The Ukraine/Biden mess


Aug 5, 2001
I’m starting my own thread, because the topics change so quickly in the dherd forum.

There are no innocent parties in this Ukrainian mess. Both sides better not get too mouthy about it because there’s plenty of corruption to go around. First, Biden was the point man of the Obama administration for their relations with the oil and gas industry in Ukraine. Two weeks after a visit to Ukraine, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company with the potential to be another ExxonMobil type company.

Hunter’s qualifications for that position was weak at best, and although there were likely no laws broken, it was certainly a conflict of interest. Hunter Biden might of grown up some the last few years, but he hasn’t been a model citizen or person. In his divorce from his first wife (they had three kids), it was revealed that his drug use, philandering, penchant for strip bars, and other lifestyle choices had racked up serious debts. His first wife couldn’t pay legitimate bills because of numerous maxed out credit cards and mortgages on all their properties.

Now I don’t blame Joe Biden for his son’s behavior. I imagine it’s been a nightmare. But how do you not see the conflict of interest in his board appointment to Burisma? Laws may or may not have been broken, but this is the stuff liberals rail against, and to be consistent you have to despise this swamp type of practice.

But Jesus, you Trump guys can’t seriously revel in this when you can point to hundreds of similar type conflicts of interest with the Trump family. Get some core beliefs and stick to them without regard to who it promotes or demotes politically. The president and Giuliani has once again got in bed with a foreign country to help them get elected. They used threats of withholding aid, our taxpayer money, to gain political advantage. This is the exact same thing being alleged with Biden. Just use the Republican arm to launch an investigation and expose it. But don’t be too disappointed that the American people have become so calloused to corruption, lying, and conflicts of interest because they are drowning in it daily due to this administration.

But you conservatives better be careful here. I have no clue if Trump can overcome the negative polling and win this thing in 2020. We’ll see. But if the continual beatings he receives from being the target as president does succeed in uprooting him in the next election, you might not like the results if Biden isn’t the Democrat’s choice. Biden is the most centrist candidate of the bunch. If the pendulum swings the other way, he would likely offer the least change to our status quo. Health Care and gun legislation likely stays close to where it is today. But if Biden’s bid is pushed aside due to gaffes and scandal, you might get stuck with a candidate that’s going to push harder to change the very core of your beliefs. A backlash the next election could easily produce a very liberal candidate. With Biden, who has already taken on a Dan Quayle persona in the media, you could undermine his legitimacy as a president every time he says something stupid.

Again...Trump might hold on and this is all moot. But be careful what you wish for.
I seriously don't have a problem with Trump strong arming (which is what I consider it) to get the truth about Biden out there. One of the big problems with our government is that all these elected, and unelected, officials use their position to gain personally. That will continue as long as both sides protect their own and each other.

Trump's motivation is obviously not pure, but we need to see someone very high profile handcuffed, tried, bankrupted, and found guilty to start getting accountability back into this game. We are to the point where the voting masses, us poor commoners, are completely convinced (and rightfully so) that there is a whole class that is above the law. Biden used the U.S. Treasury to get his son rich, that needs to be exposed and he needs to be held accountable. If it becomes as blatantly obvious that Trump has done the same thing, he can be next.
I seriously don't have a problem with Trump strong arming (which is what I consider it) to get the truth about Biden out there. One of the big problems with our government is that all these elected, and unelected, officials use their position to gain personally. That will continue as long as both sides protect their own and each other.

Trump's motivation is obviously not pure, but we need to see someone very high profile handcuffed, tried, bankrupted, and found guilty to start getting accountability back into this game. We are to the point where the voting masses, us poor commoners, are completely convinced (and rightfully so) that there is a whole class that is above the law. Biden used the U.S. Treasury to get his son rich, that needs to be exposed and he needs to be held accountable. If it becomes as blatantly obvious that Trump has done the same thing, he can be next.

