Teens wearing MAGA hats taunt Native American elder

shame these kids are beating exploited so the libs can score a political point. The full video shows who started this and was at fault.
There's some irony in these kids going to DC to protest something and then getting caught up in another protest. Gotta love DC, there's always a shitshow to be found.

Personally I would have extended my hand to the native man and invited him to pray with me, both in our own way, for peace and harmony on Earth. But I don't expect high school kids to have that level of sense.

I don't have a problem with the kid staring and smirking at him. That ain't cool, but it ain't mean either. Many of his classmates acted like asshats from what I have seen.
There's some irony in these kids going to DC to protest something and then getting caught up in another protest. Gotta love DC, there's always a shitshow to be found.

Personally I would have extended my hand to the native man and invited him to pray with me, both in our own way, for peace and harmony on Earth. But I don't expect high school kids to have that level of sense.

I don't have a problem with the kid staring and smirking at him. That ain't cool, but it ain't mean either. Many of his classmates acted like asshats from what I have seen.

Was the dude violating the kids personal space to bang his drum cool?
Was the dude being mean?

We're the kids ?

Edit: Everybody is talking about how the kid "disrespected " the Native American. A. I don't see it, B . Even if he did, the whole situation was instigated by the act of walking up into some random person face and banging an instrument. I don't know if I'd call it mean, but it is damn disrespectful.

And the whole deal with the guy saying he was just "trying " to leave, tells me he's full of crap and out to start something or make some kind of point , as banker said, at the expense of children.

Please don't forget that too. These weren't college kids, it was teenage children.
Not the one everyone is losing their shit about...odd you missed that, I already said that in the post you quoted.

I didn't miss it. Think they acted like teenagers. They were doing Indian chants along with them, like they were singing along to music, until this dude just got closer and closer and it started getting awkward and nobody knew how to react st that point.

If you believe chanting along with a group of people who walk up into the middle of you is disrespectful , well ok then. That's the worst thing the students did. I contend it is not though.

What the hell were they supposed to do? As soon as the Indians walk up take a knee and starting bowing "we're not worthy! " I wouldn't know how to react in that situation. Especially when people are screaming at me "go back to Europe!"
Serious question...what should the conclusion be if Covington Catholic officials and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington release a statement saying: ""We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general"

THey should bring back the rack and put them in it for two days.
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Extra, you see white kids and jump to conclusions based on bias reporting. Now the full story and unedited video has come out showing the kids did nothing but stand their ground from racist bigots that were calling them racial slurs and spouting off anti homosexual terms. Good for these kids they are owed an apology.
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Extra, you see white kids and jump to conclusions based on bias reporting. Now the full story and unedited video has come out showing the kids did nothing but stand their ground from racist bigots that were calling them racial slurs and spouting off anti homosexual terms. Good for these kids they are owed an apology.

I haven't drawn a conclusion. I'm just stating that the school and diocese have apologized for the actions of the kids, and by that I'm ASSUMING they (school and diocese) feel the kids were disrespectful. I don't care one way or the other.
Bunch of you eating crow right now. Once again you swallowed hook line and sinker bias media crap.

What should be said now about this Indian elder and the black racists?
I didn't miss it. Think they acted like teenagers. They were doing Indian chants along with them, like they were singing along to music, until this dude just got closer and closer and it started getting awkward and nobody knew how to react st that point.

If you believe chanting along with a group of people who walk up into the middle of you is disrespectful , well ok then. That's the worst thing the students did. I contend it is not though.

What the hell were they supposed to do? As soon as the Indians walk up take a knee and starting bowing "we're not worthy! " I wouldn't know how to react in that situation. Especially when people are screaming at me "go back to Europe!"

Ah, so they were mocking the Indian. How nice for a bunch of church kids.*

I don't know what they should do...maybe ignore weird shit, that's what I do. I might like to watch weird shit, but I'm not going to join the insanity. I would definitely have ignored the crazy blacks, nothing good ever comes from matching crazy with crazy blacks.

I don't know why you want to argue with me. I gave the focus of the faux rage a break. You want me to call him a saint , too? Go find another tree to bark up.

* Rich spoiled brats is more like it. I swear there is a bell curve for kids to act like they have some sense. Too poor and they act like trash. Too rich and they act like brats. Maybe kids need a strong blue-collar Dad to brat their asses every now and then.
Bunch of you eating crow right now. Once again you swallowed hook line and sinker bias media crap.

What should be said now about this Indian elder and the black racists?

I don't know how many times this has to happen before the leftists in our country at least pause for a split second to see if the headline of the article is true. Usually, the exact opposite is what really happened.

