Teens wearing MAGA hats taunt Native American elder

There’s a lot of contradicting video about this incident floating around the Twitter verse as well
The mother of the student in the face of the elderly NA responds...

“In an email to this reporter, the mother of the student right up in Phillips’ face said the story was “fake news.” She claimed that Phillips, who she referred as a “this man,” in quotation marks, was drumming close to the teen’s face. But her biggest gripe, besides saying this reporter was promoting hate, was that she alleged the students were themselves harassed. By “black Muslims.”

“Shame on you! Were you there? Did you hear the names the people where calling these boys? It was shameful. Did you witness the black Muslims yelling profanities and video taping trying to get something to futher (sic) your narrative of hatred?? Did you know that this “man” came up to this one boy and drummed in his face? Shame on you. Only reporting what you want. More fake news.”

This article has videos from different angles...
There’s a lot of contradicting video about this incident floating around the Twitter verse as well

I’m not sure how you can watch this (and the video from different angles) and conclude that these kids weren’t being asswipes. That boy in the face of this man is obviously a jerk feeding off the validation of his peers. But what strikes me is where were the hell are the teachers and chaperones?
Also, I think it’s fair to note that this man is a Vietnam vet.
This is a first hand account by one of the native Americans...

At the close of the Indigenous Peoples’ March and rally, the few of us left lingering to chat and meet were confronted and surrounded by 50 to 70 young people wearing Trump’s hats, T-shirts and other apparel. The group consisted of mostly young white men who started to intimidate, mock and scare us with a mob mentality in order to silence a demonstration that was mostly concluded. The group outnumbered us and enclosed our small group, chanting ‘build the wall’ another Trump-isms. The group was clearly looking for ANY opportunity to get violent and they consistently infringed upon our space, inching closer and closer, bumping into us and daring us to get physical. They surrounded us screaming, cajoling and mocking the elder singing with intentionally disrespectful dancing and attempting to chant\sing louder than him. He did not break focus or move inch for the entirety of the encounter. And perhaps the saddest part of all is that this song was medicine to calm the anger and toxicity of these men.”
I’m in no way excising these kids behavior just getting as much info out there as possible. I’d think someone as yourself would welcome having all the telecast fact/sides to a story.
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I’m in no way excising these kids behavior just getting as much info out there as possible. I’d think someone as yourself would welcome having all the telecast fact/sides to a story.

Of course and I did. I spent over an hour reading articles and watching different videos of the incident. I couldn’t find a single shred of evidence that this incident could be viewed differently. I mean...these kids were chanting, “Build the wall,” to a group of native Americans. How incredibly asinine is that?

By the way, the like is for you not defending these kids. But again...where were the teachers and chaperones? If they were in that crowd (several accounts said they were) and did nothing to stop it they should all be fired.
I was wondering just how long it would take for this to be exposed as a hoax by the left. You can see the native Americans approaching the kids and getting in their faces, not the other way around. You can also see videos of black men shouting racial remarks at these kids (how dare a black teenager align with Trump!). And I particularly like the video where the grown man ambushes two kids in the mall and harasses them on video for wearing their MAGA hats.

So, what does this teach us? It continues to show that the left, not conservatives, are the ones who constantly display open acts of hate against people they disagree. It also shows that the media is a willing partner in lying to the public in an attempt to paint those who which they disagree with politically in a bad light.
I was wondering just how long it would take for this to be exposed as a hoax by the left. You can see the native Americans approaching the kids and getting in their faces, not the other way around. You can also see videos of black men shouting racial remarks at these kids (how dare a black teenager align with Trump!). And I particularly like the video where the grown man ambushes two kids in the mall and harasses them on video for wearing their MAGA hats.

So, what does this teach us? It continues to show that the left, not conservatives, are the ones who constantly display open acts of hate against people they disagree. It also shows that the media is a willing partner in lying to the public in an attempt to paint those who which they disagree with politically in a bad light.

Are you seriously saying he was getting in their faces? Lol.
Tell the real story, GK. They were there on a l trip(Catholic School). Had their hats on and the protestors came up to them. So who was doing the taunting.

They have as much of right as an Indian Elder or peace hippie to be in DC.

I’m not sure how you can watch this (and the video from different angles) and conclude that these kids weren’t being asswipes. That boy in the face of this man is obviously a jerk feeding off the validation of his peers. But what strikes me is where were the hell are the teachers and chaperones?
Seriously???????? I have seen multiple videos.

Last time I checked wearing a MAGA hat is perfectly within the bounds of living in this free land. What do they do any different than the Indian man banging a damn drum in his face?


The left controls the media but time to start exposing them every time they do shit like this.
Covington Catholic officials did not respond to multiple requests from Religion News Service for comment.

They released a joint statement with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington Saturday afternoon.

