The Coonery of Uncle Ben Carson

I can answer, probably running the streets or prison or even dead. Such is life in the Ghetto. Republicans always want to talk shit until the reflects their own, then they divert away from the question
I can answer, probably running the streets or prison or even dead. Such is life in the Ghetto. Republicans always want to talk shit until the reflects their own, then they divert away from the question
You mean like he was doing until he tried to stab a kid and his mom set him straight
This is not the Bec Carson/food stamp discussion

And XGreed accuses others of speaking irrelevant crap in threads..LOL....If Fever is the biggest racist on the board...Greed is the biggest hypocrite. Don't expect him to answer a question.....ever.

Someone needs to break it to Greed that he continues to lie unabated on here. No one has ever suggested ELIMINATING the food stamp program totally. Better management of the program would be nice however.
This brings us back to the questions that were asked of Fever several pages back that he refused to answer.........

If the black community doesn't expect handouts and freebies........then, why and what are they demanding a successful black "GIVE BACK" to them in order to not be called a Uncle Tom?
I guess I shouldnt be proud of who I am

Skin color has nothing to do with what you accomplish as a human being. Having pride over the color of your skin, something you had no impact in determining, is ignorant and immature. For someone who claims not to like Jesse and Al, you repeat everything they say quite well.
This brings us back to the questions that were asked of Fever several pages back that he refused to answer.........

If the black community doesn't expect handouts and freebies........then, why and what are they demanding a successful black "GIVE BACK" to them in order to not be called a Uncle Tom?

So I guess rich white people don't give back to their communities and charities to help to the poor and unfortunate
Skin color has nothing to do with what you accomplish as a human being. Having pride over the color of your skin, something you had no impact in determining, is ignorant and immature. For someone who claims not to like Jesse and Al, you repeat everything they say quite well.

And I am sorry, you don't understand what its like to be black because you aren't black. If Black people wasn't proud to be black, their wouldn't be a culture that all races try to be like.
So I guess rich white people don't give back to their communities and charities to help to the poor and unfortunate

Quite spewing your ignorance. Of course there are whites that don't "give back" (whatever that means). We just don't drop racial slurs and demean their actual accomplishments if they choose not to. It doesn't make them "less white".
And I am sorry, you don't understand what its like to be black because you aren't black. If Black people wasn't proud to be black, their wouldn't be a culture that all races try to be like.

What culture is that???? The one that continues to be perpetuated in the generational ghettos you referred to earlier?? The culture that celebrates the handouts and freebies required not to be labeled an "uncle tom"? If blacks quit focusing on skin color and more on individual accomplishment (beyond sports and entertainment), inner city ghettos would shrink.
The culture that burns their own communities to the ground when their criminals are held responsible...not my type of culture.
Ill enjoy being proud of being black and ill continue to respect those that continue to show how proud they are to being black and do the work to improve the black people. If you don't like that, or don't understand its ok, I wouldn't expect you to understand because you know your white.

End of Discussion
The culture that burns their own communities to the ground when their criminals are held responsible...not my type of culture.

And there is a big difference between held responsible and killed like a dog in the streets or in police custody. Big difference
What is your type of culture? One that takes away food stamps and other assistance to the poor while continuing to give vast amounts of money to the rich, that wants to raise taxes on those who are already needy while lowering taxes on the wealthy, that wants to raise the retirement age, that wants to restrict minorities from voting, that is against registering deadly weapons, and that turns a blind eye to the atrocities of alchohol while preventing medical use of marijuana.
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The culture that carries around signs, marches down Main Street, scream out slogans, and wear t-shirts that say Black Lives Matter...yet continue to murder one another in record numbers in their own communities...
Not my kind of culture.

Also, please address why this is commonplace in black Communities, but is unheard of in white and Asian communities.
Ill enjoy being proud of being black and ill continue to respect those that continue to show how proud they are to being black and do the work to improve the black people. If you don't like that, or don't understand its ok, I wouldn't expect you to understand because you know your white.

