The 75 game is emotional stuff is girl stuff!


Gold Buffalo
Aug 13, 2004
From LA. Tech Board:


"I really like our chances against Marshall and I think it will be a very competitive game. But for all those that think this is going to be more of a cake walk than a competition, consider these outside influences:

1. This is a short week for us because of the Friday night game.
2. Marshall had a bye week and has been planning for this game for 13 days.
3. This is Marshall's '75' game, which honors the 1970 team that died in the plane crash (they call it the '75' game because 75 people died in the crash).
4. This is finals week for Tech, so players are also juggling taking finals with the short week and the travel.

I totally believe we can overcome these obstacles and still win, but all of this will make it a more competitive game."


Looks like a list of excuses to me.

- After steamrolling UNT in only 3 quarters, our guys should be well rested this week.
- All that plane crash stuff from 1970 is stuff Marshall needs to be concerned with, not our guys.
- As previously mentioned, the 2.5 hour plane travel across 1 time zone is short, compared to our old WAC days when we consistently traveled across 2 or 3 time zones on flights to California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Hawaii.
- Regarding finals week for Tech, is college. But I suspect most of our guys save the Calculus, Statistics and Quantum Physics courses for the off-season.


I hope our team doesn't go in there with a guilty conscience and lose the game on purpose. That emotional stuff is girl stuff. It happened almost 50 years ago, and there's been plenty of time to heal. At this point, you can't let it be a steering wheel in your back and let it drive you around. This game means too much to let someone else's past make you feel guilty.


With that said I have a feeling we blow the spread and win by 7+.

Fvcking Clowns!
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IMO this pits the two best teams in C-USA against one another. Not sure why anyone at La Tech would be talking smack against us. Should be a real good game
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IMO this pits the two best teams in C-USA against one another. Not sure why anyone at La Tech would be talking smack against us. Should be a real good game

Agreed. Every fan base has a small but vocal group of wackos. Ours congregate on that board. Think of it as a group therapy session without a trained professional at the helm. Please don't take them seriously because we don't. Looking forward to my first trip to Huntington. See you guys at The Joan.
ChuckBoy - You will really enjoy the hospitality. We have a rep for treating the visitors well. Stop by one of the tailgates in the West lot before the game. Too many things to see in one visit, but the Fountain ceremony will taken place and the water will be turned off. Still a must see on campus! Safe travels...
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La Tech has a very understandable gripe with C-USA for scheduling this.

On short weeks, most conferences always try to match up similar schedules. For instance, since Marshall just had a bye week, it gives La Tech a huge disadvantage to have to play on a short week while giving Marshall an additional week of rest and game planning.

Whats even more dumbfounding is that even though La Tech is on a short week and Marshall is coming off of a bye, La Tech is the one doing the traveling.

That’s a monumental failure on C-USA’s fault.
ChuckBoy we welcome you to Marshall and Huntington. Bring some cold weather gear for late in the game. At least sweatshirt/jacket. Could be chilly! Look forward to a good game and you are coming on the 49th anniversary of the plane crash.
La Tech has a very understandable gripe with C-USA for scheduling this.

On short weeks, most conferences always try to match up similar schedules. For instance, since Marshall just had a bye week, it gives La Tech a huge disadvantage to have to play on a short week while giving Marshall an additional week of rest and game planning.

Whats even more dumbfounding is that even though La Tech is on a short week and Marshall is coming off of a bye, La Tech is the one doing the traveling.

That’s a monumental failure on C-USA’s fault.
Not to mention La Tech coming into a cold environment from the warmer south, as it might very well be for FIU in a couple of weeks. But at least this time it's not Marshall getting the short straw.
I'll never forget the two games from the 2008 season.

Houston came into town for cold, midweek game, and came out wearing long sleeves. We came out in short sleeves, and whooped them in a game that we shouldn't have had a chance in. Two weeks later, UCF rolls into town from sunny Florida in their short sleeves, and we come out in long sleeves, and we get pummeled into the turf.

The fans of the teams can predict whatever they want to, its the character and the attitude of the teams themselves that will determine how these factors affect them.
I hope the last guy was joking that he hopes the LA Tech team doesn't come out feeling sorry for Marshall and lose on purpose. I can't imagine that happening - ever.
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La Tech has a very understandable gripe with C-USA for scheduling this.

On short weeks, most conferences always try to match up similar schedules. For instance, since Marshall just had a bye week, it gives La Tech a huge disadvantage to have to play on a short week while giving Marshall an additional week of rest and game planning.

