TFG is really gonna piss off his anti vax base niw


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 13, 2006
the trumpublican token can’t even redirect him from it!
Would the Biden administration welcome Trump’s help if it meant getting more people vaccinated?
Wonder what impact it will have on the largest group of unvaccinated persons? Probably little since most weren't Trump supporters.

Let's be honest here. Despite what Andy Griffith thinks, people aren't anti-vax because they're pro-Trump. People are anti-vax because they don't trust the media and/or the government. Why would they? Neither entity has their best interest at heart. Now, as a correlation, Trump supporters tend to be distrustful of the government as a whole. That being the case, there are a large number of Trump supporters that happen to be anti-vax. The problem is, those two things aren't correlated in the way the goofball OP is trying to make them be.
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there are a large number of Trump supporters that happen to be anti-vax.
Exactly Gomer, which was the entire point of the post. That must have flown right over your head. If he can help get THAT group to get vaxxed, that would be wonderful!!
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I wonder what the Biden admin is doing about getting the black and Hispanic communities vaccinated since they are lagging behind other groups
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Exactly Gomer, which was the entire point of the post. That must have flown right over your head. If he can help get THAT group to get vaxxed, that would be wonderful!!
Maybe if the current administration would quit acting like the Trump administration had zero to do with the implementation of the expedited vaccine rollout that might help.
Biden’s rare acknowledgment of Trump’s accomplishments goes against lib talking points but it’s true, they did a lot to help.
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Exactly Gomer, which was the entire point of the post. That must have flown right over your head. If he can help get THAT group to get vaxxed, that would be wonderful!!
^^^Too slow to understand the nuances addressed in my post. And the Out Wayne retard joined in. Sounds about right.
I wonder what the Biden admin is doing about getting the black and Hispanic communities vaccinated since they are lagging behind other groups
I agree, they are and I hope they can get more on board!
Trump's in cahoots with them on this shit.

He bought it, or pretended to, and lost. It would be better if we had someone else next time, but we won't. Trump is all. If fate lets me, I will vote for Trump out of rooting for laundry and maybe we'll get cheaper gas out of it.

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