The liberals need some help here

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
The liberals on here have tucked tail and headed for the hills. With the board being nothing but conservatives now, it's boring as hell. Liberals need some help.

I think I can do it. I know how to waffle. Sometimes, my life seems so easy that I can see things from their point of view. Of course then I have a bad day, get pissed off and go right back to thinking everything is so difficult when it's not.

Welfare was always my main issue. I always hated it. Maybe we really need it. What if a certain percentage of people really are just too stupid to ever be any good at anything? In the olden days, they would have been shot. Now we live in a time of great abundance and prosperity.

Perhaps these worthless idiots, I mean well meaning people who just fall short, should be propped up as a symbol of our greatness. We're so good that we can afford to carry around all these strays. It makes us feel good to help them out, because Full House is just such a sweet show. Becky was hot. I think she still is.

Maybe I should be nicer and accept the gay marriage thing. Maybe I should become a vegetarian.
Vegetarian? How can you be so insensitive to the feelings of plants?
Originally posted by banker6796:
Vegetarian? How can you be so insensitive to the feelings of plants?
One of my former co-workers brought up the "what did a animal ever do to you" argument, I asked her what a carrot ever did to her. Our trainer quickly ended that conversation.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Maybe I should be nicer and accept the gay marriage thing. Maybe I should become a vegetarian.
On the gay marriage thing, might as well. They've got it. I'm a hermit anyway, gas is cheap and I have found some great isolated corn fields between here and Columbus. I can go sit around those and listen to my Buck Owens music without any queers ruining it. May get shot at by a farmer, but that's better than being hit on by a queer.

The vegetarian thing, ah you don't have to worry about that. Big Section 8 Mommas ain't eatin' no damn lettuce. It's a buggy full of steaks with 8 packages of Reese's peanut butter cups stacked on top. Paid for with EBT. We're keepin' 'em good and fat to breed our next crop of football stars.
I got hit on by a gay guy one time taking pictures of a damn river for my son's school project. He needed a picture of a river and I was down by the river on one of those fancy greenway nature walks. Got near a bridge and this guy approached me. Gay dude.

I was thinking here I am in this park trying to help the kid out and this son of bi** is hitting on me. Ruined the whole science project.
I didn't know that happened to normal men. Thought it was reserved for recluses and oddballs. Just like today I get the conservation officer asking if I'm hunting. Hunting what? I'm in a boring family sedan sitting next to dead corn in the rain.

I've thought about stockpiling road kill in the trunk just for shits and giggles, but actually taking the effort to hunt? No way. I'll buy my supper at Kroger.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
I didn't know that happened to normal men. Thought it was reserved for recluses and oddballs. Just like today I get the conservation officer asking if I'm hunting. Hunting what? I'm in a boring family sedan sitting next to dead corn in the rain.

I've thought about stockpiling road kill in the trunk just for shits and giggles, but actually taking the effort to hunt? No way. I'll buy my supper at Kroger.
He probably thought you were road hunting deer. I knew a guy in the trailer park we lived in who shot one of those mechanical deer up in Green Bottom.

He said, "Shot the bastard twice and it was still looking at me. It was one of them robot deers"

This post was edited on 1/3 5:56 PM by i am herdman
Hard to believe the WV DNR can afford it. They can't even maintain their ponds. McClintic went all to hell. We used to catch a lot of fish up there and some big bass. They didn't maintain the drains. Some of the lakes are in the parking lots. Others are dried up. The roads are pretty much only for ATVs now. No money to keep things up.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

I got hit on by a gay guy one time taking pictures of a damn river for my son's school project. He needed a picture of a river and I was down by the river on one of those fancy greenway nature walks. Got near a bridge and this guy approached me. Gay dude.

I was thinking here I am in this park trying to help the kid out and this son of bi** is hitting on me. Ruined the whole science project.
1. Gay guys have very sophisticated gaydar, did you wear those assless chaps again?
2. Your son's science project was ruined because you got hit on by a dude?
Originally posted by herdfan06:
Gay guys have very sophisticated gaydar
I doubt it. They just think since I sit by myself that it must mean I wish someone would join me. Anyone. It's just not true.

People of any kind would ruin the day. Even if it was a hot chick who pretended to enjoy every song I was listening to, I would not believe it. I've spent years perfecting the routine of listening to my music. They would screw it all up. It would suck. After all these years, I've finally figured out what I really wanted. Rules and routines for everything and for people to just get the hell out of the way and let me enjoy it.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:

Originally posted by herdfan06:
Gay guys have very sophisticated gaydar
I doubt it. They just think since I sit by myself that it must mean I wish someone would join me. Anyone. It's just not true.

People of any kind would ruin the day. Even if it was a hot chick who pretended to enjoy every song I was listening to, I would not believe it. I've spent years perfecting the routine of listening to my music. They would screw it all up. It would suck. After all these years, I've finally figured out what I really wanted. Rules and routines for everything and for people to just get the hell out of the way and let me enjoy it.
I will accept you when you admit your true feelings, I just wish you would accept yourself. You get hit on by gay men more than the rest of us combined, you are doing something to ding their gaydar, there is no way it glitches as often as you claim.
As long as my paychecks keep cashing, that's the only acceptance I care about. People are way too confusing. I give up on trying to interpret their faces, things they say, etc. At the end of the day, you have to boil it down to the cold hard facts. If they let me come to work and pay me, that means I did well enough. Nothing else matters.