End of Discussion
Can you imagine the outrage if someone said I'll enjoy being proud of being white. Here's the deal no one is saying ignore being black what we are saying is there is no right or wrong way to be white black Asian etc. the fact you belittle dr Carson and others for not being black is the biggest problem in the black community
Poor ol' Extra...clueless on how the system works...doesn't understand that ALL welfare programs and benefits are freebies provided BY the working class...
Poor ol' Extra...clueless on how the system works...doesn't understand that ALL welfare programs and benefits are freebies provided BY the working class...

Little do you know, there is many in the working class who receives those benefits from the Welfare programs. Plus I am all for government assistance reform, there is many people that abuse the system and have run it dry.
Poor ol' Extra...clueless on how the system works...doesn't understand that ALL welfare programs and benefits are freebies provided BY the working class...

And 55 is so ideologically blinded that he would rather take needs away from the poor than reduce the freebies to the wealthy. There are very few things more spiritually depraved than that philosophy.
Oh, but I do understand all that. And, that is the part of the programs that conservatives want stricter control exercised over...NOT a total elimination of the programs...just purge the parasites off the rolls
Can you imagine the outrage if someone said I'll enjoy being proud of being white. Here's the deal no one is saying ignore being black what we are saying is there is no right or wrong way to be white black Asian etc. the fact you belittle dr Carson and others for not being black is the biggest problem in the black community

And I have no proud with someone that say They are proud to be White, or Asian, or Mexican. The problem is they use that pride as a former of bigotry and violence against other racial groups.

And as far as violence in the black community. Most of the crime is committed by the 12-25 demographic which hasn't changed for decades. But the white establish don't want to do anything to change it because they make billions of dollars off the crime in the black community. If it isn't the music they promote and make money, its keeping their private prisons filled, the Jewish media will always have something to write about, the morgues will be filled, black people remain out of the workforce and out of the voting booth because of convictions which will lead them to continue the circle. Do I like the fact my community is decimating itself to the enjoy of the white man? Hell no, there needs to be a changed. But what change can be made when the elder man have either been locked away forever, killed, or strung out on drugs. Or for about 2 generations the community hasn't really had strong male figures in the home hence the problem Chicago has today. Can you not tell their has been a systematic extinction of the black community since Nixon took office. Its just a shame the majority of the black community has fallen into that trap. That now big uneducated is cool, being a dope dealer is better then a college student, and someone coming home from Jail is more celebrated then someone coming home a College Graduate.

I don't need to be lectured on the problems in my community, I know what they are and deal with it on a daily basis. BUT that doesn't mean ill just give up on my people for personal economic gains like Ben Carson and Michael Jordan who will do anything to appease the white community while selling out their own.
There is a movie that came out in 1972. There is a scene with a bunch of rich Aristocrats explaining how they can decimate the black community. Its funny how its 2015 and all the things they was talking about is being played out
No, Extraclueless, I NEVER want to take ANYTHING from the DESERVING poor. I never think along those lines,
Nor have I ever said or insinuated that in this thread.

But you have the RIGHT to remain clueless and continue to do so with your every post...good boy (young male)

I defined my use of "boy" to prevent some clueless racist retort from you.
No, Extraclueless, I NEVER want to take ANYTHING from the DESERVING poor. I never think along those lines,
Nor have I ever said or insinuated that in this thread.

But you have the RIGHT to remain clueless and continue to do so with your every post...good boy (young male)

I defined my use of "boy" to prevent some clueless racist retort from you.

Well, punk (young inexperienced person), what's your definition of "deserving poor"?
Fever think about something in your post. The majority of crime in the black community is committed by 12-25 year olds. THERES THE PROBLEM IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Stop blaming others and look in the mirror
Fever think about something in your post. The majority of crime in the black community is committed by 12-25 year olds. THERES THE PROBLEM IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Stop blaming others and look in the mirror

I never said that there isn't a problem
Fever think about something in your post. The majority of crime in the black community is committed by 12-25 year olds. THERES THE PROBLEM IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. Stop blaming others and look in the mirror

I never said that there isn't a problem, re-read what I wrote
And there is many factors, Lack of Older Male figures in the community, The Violent American culture, the goal of achieving and Living a "Fake" Ballers lifestyle, the lack of black pride in hip-hop music(I don't really listen to the new garbage), Ignorance, complacency, poverty, and honestly just a lack of care unless its to lock people up by the local, state, and federal governments
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When white people have mental images of violent crime, they mostly envision blacks. Here's the deal, 81% of all violent crimes are committed by males. Looks to me like we have a problem in the male community.
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Great insight by Fev on many of the ills in ghetto communities. Needs to explain some of that to Extraclueless.