Sadly, leftists don't care about facts. They only care about painting conservatives in a bad light.
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Raoul, you do realize all the stuff you said there has been shown false now right?

Would you care to point out exactly what I said was false?

1. 73 said the kids were doing "Indian chants". That's mocking.

2. Are they not church kids?

3. Is it not a good idea to ignore crazy?

4. Is it not smart for whites to ignore black crazy?

5. Did I not give the main target of faux outrage a break? He still looks like a smug little prick (or can you prove he doesn't look like a smug little prick), and I was clear that's not a hanging offense.

6. If you watch the entire video and not see a bunch of the kids acting like asshats (and again, that is unfortunately the norm for teens today), then you might need your eyes examined. I went from no glasses to bifocals, it happens.

7. I will admit my bell curve is a hypothesis. Do you have imperical evidence to disprove it?

8. Are you now abandoning every thing you believe and are claiming a strong father and discipline are not important? That's pretty radical over this silly of a discussion.

Did that cover everything?

This is twice this weekend you have ignored one of the great truths of the world: very often both sides are wrong/asshats/full of shit.

On a side note, I have now read the crazy blacks were Black Israelites. Dherd needs to chime in if it is part of their gospel to call teenagers fa@@ots.
I gotta be quick because I don't have time for an extended response.

The kids were doing their school chants and the Native walks up in the middle of them beating the drum and they don't think it's all that serious so they're chanting along until it starts to get weird.

I don't know why I've picked this one instance to get ticked off but I'm just sick of this crap.

The more video I watch and the more I read I'm now 100% convinced they didn't do a dang thing wrong.

And I'm being argumentative about it because as more of these facts come back out , the narrative is being rolled back from "Harrrr kill that punk he needs slapped!" To "well, there's culpability on both sides."

No, there isn't. Nathan Phillips is either a lying joke, or he's oblivious. Either way that's not these kids' fault.
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And I'm being argumentative about it because as more of these facts come back out , the narrative is being rolled back from "Harrrr kill that punk he needs slapped!" To "well, there's culpability on both sides."

I sincerely didn't give a shit. Truth be told, if I had to be pissed I would be pissed at the chaperones...sometimes you have to tell kids to STFU.
STFU for what? Yelling school chants? If they were mocking the Native Americans that's one thing. Fact is, they weren't. Could they have handled it better? Maybe. I'm still not sure what some of you wanted them to do. If you were in a public location, expressing yourself and someone came up and started banging a drum inches from your face, what would you do? Walk away? I highly doubt it.
STFU for what? Yelling school chants? If they were mocking the Native Americans that's one thing. Fact is, they weren't. Could they have handled it better? Maybe. I'm still not sure what some of you wanted them to do. If you were in a public location, expressing yourself and someone came up and started banging a drum inches from your face, what would you do? Walk away? I highly doubt it.

Would be time for the Trail Of Tears II, Seriously though that kid remand pretty calm.
STFU for what? Yelling school chants?

Yeah. Act like you have some damn sense. It's the Lincoln Memorial, not a basketball game. The VVM is right over to your left if you are facing the Reflecting Pool. It's not an area I'd act like an ass in.

If you were in a public location, expressing yourself and someone came up and started banging a drum inches from your face, what would you do? Walk away? I highly doubt it.

I'd ask him if wanted to smoke a bowl.

Expressing myself in a public location? I'm pretty quiet in my middle age.
I’m sure GK hasn’t abandoned this thread. Being the non-ideologue he is, he must simply be researching this from all angles to determine what really happened. No way would the apolitical centrist try to make it appear as if these kids were the ones in the wrong when clearly the Vietnam vet (nice touch, GK) was the primary instigator.

So, where are you GK? Get back in here and take your lumps.
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I’m sure GK hasn’t abandoned this thread. Being the non-ideologue he is, he must simply be researching this from all angles to determine what really happened. No way would the apolitical centrist try to make it appear as if these kids were the ones in the wrong when clearly the Vietnam vet (nice touch, GK) was the primary instigator.

So, where are you GK? Get back in here and take your lumps.
I think GK really became upset because of the Global Warming issue.

Maybe GK is thinking about Global Warming on a balmy 8 degree WV night.

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Yeah. Act like you have some damn sense. It's the Lincoln Memorial, not a basketball game. The VVM is right over to your left if you are facing the Reflecting Pool. It's not an area I'd act like an ass in.

So beating a drum loudly is a better alternative? Cool, thanks for that Leftist viewpoint you seem to be so good at lately.