I'm the opposite. Driving...especially long distances bores me to tears. I want the day to come where I can get in my car at midnight, program it for the beach, and wake up in the parking lot of my condo.
And exactly 06, my 87 year old mother lost her license on the retest. She was extremely active and got out and did things and is now basically at the mercy of having other people take her places. Stuff as simple as going to the store is taken away. I've been told that this is the single most humiliating thing that seniors face...a loss of their freedom and mobility. With autonomous vehicles that goes away.
Traffic would be diminished (these car are going to communicate with traffic lights and other vehicles), accidents reduced to a fraction of what it is now, decreases in auto rates, reduction in DUIs, etc. The death toll will plummet to nearly nothing. But on the flip side this will take a toll on jobs. Think businesses are going to use humans and all the expenses of health insurance, salary,taxes,etc. to pilot their trucks when their goods can be shipped without humans and the human errors that go with it? Ive read that there are companies already gearing up for this.
I'm ready for it, but you know what's going to happen. Somebody is going to load their drunk buddy in their car and punch in a destination and they are going to wake up hungover in Kansas somewhere. Just you wait.