The Russian Ruble just hit a two month high.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
It is right where it was at priot to the Ukraine invasion.

Russia wants the ports. They have a lot of bombs and artillery. They want to control the energy sector of Europe. They want to do that while soccer moms and limp wrists in America and Euro fags scream Green Energy and save da Earf. Oil and gas will become more important. Scarcity of it(due to what I just wrote) and control of it by actors like Russia, Iran, and OPEC will make it more valuable.

We haven't begun to talk about China in all of this.
Remember, the inflation numbers being announced today are entirely the fault of Putin (& his apparent ability to time travel.)
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Remember, the inflation numbers being announced today are entirely the fault of Putin (& his apparent ability to time travel.)
Yes all Putin's fault.

Wait, but the Dept of Defense lowered them from a near peer threat to an automous threat. How is that if they can influene our economy in such a manner?
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Russia has started a new targeted offensive in the eastern area of Ukraine. Troop movements and large artilery barrages. The Russians seemed more focused on the east and southern ports.
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It is right where it was at priot to the Ukraine invasion.
I hope there's not another "Putin wins again" meme somewhere in our future.
Russia wants the ports. They have a lot of bombs and artillery. They want to control the energy sector of Europe. They want to do that while soccer moms and limp wrists in America and Euro fags scream Green Energy and save da Earf. Oil and gas will become more important. Scarcity of it(due to what I just wrote) and control of it by actors like Russia, Iran, and OPEC will make it more valuable.
Russia lost the battle of Kiev. His puppet regime was supposed to be in power by now. Instead, they got their ass whipped and were run off by a US supplied/trained Ukrainian force.

Putin screwed the pooch. He didn't want NATO expansion....looks like Finland and Sweden are stepping up for membership. Didn't want Ukraine in the EU; that membership has been fast-tracked. Wanted the US out of Europe; we're sending more troops. And you say he wants the ports, my guess is Odessa is going to be tough...doesn't appear any progress has been made there.

We'll have to see how Europe responds to Russian gas and oil over time. My guess is many countries can't quit all at once especially during winter, but they'll wean themselves from that Russian Commie Dictator's oil and gas over the next year or two. I believe they've seen the error of relying on that whack-job for fuel.
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I hope there's not another "Putin wins again" meme somewhere in our future.

Russia lost the battle of Kiev. His puppet regime was supposed to be in power by now. Instead, they got their assed whipped and were run off by a US supplied/trained Ukrainian force.

Putin screwed the pooch. He didn't want NATO expansion....looks like Finland and Sweden are stepping up for membership. Didn't want Ukraine in the EU; that membership has been fast-tracked. Wanted the US out of Europe; we're sending more troops. And you say he wants the ports, my guess is Odessa is going to be tough...doesn't appear any progress has been made there.

We'll have to see how Europe responds to Russian gas and oil over time. My guess is many countries can't quit all at once especially during winter, but they'll wean themselves from that Russian Commie Dictator's oil and gas over the next year or two. I believe they've seen the error of relying on that whack-job for fuel.
I hope there's not another "Putin wins again" meme somewhere in our future.

Russia lost the battle of Kiev. His puppet regime was supposed to be in power by now. Instead, they got their ass whipped and were run off by a US supplied/trained Ukrainian force.

Putin screwed the pooch. He didn't want NATO expansion....looks like Finland and Sweden are stepping up for membership. Didn't want Ukraine in the EU; that membership has been fast-tracked. Wanted the US out of Europe; we're sending more troops. And you say he wants the ports, my guess is Odessa is going to be tough...doesn't appear any progress has been made there.

