Taking down wallpaper

Always The Herd

Silver Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007
Looking for some advice.....we are getting ready to remove wallpaper in our kitchen. When we there an easy way to remove the rough (almost like sand paper rough) texture on the walls. The walls have been painted prior to the wallpaper and we want to
go back to paint. Look forward to your advice. Thank You!!
If the walls were painted prior to the wallpaper being applied that will help a great deal. The paint acts as a primer.

You'll need to score the wallpaper (creates small holes in the paper) and then soak it (Spray bottle) with a removal solution. You can buy the solution or make your own with hot water. (Several recipes online)

Soak the wallpaper, small sections at a time as you remove it. Make sure the solution stays hot and you only soak what you can get to in 15 minutes or so.

Once it's all done you shoould be able to just clean the walls with a normal cleaning solution. Let it dry and you're ready to prime for paint.

It's messy but effective.
I can't be sure without seeing but is likely the paper backing. The vinyl peels off easy enough but the paper and glue stay behind. That's likely you're roughness left behind. I've donet this a few times. Absolutely nothing is an easy way, but the most luck I've had is with hot water and liquid fabric softener. Get a big spray bottle and fill it with the hottest water you can stand and then pour in some fabric softener and shake to mix thoroughly. While the water is hot spray the area you want to remove. When I say spray I mean soak it good. You'll want to put old towels or rags along the baseboard under it. Let it sit for about a minute (to soften the paper) and then take a 6" putty knife or scraper and scrape it off. It's tedious but it's the best way I've got it off including renting a steamer.

If the roughness is left behind by glue only, buy a couple of sanding blocks and sand it off. Be sure to wash it down real good if you plan to paint over it.
Having plaster is good. Go to a tool rental store and rent a wallpaper steamer, it's worth it.
Originally posted by murox:
Am I the only one who cracks up at these threads?
Let me hire Mexicans for this kind of stuff.