The Coonery of Uncle Ben Carson

No, Extra...please read my post again...the focus is about Asians & Blacks in American Society.

No reason to ask him. White redneck living in Wayne WV. Probably couldn't tell you where to even find an Asian takeout restaurant in Htgn. Only topic of discussion he could discuss regarding "Asians" would be his draft dodging experience during Vietnam era.
I was really hoping that both would give their opinions on the topic. They both seem to be racist toward whites and even blacks that become successful in the American Society. I would like to know how they feel about Asians in the American Society. Similar or different from blacks in America?
You do remember our big discussion on "opportunities" last week don't you??? It's just a little on the ironic side that the same term was used by a third party poster in a new discussion with The Fev. Surprised you couldn't connect the dots.

Hope you and Fev give us some insight on this topic of Asians/blacks in America
I caught it immediately. Hence my reply: "Why are you interested? Do you want to tell us how everyone has the same opportunity?"

As for the Asian/Black thing. The Asians have Godzilla. Nuff said.
You are a moron. The GOP establishment is still trying to find ways to back Bush. They have no intention of helping Carson at this point.

Right that's why Uncle Ben is leading in the polls and leading in donations. Face it, The GOP nomination will go to the Ignorant, Uncle Tom brain surgeon who doesn't know a thing but knows everything, so he says. I just find it funny the GOP has gone so far to opposed the black man in office currently that their best candidate is a black Manchurian Candidate
End of discussion with Extragreen since he is clueless on what is Asian and what is Japanese

But, thanks for playing.
Clue: All thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs.
End of discussion with Extragreen since he is clueless on what is Asian and what is Japanese

But, thanks for playing.
Clue: All thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs.

End of discussion with 55, as he is humor intolerant.
Clue: any finger is a finger
THAT was your attempt at HUMOR??? Now that IS funny Haha

Raleighherdfan's background info on you brings this whole issue into focus.
Thanks, Raleigh...bye-bye Extra. Sorry I ever brought you into this.
So you basically agree with what I said. No need to read the rest of what you typed. Reagan? Helms?Carter? Thought we were discussing this century??LMAO. Then there was this beauty in your article:
"More people in the study report voting than actually do. Once corrected for that over-reporting, we estimate...." (The writer might as well said... what is being written is complete bullshit, so lets wing it.)

Another reason the GOP is paying less attention to thumpers and demanding "moderate" candidates???
Their numbers are dwindling. What's going to happen to "independent" "liberal" excuses for blaming the boogie man bible thumper as this group continues to shrink?

Had you ever had a class in social sciences statistics, you would know we often have to correct certain variables. It is one of the problems with polling, but it is pretty well figured out how to deal with.

You are being dense. I never said the national GOP establishment is Evangelical, just that they court that vote. I have proven that point, simply by the party platform.
Another point, have to go back to Nixon to understand how the Electoral votes map plays out today. There are many studies and books on how people come about the political beliefs, I suggest you pick up one because then you might understand why the recent past matters.
THAT was your attempt at HUMOR??? Now that IS funny Haha

Raleighherdfan's background info on you brings this whole issue into focus.
Thanks, Raleigh...bye-bye Extra. Sorry I ever brought you into this.

I don't read his posts, but I assume he has either lied (his SOP), or brought something irrelevant into the discussion.
Right that's why Uncle Ben is leading in the polls and leading in donations. Face it, The GOP nomination will go to the Ignorant, Uncle Tom brain surgeon who doesn't know a thing but knows everything, so he says. I just find it funny the GOP has gone so far to opposed the black man in office currently that their best candidate is a black Manchurian Candidate

Nation of Islam?
What does the Nation have to do with anything?? At least they try to do things and have programs that help the black community, unlike Uncle Ben who has turned his back to his own people.

Are you a member?
Don't let Anonymous find out Extra,

As for me, I am not Muslim so no I am not a member of the nation. Now a lot of stuff they stand for I do agree with
Don't let Anonymous find out Extra,

As for me, I am not Muslim so no I am not a member of the nation. Now a lot of stuff they stand for I do agree with

Well, there you have it. Fever agrees with a lot of the stuff the Nation of Islam stands for.
Really??? I guess the #BlacklivesMatter movement is a Hate Group too.

I went to the Million Man March a couple weeks ago, NOTHING about them or what Farakkhan preached was Hate. He preached about Black people coming together, keeping our money in the black community like the Jews, Mexicans, and Asians, stop the killing and violence, stop selling poison to our people, and for black people to love each other again. He never ever preached about going out to kill other races. So please don't come to me about the Nation is a Hate Group BS
"Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate"

An excerpt straight from their website. Don't blame me I didn't put them there. I figured you didn't know, thought I'd tell you.
Deeply racist because they are against the White Supremacy that has built America. Against the Jews because of their mistreatment of Muslims and the Jews bankers who have destroyed the economy while making themselves richer. Ever hear about the Rothchilds?? And Anti-Gay because they preach against something that is forbidden by God himself. I guess your against them speaking about being against Pork and GMOs too right.

And where is your link? Don't you know you must reference ever quote you post
Deeply racist because they are against the White Supremacy that has built America. Against the Jews because of their mistreatment of Muslims and the Jews bankers who have destroyed the economy while making themselves richer. Ever hear about the Rothchilds?? And Anti-Gay because they preach against something that is forbidden by God himself. I guess your against them speaking about being against Pork and GMOs too right.

And where is your link? Don't you know you must reference ever quote you post

I'm not judging I'm just informing. As for my link oh well, I copied and pasted it is what it is.
Deeply racist because they are against the White Supremacy that has built America. Against the Jews because of their mistreatment of Muslims and the Jews bankers who have destroyed the economy while making themselves richer. Ever hear about the Rothchilds?? And Anti-Gay because they preach against something that is forbidden by God himself. I guess your against them speaking about being against Pork and GMOs too right.

And where is your link? Don't you know you must reference ever quote you post
So the quote you post came from the SPLC website NOT from the Nation of Islam.

SPLC is the same law group that has represented the KKK and other White Supremist groups in the past so that what they wrote with a grain of salt if you want too
Yes from the SPLC I wouldn't internet click the NOI or any other hate groups website, I wouldn't give them the pleasure.
Give who the pleasure??? Maybe you should learn more than preach ignorance which you normally do. The Nation is FAR from an Hate Group unless that hate is thrown at White Supremist and the ignorant "White Folk" that hide behind their white privilege and stand by while other races are harassed and killed by their fellow whites.

Maybe you should watch the Million Man March, then come back and tell me if they are a hate group or not. Until then keep your ignorance to yourself
Damn you're dense. I've told you twice I'm not judging just informing. You're spouting off about agreeing with ideas and thoughts of a known (by the SPLC who many in this country take as the gospel when they put hate groups on their list.) Which the NOI is considered by them. I honestly don't care what you believe, like I said I'm just informing you. I honestly don't know why I'm telling you this, aside from the fact of not wanting you to be labeled by anyone unjustly
You came on here saying the Nation was Hate group.

Well I am informing you, they are not a hate group
You came on here saying the Nation was Hate group.

Well I am informing you, they are not a hate group actually far from it.

Even the Original Black Panthers(Not the New ones running around), SNIC, The Rainbow Coalition, and the NAACP was all considered Hate groups at one time too.

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