The Coonery of Uncle Ben Carson

Have often wondered why all the high-paid black athletes and entertainers have not joined forces to bring about some worthwhile change in the ghettos. Much higher profile individuals than Ben Carson and could have much more influence over the young kids.

There must be a few thousand of these pro athletes and entertainers that do absolutely nothing to benefit the kids in the ghettos. Why don't you come down hard on this rich group that run off with their wealth and never help out.

They are smart enough to know, as most of them have learned........all these ghetto communities want is a hand out, without accepting any responsibility for the actions and decisions that keep them in those ghettos. There is no accountability for following through and accomplishing anything after accepting the freebie for those that "give back".

Look at Fever here. He acknowledges the loser mentality and actions within his own community that produced multi generation dependency (post civil rights era), but still wants to blame the Jews, whites, and other blacks (that were smart enough to rise above the racial rhetoric their communities create), for their continued failed culture. As long as blacks in the ghetto place more emphasis on their skin color over truly taking personal responsibility for their own actions and decide to make an effort to improve their lives through education and work........they will be losers. (The same goes for the poor white trash living in the hollers of Appalachia)

As I've also said before. Despite Fever's ignorance, Carson gives more back to underprivileged youth than Fever ever will sitting in front of a TV at the Boys Club.............
They are smart enough to know, as most of them have learned........all these ghetto communities want is a hand out, without accepting any responsibility for the actions and decisions that keep them in those ghettos. There is no accountability for following through and accomplishing anything after accepting the freebie for those that "give back".

Look at Fever here. He acknowledges the loser mentality and actions within his own community that produced multi generation dependency (post civil rights era), but still wants to blame the Jews, whites, and other blacks (that were smart enough to rise above the racial rhetoric their communities create), for their continued failed culture. As long as blacks in the ghetto place more emphasis on their skin color over truly taking personal responsibility for their own actions and decide to make an effort to improve their lives through education and work........they will be losers. (The same goes for the poor white trash living in the hollers of Appalachia)

As I've also said before. Despite Fever's ignorance, Carson gives more back to underprivileged youth than Fever ever will sitting in front of a TV at the Boys Club.............

I didn't blame them, I said they profit off the ills of the black community and have no insentive to fix it. That is why it is up to the people affected in the black community to make the change. And not all successful black people are Uncle Toms. I have a family friend who is a pediatrician and he has doctors offices in Crown Heights and East NY Brooklyn, 2 of the worst sections in Brooklyn. His reasoning is "Who else will provide doctor services to the inner-city youth?" I have 2 cousins who are one of the few in the country that own and run a black beauty supply store. Their reasoning is the same. There is MANY successful black people, that return back to their communities to make a change.
so as long as blacks are willing to come back and profit off other blacks (instead of whites or Jews) then they won't be racially slurred by the blacks that are there. Got it.
Every other races keeps their money in their community. Its time black people do the same
There are times when you replies make a ton of good common sense, Fev

Extraclueless...not so much.
Just wondering, are black owned businesses spared when ghettos burn??? I really don't know anything
About this...I'm guessing "no"

Also, what percent of those businesses are black owned?
Do black communities have an organization similar to a chamber of commerce to promote black ownership of businesses?

Is there an organization of professional ball players and/or entertainers to provide any support for black
Your posts are irrelevant to the issues and discussion at hand

That's hilarious. This thread went from Ben Carson's Uncle Ben-ness, to Hillary, to welfare and govt assistance, to soup kitchens, to is Fever a real brother, to immigration, to herdman's neighbor Jermaine......on the first of 6 pages. And you're whining that my posts are irrelevant. That's truly rich.
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Every other races keeps their money in their community. Its time black people do the same

Really? If I hung a sign in my business and said...."White money only accepted here....Keeping it in my community"....that makes sense to you.

What you are proposing is a return to forms of segregation. Is that a benefit the black community?