Liked for what I highlighted. Although I disagree a little with the “blatantly obvious” for Trump (I believe it is blatantly obvious), I agree totally with the sentiment that politicians are using their office to enrich themselves, families and their cronies. Money is also being used through lobbying to buy and influence the politicians to stack the deck. And that deck isn’t being stacked in favor of the commoners to borrow your term.
And maybe this is the best thing to happen for the Democrats if it proves to be the nail in the coffin for Biden. It will likely elevate a candidate that won’t become a punching bag for Trump moving forward. What is needed against Trump is sharpness of rhetoric when sparring, because trust me, he will make this a fight. Biden lacks the sharp edge to counterpunch effectively. He’s gaffe prone. Trump won by energizing a base and being at the right place at the right time when there was a backlash of white America against what they perceived as being unfairly blamed for everything. There’s an opportunity for Democrats right now to feed on the push back by concentrating on environmental and global warming issues, gun legislation, and healthcare. Biden is middle of the road. He’s the safe bet. Safe won’t beat Trump in my opinion.
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Many have given their lives to defend our constitution and this "nation of laws - not of men". Others wake-up and strap on a prosthetic limb to take a leak in the morning - a leg lost while serving in defense of this country.

IMO, Biden should be investigated and prosecuted assuming evidence supports prosecution.

If news reports of Trump's phone conversation et al are accurate....Trump should be impeached and removed from office.
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Trump was doing what he should have done. Expose Biden for the hypocrite that he is and the illegal maneuver he pulled while serving as VP.

As for Biden, he is all but finished. The far left wing of the Democrat Party has taken over and they didn't want him and the odds are he is not going to be the nominee anyway.

As for Trump, I am liking his odds more and more each day to repeat and champion and he is going to pull the upset again.
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Many have given their lives to defend our constitution and this "nation of laws - not of men". Others wake-up and strap on a prosthetic limb to take a leak in the morning - a leg lost while serving in defense of this country.

IMO, Biden should be investigated and prosecuted assuming evidence supports prosecution.

If news reports of Trump's phone conversation et al are accurate....Trump should be impeached and removed from office.
Impeached for what? They have tried to go after for everything under the sun. Just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean he should be impeached?

What would he be impeached for?
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Trump was doing what he should have done. Expose Biden for the hypocrite that he is and the illegal maneuver he pulled while serving as VP.

As for Biden, he is all but finished. The far left wing of the Democrat Party has taken over and they didn't want him and the odds are he is not going to be the nominee anyway.

As for Trump, I am liking his odds more and more each day to repeat and champion and he is going to pull the upset again.

Using tax payer money to attack a political opponent? Enlisting a foreign gov't to become involved in our presidential election?

Exactly Chevy. How can people be outraged that Hunter Biden ended up on the board of Burisma a few weeks after his father’s visit as well as the allegations that Biden Sr. was involved in the dismissal of a prosecutor that was investigating his son and believe it a crime and not be equally upset that Trump threatened to pull funding if dirt wasn’t dug up on Biden? And if getting a prosecutor fired for investigating his son is egregious, isn’t Trump’s firings and pressure placed on those in charge of investigating him equally so? It’s the epitome of hypocrisy to straddle both sides of that fence.

If we’re draining the swamp drain all of it.
Exactly Chevy. How can people be outraged that Hunter Biden ended up on the board of Burisma a few weeks after his father’s visit as well as the allegations that Biden Sr. was involved in the dismissal of a prosecutor that was investigating his son and believe it a crime and not be equally upset that Trump threatened to pull funding if dirt wasn’t dug up on Biden? And if getting a prosecutor fired for investigating his son is egregious, isn’t Trump’s firings and pressure placed on those in charge of investigating him equally so? It’s the epitome of hypocrisy to straddle both sides of that fence.

If we’re draining the swamp drain all of it.
Why don't we let all the facts come in. Real facts.
I’ve said it before, but Trump supporters are much worse than Obama supporters when it comes to the cult-like worship.
As has been pointed out by many conservative pundits - it isn't the republican party anymore. It's all about Trump.
It is a "rumor" because the "facts" haven't been released.

It's entirely possible this thing may be a sting...using the media to report about a "rumored" Trump screw-up. The media ALWAYS over-reacts, and their reporting would have to include the Biden/Ukraine connection which would fulfill a Trump campaign objective.

The reason I included in my above post, "if accurate"....because we just don't know until the facts are made public.
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I haven’t seen evidence that facts, the real ones, matter to Trump defenders.
How many times did the left wingers and Trump haters go after Trump with all the Russia stuff? Even when they were proven to be wrong!
It is a "rumor" because the "facts" haven't been released.