Whats even more dumbfounding is that even though La Tech is on a short week and Marshall is coming off of a bye, La Tech is the one doing the traveling.

That’s a monumental failure on C-USA’s fault.

Well, that’s obviously because they know John needs all the extra time he can get to beat a team with a heartbeat
La Tech has a very understandable gripe with C-USA for scheduling this.

On short weeks, most conferences always try to match up similar schedules. For instance, since Marshall just had a bye week, it gives La Tech a huge disadvantage to have to play on a short week while giving Marshall an additional week of rest and game planning.

Whats even more dumbfounding is that even though La Tech is on a short week and Marshall is coming off of a bye, La Tech is the one doing the traveling.

That’s a monumental failure on C-USA’s fault.

Well, that’s obviously because they know John needs all the extra time he can get to beat a team with a heartbeat

South Florida
Northern Illinois
UCONN (Not really, held a win over #13 Houston though)
Colorado State
FIU (eh)

#20 Southern Miss
Louisiana Tech

I would have to go back and check which years, but I know he has beaten these teams when they had pulses.
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Nothin but respect for the Thundering herd from 99% of the Tech faithful. We have been waiting for years to play you guys. I just hate that every time we meet up, we end up handicapping ourselves. The good news is that when Tech and Marshall play its important.
How in the hell can you get cold in 30 or 40 degree weather wearing football pants with pads with long socks on and shoulder pads with jersey on and a football helmet on. Then, you are running around while someone is trying to smash your brain in? Damn, even if you are on the bench do some wind sprints or flutter kicks if you get cold and you are typically 22 years old or under. You are only out there an hour and half or so at most at one time before you go inside. Inside, go warm up. Go back in before game run out of locker room. 2 quarters then go back inside for a bit. Come back out warm up and then 2 more quarters game is over.

Plus, they usually have a heater on the sidelines. And, all this other good modern day gear.
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Since, I know some Tech are reading this forum. Maybe you can go back and correct somebody.

"I think it's disrespectful to use a human tragedy like that in an attempt to win a football game. But that's just me. It's a tradition that started in 2013

Not true. I remember attending a couple of Vigils and Remembrances at the Memorial Fountain
when I was at MU in the Mid-90's. I would assume the main difference is now it bigger is because
of communication. Back then you had a few posters at the Student Center and word of mouth.
Now with Email, Text etc. everyone knows what's going on. Only reason I knew about the
Vigil back then is once I stumbled upon it. So this notion that the only reason it exist is because of the movie is incorrect.
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this ceremony was going on when I attended Marshall from fall of 80 til I graduated class of 1984. I think it has grown since now more people are aware of it now with social media etc. My Fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha lost five brothers on that plane so stuff it where the sun don't shine La Tech poster. My grandmother lost her boss at Marshall and all of us who grew up in Huntington knew someone who lost a friend or parent . All of us had a piece of our heart tore out that day.Hometown star Mike Blake( Pike brother) went to our church, I know his cousins who all went to HEHS with me so yeh it stings.
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That Tech fan has the Memorial Fountain ceremony confused with the team running up to Springhill during Fall practice. That started under Doc in 2013. The Memorial Fountain ceremony has been going on for many years.
this ceremony was going on when I attended Marshall from fall of 80 til I graduated class of 1984. I think it has grown since now more people are aware of it now with social media etc. My Fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha lost five brothers on that plane so stuff it where the sun don't shine La Tech poster. My grandmother lost her boss at Marshall and all of us who grew up in Huntington knew someone who lost a friend or parent . All of us had a piece of our heart tore out that day.Hometown star Mike Blake( Pike brother) went to our church, I know his cousins who all went to HEHS with me so yeh it stings.

.....In the fall of 1980, I was on stage to introduce Reggie Oliver as the speaker. In those days the ceremony was held in the evening, with one big advantage: the candle light, with all in attendance holding candles around the Fountain was very emotional. Sonny and the football team attended. There were more people at that one (the 10th) than attend now. It was overflow, probably 3-400. The stage was set with the then relatively new student center in the back ground. The MU chorus sang the alma mater. Yeah, it’s always been a thing.....
I believe that the fountain ceremonies in the fall and spring have been going on now for 49 years. Don't tell me that it's just now becoming important. It's always been important and always will be important. We will always remember and honor the 75 - at the fountain and at our football games.

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