We'll have to see how Europe responds to Russian gas and oil over time. My guess is many countries can't quit all at once especially during winter, but they'll wean themselves from that Russian Commie Dictator's oil and gas over the next year or two. I believe they've seen the error of relying on that whack-job for fuel.
LOL. Actually incomprehensible that you believe any of that. This is your brain on THE CURRENT THING.
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At the end of the day Putin is going to get exactly what he set out to get. He will have taken more losses than he thought, but those are expendables to him. His economy will not suffer. The only people who will pay any price are American taxpayers who are simultaneously funding the war (and money laundering) and paying higher energy costs. Just as the Biden Administration set out to do.
There's no denying the Ukrainians had the gear, training, coordination and Intel to run the ruskies off from Kiev. There was preparation.

"Then-president Barack Obama, while providing millions of dollars in aid, resisted sending lethal support, fearing that such a military buildup might provoke Putin to strike."

"Yet in 2018, with Donald Trump as president, the U.S. reversed course and agreed to provide Ukraine with $47 million worth of lethal weapons, which included 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launchers."

"One irony is that the Trump administration was going further with its aid than the Obama administration by deciding to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons."
There's no denying the Ukrainians had the gear, training, coordination and Intel to run the ruskies off from Kiev. There was preparation.
Ukraine’s military had only been in place since Biden became Potatous?
Ukraine’s military had only been in place since Biden became Potatous?
Nope.... they're battle hardened....but we still provided weapons, intel and training. They appeared to be pretty prepared.
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At the end of the day Putin is going to get exactly what he set out to get. He will have taken more losses than he thought, but those are expendables to him. His economy will not suffer. The only people who will pay any price are American taxpayers who are simultaneously funding the war (and money laundering) and paying higher energy costs. Just as the Biden Administration set out to do.
You're an idiot.
"Yet in 2018, with Donald Trump as president, the U.S. reversed course and agreed to provide Ukraine with $47 million worth of lethal weapons, which included 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launchers."
....and what happened you idiot? Yep, a military build up occurred under your orange jesus and putin invaded ukraine, just like obama was concerned about.
There's no denying the Ukrainians had the gear, training, coordination and Intel to run the ruskies off from Kiev. There was preparation.
ahhahahahahhahh, yehhhh, that started before Mush you know.

And Mush delayed arms shipments at least twice. Oh and those sanctions, little late. The Ukraine President is saying they need more.

As for Mush, why do you think Putin invaded when he did?
Nope.... they're battle hardened....but we still provided weapons, intel and training. They appeared to be pretty prepared.
Thanks To Trump.

Why did Putin invade when he did? I am not sure it if was because we have a weak leader with dementia or not.
Hey Chevy, Putin invaded because we have a weak ass man with brain issues who is also corrupt along with his family. His family made millions in Ukraine(and China as well). Putin new BIden was a Mush Brain who is compromised. Biden is so beholden to the left weirdos and did nothing! Wonder what kind of dirt that President of Ukraine has on Biden and his family?
Hey Checy, Putin invaded because we have a weak ass man with brain issues who is also corrupt along with his family. His family made millions in Ukraine(and China as well). Putin new BIden was a Mush Brain who is compromised.
You can thank your orange jesus for that, you lying idiot trumptard oath breaker. The russian invasion occurred after lethal weapons were sold to ukraine.
Hey Chevy, they also invaded part of Ukraine when Obama was around too!
Hey Chevy, they also invaded part of Ukraine when Obama was around too!
Hey lying idiot trumptard oath breaker, they also invaded Georgia (the country, not the U S state for idiots like you) under W, because they saw Bush as a weak conservative idiot.
^^^^In the absence of orange jesus, now gets his news from Russian Deputy Secretary.
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Of course dems need it to get gas prices lower and they ate negotiating with Russia for the Iran nuke deal.

Dems have no morals
^^^says the guy who loves an ex president that lied 30,000 times, cheated on 3 wives, wouldn't allow his tax returns made public, and incited an insurrection against the United States government in an effort to over turn a free and fair election.
You can thank your orange jesus for that, you lying idiot trumptard oath breaker. The russian invasion occurred after lethal weapons were sold to ukraine.


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