"We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general, Jan 18., after the March for Life, in Washington, D.C.," the statement read. "We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church's teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person. The matter is being investigated and we will take appropriate action, up to and including expulsion. We know this incident also has tainted the entire witness of the March for Life and express our most sincere apologies to all those who attended the March and all those who support the pro-life movement."
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You guys are right. Let’s send those Indians back where they came from...India. I see the light now. I mean...look how well the wall works in San Antonio...
nice retreat. ha. you spent "over an hour" researching this yet somehow missed the videos that show the kids being approached and not the other way around. love it when you mentally deranged liberals make an attempt to act as though you're viewing something objectively and it totally blows up in your face.

fwiw, it's easy to watch your video and believe the kids are just being kids these days, i.e. spoiled little entitled assholes who have no respect for damn near anything. throw the MAGA hats on them and it's easy for you mentally deranged libs to point fingers and imply their actions are a result of trump. i get it. however, on the other hand, it sure is pretty damn refreshing to see other videos come out that show the kids' reactions are a direct result of the proactive actions of others you mentally deranged assholes spew fake sympathy with.
Are you seriously saying he was getting in their faces? Lol.

Did you even look at the link I posted? There is a video that clearly shows the Indians approaching the students while beating on their drums, not the other way around.
Time to start calling them out of this bs.

The Indians approached the students.
Fake news will always be a problem as long as folks like GK and other libs so eagerly lap it up to reinforce their indoctrination
Fake news will always be a problem as long as folks like GK and other libs so eagerly lap it up to reinforce their indoctrination
especially after taking "over an hour" to research the matter. . .

GK, brother , you're one of my favorite posters here. But you really need to drop the whole "unbridled by ideology" thing if you're going to hitch your horse to this one.

Here's a quote from the girl who posted the video that went viral and started this whole thing.

"Taitano said the whole incident started when the teens and four young African-Americans, who'd been preaching about the Bible nearby, started yelling and calling each other names."

Well, here are your African American "preachers".

Shouldn't that throw the whole account into question?
I’m not sure how you can watch this (and the video from different angles) and conclude that these kids weren’t being asswipes. That boy in the face of this man is obviously a jerk feeding off the validation of his peers. But what strikes me is where were the hell are the teachers and chaperones?

Ok. Tell me what the appropriate reaction should be for a 15-16 year old teen when a grown-ass man comes up and starts banging a drum in his face? Smile smugly and say nothing? Cuss him out? Punch him in the face? I'm not really sure what you want from the kid. I'd really like to know what you think he did that warrants this vitriol.
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Serious question...what should the conclusion be if Covington Catholic officials and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington release a statement saying: ""We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general"
Serious question...what should the conclusion be if Covington Catholic officials and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington release a statement saying: ""We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general"

The conclusion, CCHS and the Diocese lack courage.
Serious question...what should the conclusion be if Covington Catholic officials and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington release a statement saying: ""We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general"

What likely happened is they were quick to release a statement without knowing all the facts.

Kinda like (former) Professor "Holier Than Thou" @GK4Herd just did.

And for a hillbilly like you who's never crawled out of the tri-state area, who are you to speak to anything going on in the real world? You stay up your holler, living in your comfortable shell, with no fear of anyone challenging anything you want to think, do, or believe.
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"What likely happened is they were quick to release a statement without knowing all the facts."

Yeah, go with that, knuckle dragger.
I liked the part where one of the native Americans told the kids to go back to Europe.

Or the part where the Native American said he was trying to leave: " What the young man was doing was blocking my escape. I wanted to leave. I was thinking, 'How do I get myself out of this? I want to get away from it,'" Phillips said."

Are you kidding me? I don't know how it's done in Native American culture, but in reality you don't try to move past someone by walking up to them and banging a Tom Tom inches from
their face, continually, for several minutes.

How about "Excuse me, may I pass?" But of course the guy never said a word yet somehow the kid is the asshole. What a joke, he's not a victim. He's gotten exactly what he wanted.

The most disgusting things I've seen in this whole ordeal are the threats and accusations lobbed at this kid because people make sure to screencap the moment when he has the most stereotypical rich white kid smile on his face.

I’m not sure how you can watch this (and the video from different angles) and conclude that these kids weren’t being asswipes. That boy in the face of this man is obviously a jerk feeding off the validation of his peers. But what strikes me is where were the hell are the teachers and chaperones?

Breaking news, white private school kid looks kind of pompous. What has this country become in the past two years?
Are you seriously saying he was getting in their faces? Lol.

Are you seriously saying he wasn't ? C'mon man, you're better than this. If you've truly watched all the videos objectively there's no way you can really believe what you just said:




He literally couldn't have gotten any closer to the kid's face and still had any room to beat that drum. And again, it's been established the Native's approached the group.
"What likely happened is they were quick to release a statement without knowing all the facts."

Yeah, go with that, knuckle dragger.

Good answer. On par with what I would have expected from someone who lives Out Wayne.
Good answer. On par with what I would have expected from someone who lives Out Wayne.

I'm just going with what Covington Catholic and the diocese have said. You're going against what they said, but saying they were ill informed. You go with that, knuckle dragger.

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