That a Concealed Gun In your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
When the Republicans took back control of this state last year I knew there would be some legislation introduced that might seem questionable (this is WV after all.) But could somebody please, for the love of God, explain to me why we need to do away with need for permits & classes for conceal & carry?

We're a state in desperate need of laws that make West Virginia more attractive to businesses looking to relocate or open new locations. Besides easing smoking laws, which is insane, how does eliminating conceal & carry requirements make us more appealing to outside business?

Don't get me wrong, still better what the Democrats have done to this state. But how does this help? If anything, you're now giving the police even more reason to intrude because now they have legal reason to suspect any person of hiding a gun on their person.
Good for wv. The conceal carry thing should be done away with as it should be everyone's constitutional right to carry.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I am not sure how it helps business. It might be a play to get gun manufacturers or gun accessory manufacturers to locate in WV.

Now to the other point. Let's be honest about conceal carry permits and the "classes" you have to take. They are money makers for local government and about control. Taking a 8 hour class or whatever doesn't make one an expert. It means you took the class. Then, the local sheriff(where I live and in most states) issues the permit. He charges $80 to basically run a background check that a gun store can run in 2 minutes.

Now, why shouldn't a law abiding citizen be able to carry a gun? Why go through all this process? Constitutional carry. I am all for open carry if somebody wants to.

Let's go through the process in NC where I am from. NC is a shall issue state in terms of conceal carry permit. To purchase a pistol in NC one must have either a conceal carry permit or a pistol purchase permit.

The pistol purchase permit is issued by the county sheriff where you live. You must present this(if you do not have a conceal permit) at the time of purchase from either a gun store or an individual. This is from the Jim Crowe era. Most anybody will admit to that. It was a way for the local sheriff to deny blacks a permit to buy a gun. It still exist today. They are $5 each, a one page application must be presented and they will issue up to 5 permits at one time. They do a background check. There have been several attempts to overturn this but the sheriffs have a good hold on it and a strong lobby in the government.

The other choice is to get a conceal weapons permit. This requires taking an 8 hour class and some range time. Good class, but very basic, easy test at end and your fire a weapon to prove capability handle a weapon. So, you have to pay the instructor about $80 or so.

Then, once you complete the class you submit your application, get fingerprinted, and wait up to 60 days(state law they have to issue in that time). If you are a law abiding citizen, no criminal background, and not mental issues the sheriff, by law, is not supposed to deny you the permit. It is $80 in the county where I live.

So, follow the money and control that local sheriffs have. It is nothing more than that. Why is the sheriff basically running the same exact background that Dick's Sporting Goods runs?

Why should I go through that to carry a gun that I have a constitutional right to have. The ability of oning a gun is not a privilege it is a constitutional right. Guaranteed by the Constitution.

Criminals don't obey this. They put a gun in their pocket.
Constitutional carry hasnt really seemed to effect Arizona or New Hampshire businesses that much... And I agree. The permits have everything to do with $ and nothing to do with public safety.
I'm all for gun safety classes. I think anybody buying a handgun should take classes dealing with safety & effective use. But I don't think owning one should be contingent upon talking said classes. I've lived in WV off & on for over 23 years. I can honestly say I've maybe seen someone exercising open carry maybe five times. Again, I'm not against open or concealed carry. I just don't understand the need to address this right now.
This is an article that appeared in today's Register-Herald in Beckley.
I guess "we" the public are supposed to believe that if someone has
a permit to carry the gun that everything will be just "peachy keen" huh?
Isn't that just plain ignorant?

How does having a permit keep the police departments & the citizens safe?
If a convicted felon carries a gun do you think he/she cares if it is concealed or not concealed?

I hope the link posts correctly (I have never done that before). Let me know if it does not.

This post was edited on 3/6 7:03 PM by Always The Herd

This post was edited on 3/6 7:03 PM by Always The Herd
Originally posted by Always The Herd:
This is an article that appeared in today's Register-Herald in Beckley.
I guess "we" the public are supposed to believe that if someone has
a permit to carry the gun that everything will be just "peachy keen" huh?
Isn't that just plain ignorant?

How does having a permit keep the police departments & the citizens safe?
If a convicted felon carries a gun do you think he/she cares if it is concealed or not concealed?

I hope the link posts correctly (I have never done that before). Let me know if it does not.

This post was edited on 3/6 7:03 PM by Always The Herd
This post was edited on 3/6 7:03 PM by Always The Herd
Its about $ not about public safety
Sane, law abiding citizens will still be sane law abiding citizens and criminals will still be criminals. The only variance here is the number of accidents which likely increase due to the removals of training formalities.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Not to change the subject, but the fact that they are wanting to backtrack on the smoking ban is a classic illustration of how stupid the people of this state are as a whole.
Originally posted by flairforherd:

Not to change the subject, but the fact that they are wanting to backtrack on the smoking ban is a classic illustration of how stupid the people of this state are as a whole.
Why? if I own a business the government should not be able to tell me I or my paying customers we can't smoke. If I own the place and I let people smoke in the building then those who don't like smoke are free to take their business elsewhere.
Smoking shouldn't be allowed anywhere but in a person's own home.

It's not just the public, it's the employees too. Working in a room full of smoke is not a safe work environment. If a person wants to pollute his or her own lungs, that's a personal choice that person gets to make for themselves. No one should get to make that choice for any other person.

Smokers don't have a single argument against smoking bans that isn't full of holes.
Originally posted by GeauxHerd:
Constitutional carry hasnt really seemed to effect Arizona or New Hampshire businesses that much... And I agree. The permits have everything to do with $ and nothing to do with public safety.

for those of you that may have taken a ccp class you know these classes are a joke and in no way prepare people for the time they may need to use them.