The dangers of these anti-science groups and gullible people...

Good answer from the Deflector In Chief....demanding no more deflections. Is he a hypocrite or what?
I heard some folks on tv say the mortality rate of those 18 by COVID is nearly immeasurable statistically. It is even lower the younger you get.

He said, and I am starting to agree, that some people want to use young children to get the Covid shot because the are adults who are afraid or for the own gain. Maybe we need to look at that as a society. A 4 year old or 1.5 year who hasn't had a COIVD shot is of little to no risk to you or anyone else.
I heard some folks on tv say the mortality rate of those 18 by COVID is nearly immeasurable statistically. It is even lower the younger you get.
I heard some folks say that there have been over 4 million children test positive for covid 19 and likely many, many more who've not been tested that have had it. What was it that you used for an excuse not to vaccinate children? You know, one of those known unknowns? In other words, what are the long term effects of covid 19 on children who've contracted it?
I heard some folks say that there have been over 4 million children test positive for covid 19 and likely many, many more who've not been tested that have had it. What was it that you used for an excuse not to vaccinate children? You know, one of those known unknowns? In other words, what are the long term effects of covid 19 on children who've contracted it?
tested positive. Ok. did they get sick? The children are at little to no risk to you or themselves or anyone else.
I hope not, as you are not a medical professional.

What makes you think you know better than the medical community consensus? And how does that not make you any different that the morons saying to give this kid some fvcking herbs vitamins?
The child in that case was already sick. The parent should have know they need help. Could they not seem them dehydrated, etc.? Observation and knowing your child could show you that.

Kids are going to get sick. Doesn't mean I would load them up with everything. Cold and Flu season. It happens.
I heard some folks say that there have been over 4 million children test positive for covid 19 and likely many, many more who've not been tested that have had it. What was it that you used for an excuse not to vaccinate children?
You've also heard that the vaccine isn't approved for use in children under 12.
Honestly who would give a 4 year old a flu shot?
Me, for one. Along with millions of other responsible parents. My wife and I respect the living hell out of our children's pediatrician and she recommends they get the flu shot every year.

Not trying to get into an argument because I believe in personal choice, but I just wanted to point out that you're completely out of touch with society if you think getting young children the flu shot is abnormal.
Me, for one. Along with millions of other responsible parents.

Not trying to get into an argument because I believe in personal choice but I just wanted to point out that you're completely out of touch with society if you think getting young children the flu shot is abnormal.
I am not arguing. My son is older now. Don't remember it being a thing when he was younger. I don't even remember a doctor asking to give him one. He got all the other stuff.

I don't take a flu shot either. Took one back in the late 90's or so. Last time. Never though of it being remotely even necessary for a small child.

Oh well.

Looked up the stats , ranges anywhere from 51% of 60% of kids each year.
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That's up to the parents. But it's certainly not "stupid" to vaccinate kids. Idiot.
That's up to the parents. But it's certainly not "stupid" to vaccinate kids. Idiot.
That's up to the parents. But it's certainly not "stupid" to vaccinate kids. Idiot.
That's up to the parents. But it's certainly not "stupid" to vaccinate kids. Idiot.
That's up to the parents. But it's certainly not "stupid" to vaccinate kids. Idiot.
That's up to the parents. But it's certainly not "stupid" to vaccinate kids. Idiot.
I’ve seen heroin addicts with less desire to stick a needle in their veins than some of the pro-booster crowd who will do whatever pharma pushes. I’d say they’ll likely be pushing for shots in the womb but something tells me they’re already working on it
I’ve seen heroin addicts with less desire to stick a needle in their veins than some of the pro-booster crowd who will do whatever pharma pushes. I’d say they’ll likely be pushing for shots in the womb but something tells me they’re already working on it
You’re aware that many immunities are passed from mother to child in utero?
Well, you’re probably not, considering your harebrained comment here.
You’re aware that many immunities are passed from mother to child in utero?
Well, you’re probably not, considering your harebrained comment here.
I thought you might be capable of understanding subtext, but clearly not, considering your comment here.
  • Haha
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Just a note to extra - don’t compare the COVID shot to actual vaccines. The COVID shot is just a therapeutic to ease symptoms. It does not prevent you from getting or spreading COVID.

Additionally, vaccines undergo years, most decades, of long term testing before ever being cleared for mass distribution, not less than six months. For example, if you read the actually FDA ruling on the COVID shot you note that the studies on pregnancy and fertility won’t be completed until 2027. Usually that would mean that reproductive age women wouldn’t be given the shot until those results were in and studied.

For the approval of any drug a company must go through Phase I, II and III clinical studies. It takes years for any new drug to come to market. It even takes years to get approval to use an already approved drug for a different use. That was all pretty much ignored for the COVID shot.

Then there’s the fact that all vaccines pretty much operate on the same tried and true process. You are injected with a dead or weak dose of the pathogen and take a mild case in order to build an immunity. The COVID shot does not work that way, it is a mRNA shot, a process that has been under development for 30 years and a process that has never produced a a shot that could pass FDA approval because of the level of side effects.
Just a note to extra - don’t compare the COVID shot to actual vaccines. The COVID shot is just a therapeutic to ease symptoms. It does not prevent you from getting or spreading COVID.

Additionally, vaccines undergo years, most decades, of long term testing before ever being cleared for mass distribution, not less than six months. For example, if you read the actually FDA ruling on the COVID shot you note that the studies on pregnancy and fertility won’t be completed until 2027. Usually that would mean that reproductive age women wouldn’t be given the shot until those results were in and studied.

For the approval of any drug a company must go through Phase I, II and III clinical studies. It takes years for any new drug to come to market. It even takes years to get approval to use an already approved drug for a different use. That was all pretty much ignored for the COVID shot.

Then there’s the fact that all vaccines pretty much operate on the same tried and true process. You are injected with a dead or weak dose of the pathogen and take a mild case in order to build an immunity. The COVID shot does not work that way, it is a mRNA shot, a process that has been under development for 30 years and a process that has never produced a a shot that could pass FDA approval because of the level of side effects.
Just a note to're an idiot.
Just a note to're an idiot.
The reply I would expect from someone without the intelligence or facts to carry on a rational conversation. Maybe you should stay on the sidelines unless oak versus maple gets started.
The reply I would expect from someone without the intelligence or facts to carry on a rational conversation. Maybe you should stay on the sidelines unless oak versus maple gets started.
You're an idiot and a liar.
Just a note to extra - don’t compare the COVID shot to actual vaccines. The COVID shot is just a therapeutic to ease symptoms. It does not prevent you from getting or spreading COVID.
The Covid shot reduces the chances that you get Covid, not just symptoms. Since you’re less likely to get it, you’re less likely to spread it. This has been studied and found true over, and over, and over…