The media and their "2 minutes of hate" cycle

Meanwhile while they hate on Trump. He has In his first eighteen months in Washington turned around the American economy, brought us near full employment, reduced the welfare and food stamp lines, wiped out ISIS in Raqqa, moved America’s Israel embassy to Jerusalem, successfully has launched massive deregulation of the economy, has opened oil exploration in ANWR, is rebuilding the military massively, has walked out of the useless Paris Climate Accords that were negotiated by America’s amateurs who always get snookered, canned the disastrous Iran Deal, exited the bogus United Nations Human Rights Council. He has Canada and Mexico convinced he will walk out of NAFTA if they do not pony up, and he has the Europeans convinced he will walk out of NATO if they don’t stop being the cheap and lazy parasitic penny-pinchers they are. He has slashed income taxes, has taken real steps to protect religious freedoms and liberties promised in the First Amendment, boldly has taken on the lyme-disease-quality of a legislative mess that he inherited from Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama on immigration, and has appointed a steady line of remarkably brilliant conservative federal judges to sit on the district courts, the circuit appellate courts, and the Supreme Court.
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Do you ever have an original thought or what??? Fvcking idiot. Your worse than dtard

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Mentioning a grammar mistake is the same as cussing someone. Either way its what you do when you have no answer to the subject in hand. Either call them something or turn fairynerd and mention Thu GRAMMAR
Did you guys here where Obama admitted he's from Kenya. Strange days we're living in.
Did you see that one moron who claimed that liberal celebrities were all over social media stating that pedophiles are no different than gays or trannies?
Its one big pile of perversion. Liberal celebrities love gays and grannies and if any group that would support pedophiles its liberal celebrities

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