimed earlier in the thread. But somehow I’m the idiot

First, yes, you are the idiot, and you're lying yet again. I never stated I wouldn't raise wages unless my competion does too, you idiot. I stated that it would be difficult for me to remain competitive if my competition didn't have to raise wages while I had to. I have consistently stated that if it's an across the board wage hike, I don't mind. It still remains a level playing field.
Yes you did you senile bastard. You came here asking opinions on paying/incentivizing your employees in an effort to get them to be more productive. (aka commission). You got laughed off the thread then too.

Yet another lie, liar. One you've repeated several times.

When I brought that topic to this board, I had already initiated the incentive based pay system 14 weeks earlier. The question I asked was why would my employees (or anyone's employees) not be satisfied with that system when they were making considerably more money every single week except one week in which they made slightly less than what they were getting paid on their hourly basis.

Now, after explaining this for the umpteenth time, tomorrow or a couple weeks or months from now, you will once again repeat your lie. You will do that because you are nothing but a liar.
First, yes, you are the idiot, and you're lying yet again. I never stated I wouldn't raise wages unless my competion does too, you idiot. I stated that it would be difficult for me to remain competitive if my competition didn't have to raise wages while I had to. I have consistently stated that if it's an across the board wage hike, I don't mind. It still remains a level playing field.
. So let’s get this straight. I’m a liar for claiming you said you wouldn’t pay your employees more unless your competition did as well but only a few posts later you claim exactly that. Do you understand why the vast majority of people here think you’re an idiot?
The question I asked was why would my employees (or anyone's employees) not be satisfied with that system when they were making considerably more money every single week except one week in which they made slightly less than what they were getting paid on their hourly basis.

Money is only a temporary motivator. The problem was that these folks didn't like their A-hole boss.
. The question I asked was why would my employees (or anyone's employees) not be satisfied with that system when they were making considerably more

Yes. I’ve already written this above.

You came here asking opinions on paying/incentivizing your employees

Not surprisingly, everyone here told you it was a terrible idea based on the type of work they were performing. The number of employees you have now demonstrates just how well that worked out.
I’m a liar for claiming you said you wouldn’t pay your employees more unless your competition did as well but only a few posts later you claim exactly that.

Yes, you're a liar for claiming that. I never stated I wouldn't pay my employees more unless my competition did.

Do you understand why I call you a liar and a moron?
i've set the minimum wage for my company at $10/hour......well, at least for my single employee. i did pay her a $1K quarterly bonus yesterday, though. that count for anything, greed?
Yes. I’ve already written this above.

No, you didn't. You cannot refrain from lying. You and several cons on this board and in this thread are pathological liars.

Not surprisingly, everyone here told you it was a terrible idea based on the type of work they were performing.

And you're stupid enough to declare it again and use the "type of work" as a reason when they were getting paid consistently and considerably more money. You have a slug mentality.

The number of employees you have now demonstrates just how well that worked out.

Another lie. Don't stop now, moron.
Let’s face it. Most companies raise their employees wages and benefits when it provides them a competitive advantage to do so. Even Greed’s poor attempt at converting hourly wage labor to productivity based compensation demonstrates that.

Greed stated earlier in this thread that mom and pops “just need to change their model” or “close”. Well....he does appear to have taken his own advice and effectively chosen the latter.
Even Greed’s poor attempt at converting hourly wage labor to productivity based compensation demonstrates that.

Explain to us how my productivity based compensation was a poor attempt when it resulted in every single employee making considerably more money. I look forward to more of your stupidity and lying.
"More ramblings justifying why I have no employees and a $0 value business."

Yet another lie. You're a sick man.
Just because you claim it did...doesn’t make it so.

You're the idiot, not me. If they were making less money, I wouldn't be stupid as you and ask why they didn't like the new system.

Then again...It worked so one is employed there now.

Yet another lie. Another attempt to claim the incentive system is the cause of no one being employed now.
You're the idiot, not me. If they were making less money, I wouldn't be stupid as you and ask why they didn't like the new system.

Yet another lie. Another attempt to claim the incentive system is the cause of no one being employed now.

hey stupid, get some new material.
You're an idiot.
Show us that it's $0, liar. Attempt to do that without introducing another lie.

Do you have employees or not? Yes or No? (You’ve already said “no”). No.

I’m asking you what you could sell your business for (based on earnings/profit) today. What is your business worth/value?? Why can’t you explain that? Until you explain...this is exactly what everyone knows here:

The fact that you “semi retired”...the fact that you have “no employees”....the fact that you have chosen to scale down (to nonexistence) instead of scale up and grow....the fact that you chose not to apprentice an employee to carry on your efforts and potentially give someone else the opportunity accomplish being a business owner and continue a full operation ...the fact that you have done all the above, instead of sell it to someone who can actually do the things you didn’t and are choosing NOT to do pretty much sets the “value” at $0.00 unless you can explain otherwise. (Tell us where this assessment is a lie)

Listen, there’s no disgrace in you “retiring” your business. I commend you for your long term efforts. It’s just always ironic watching you preach your hypocrisy and contradicting yourself continuously. Inevitably all cycles come full circle. The markets appear to have spoken for your business. Good luck continuing your hobby of working and playing with power tools in your garage. Own that. It’s ok. (And quit being such a dick on here. Some people might give you some respect occasionally.)
Do you have employees or not? Yes or No? (You’ve already said “no”). No.

^^^Look, it's a breakthrough.^^^

I’m asking you what you could sell your business for (based on earnings/profit) today.

I'm telling you to prove it's $0, stupid liar.

In the meantime, I will continue to appropriately call you and the other stupid liars on this board what they are....stupid liars. Respect from most of you, particularly you, would certainly lower the recipient's reputation.
Just because you claim it did...doesn’t make it so.

Then again...It worked so one is employed there now.

And don't forget, it was so successful that you and I are paying for his, and I assume at least some of his former employees', current healthcare. You're welcome.
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And don't forget, it was so successful that you and I are paying for his, and I assume at least some of his former employees', current healthcare. You're welcome.

I paid for your sorry attempt at education. You're welcome.
^^^Look, it's a breakthrough.^^^

I'm telling you to prove it's $0, stupid liar.

In the meantime, I will continue to appropriately call you and the other stupid liars on this board what they are....stupid liars. Respect from most of you, particularly you, would certainly lower the recipient's reputation.

A breakthrough? Everyone (myself included) have been acknowledging you’ve had no employees on here for months. The real breakthrough was that you finally openly admitted it.

I have essentially “proven” your business has a market value of $0 by the situations I’ve outlined (facts you have previously acknowledged) and your continued lack of intelligent response here.

(Kudos to Thunder for remembering and adding the welfare/healthcare subsidy you also admitted to receiving some time back)

What could you currently sell your business for based on earnings/profits? (Greed refuses to answer). Ok, we all know the answer to that. ($0)

So let’s lower the threshold of the “value” measurement.

Greed. What could you sell your equipment, shop, and supplies/inventory for currently if someone wanted to buy it?
A breakthrough? Everyone (myself included) have been acknowledging you’ve had no employees on here for months.

Lie. Idiot.

I have essentially “proven” your business has a market value of $0

Lie. Idiot.

Ok, we all know the answer to that. ($0)

Lie. Idiot.

What could you sell your equipment, shop, and supplies/inventory for currently if someone wanted to buy it?

You tell us, lying idiot. It'll give you another opportunity to lie again.

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