I can't ever see the 12-25 age group of males solving any of these problems. Big need for the young girls of the ghetto to quit bringing babies into this society. They don't make for responsible mothers and get zero help from the baby's 12 years later they land in that 12-25 thug culture.

So, Fev...what are some of the solutions to these "ills of the ghetto?"
Honestly, the problems are so deep rooted, I don't think there is a quick solution until people in the Ghetto, put down the guns and drugs and value an true education that goes beyond HS. These problems have been built over decades that now we have the most violent youth generation in History.

This is where I fault someone like Ben Carson. He made it out and became something of himself. But instead of being that Older Male role model that the youth NEEDS, he turned his back to his people to appease people that don't give 2 shits if he was alive or dead.
The ghetto needs to produce more Ben Carsons to be role models. Blacks need to recognize his achievements and embrace him as an example of what a person can do with their lives if you set worthwhile goals and strive to achieve those goals.
Honestly, the problems are so deep rooted, I don't think there is a quick solution until people in the Ghetto, put down the guns and drugs and value an true education that goes beyond HS. These problems have been built over decades that now we have the most violent youth generation in History.

This is where I fault someone like Ben Carson. He made it out and became something of himself. But instead of being that Older Male role model that the youth NEEDS, he turned his back to his people to appease people that don't give 2 shits if he was alive or dead.
Once again who determines that he turned his back on his commmunity? You Jesse Rev Al? How about just look at a world renowned pediatric neursurgeon and say damn thats a guy I look up to. I want to be like him some time. Im sick and tired of your excuse that oh he turned his back on us so hes an uncle tom. Thats the biggest cop out Ive ever heard. Here is a guy that has done EVERYTHING you say you want black kids to emmulate and the first thing you do is so to hell with him. It seems to me that you are the one with problem not Ben Carson.
Have often wondered why all the high-paid black athletes and entertainers have not joined forces to bring about some worthwhile change in the ghettos. Much higher profile individuals than Ben Carson and could have much more influence over the young kids.

There must be a few thousand of these pro athletes and entertainers that do absolutely nothing to benefit the kids in the ghettos. Why don't you come down hard on this rich group that run off with their wealth and never help out.
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Ill enjoy being proud of being black and ill continue to respect those that continue to show how proud they are to being black and do the work to improve the black people. If you don't like that, or don't understand its ok, I wouldn't expect you to understand because you know your white.

End of Discussion

Remember the first black president was a white guy.
Honestly, the problems are so deep rooted, I don't think there is a quick solution until people in the Ghetto, put down the guns and drugs and value an true education that goes beyond HS. These problems have been built over decades that now we have the most violent youth generation in History.

This is where I fault someone like Ben Carson. He made it out and became something of himself. But instead of being that Older Male role model that the youth NEEDS, he turned his back to his people to appease people that don't give 2 shits if he was alive or dead.

Honestly, I don't think the black folks like his message.
Have often wondered why all the high-paid black athletes and entertainers have not joined forces to bring about some worthwhile change in the ghettos. Much higher profile individuals than Ben Carson and could have much more influence over the young kids.

There must be a few thousand of these pro athletes and entertainers that do absolutely nothing to benefit the kids in the ghettos. Why don't you come down hard on this rich group that run off with their wealth and never help out.

The thing is there is many that do and get no recognition. I remember when I was in HS, Marcellus Wiley used to come and speak to us all the time because he was College teammates with our football coach. Players hold camps, build facilities, buy jerseys, built schools, built community centers, started scholarships, and many other community projects. But its never in the news. Its very false to say they never do anything.

The thing is, I don't fault Carson for his success, I fault him for not using his success to reach out the inner-city and country-poor black youth that needs a role model that is not an Athlete or Entertainer

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