It's entirely possible this thing may be a sting...using the media to report about a "rumored" Trump screw-up. The media ALWAYS over-reacts, and their reporting would have to include the Biden/Ukraine connection which would fulfill a Trump campaign objective.

The reason I included in my above post, "if accurate"....because we just don't know until the facts are made public.
We've been down this road before. We get it, you guys don't like Trump. But, some of this stuff is nonsense.
It is a "rumor" because the "facts" haven't been released.

It's entirely possible this thing may be a sting...using the media to report about a "rumored" Trump screw-up. The media ALWAYS over-reacts, and their reporting would have to include the Biden/Ukraine connection which would fulfill a Trump campaign objective.

The reason I included in my above post, "if accurate"....because we just don't know until the facts are made public.
It sure wasn’t a “rumor” when the press got a hold of the whistleblower complaint. The way the press and others have portrayed this entire incident, along with Russian collusion, has been fire first then slowly walk back the accusation. All that does is get both sides all worked up and continues to reenforce the biased media claim
I haven’t seen evidence that facts, the real ones, matter to Trump defenders.

What facts, specifically, are you alluding to? We have been bombarded by so many "scandals", some real, most fake, of varying significance that it's hard to keep straight. They have been accusing Trump of this and that since the day after the election.

Here's where I stand:

The whole Russian conspiracy thing - a false narrative that had its founding on a simple remake Trump made trying to be funny - Hey Russia, I would love for you to publish those emails if you got them. Trump opposition used that remark as a foundation to fabricate an entire narrative that we had to listen to for over two years.

Obstruction - I believe Trump would have loved to obstruct the investigation any way possible. I would have too if I knew it was just a plot against me. However, I believe those around him stopped him from doing it in any meaningful way. After all, Mueller completed and presented his report and Executive Privilege was never invoked.

Stormy Daniels - he screwed her and paid her off. I don't have a problem with this because at least he didn't use taxpayer funds like Congress does to pay off their bimbos.

This latest thing with Biden - Biden has admitted he strong armed the Ukranian government, threatening to without US aid if they didn't get rid of a prosecutor looking into a company his son was involved in. To me that's a crime if true and he didn't just make it up. If his son also got a lucrative job out of it, that's even worse. So even if Trump called them and said "I want the dirt on Biden, or I'm cutting off your money" I don't find that nefarious. I call that holding a foreign government to task for participating in graft with US officials.

Self enrichment for the Trump family - willing to buy it, but need some kind of proof. Here's the thing, people can talk about Kusner securing loans from foreign banks and such, but the fact is that the Trump organization has been acquiring foreign financing since long before he was President. They run a multi-billion dollar real estate investment firm, that hasn't happened in just the last two plus years. Show me that they received preferential rates and terms relative to what other customers of equal quality and I'll buy into it.

The issue Trump has in this area is that we haven't had a person who had significant business operations become President in a long time. To divest of those assets immediately upon election would require that you basically give them away, or be accused of getting to much for theme from people trying to buy favor with the new administration.

So hit me with some specifics.
It sure wasn’t a “rumor” when the press got a hold of the whistleblower complaint. The way the press and others have portrayed this entire incident, along with Russian collusion, has been fire first then slowly walk back the accusation. All that does is get both sides all worked up and continues to reenforce the biased media claim
The press initially only reported a whistle-blower report existed involving a phone call with a foreign leader. Who knows how the Wall Street Journal got the other info - nation, participants and context of the conversation. The whistleblower went to a lawyer before submitting their report. Perhaps the lawyer is leaking the info...who knows?

The quick answer would be for the administration to release the whistle-blower information. That would quickly confirm or deny the reports, but the administration refuses to release it.

Finally, difficult to believe we're still seeing Trump's "no collusion" talking points. Mueller couldn't prove "Conspiracy". There was definitely contact between the Trump campaign and Russia, and the Russians absolutely did assist the Trump campaign. There was a time when that was enough to drive American conservatives batshit, they shrug it off and claim it didn't happen.
There's your double standard. We know that Hillary's campaign funded a British national to work with the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump to help her win an election. Is that collusion?
If the left wants to pretend they're abidingly lawful they need to hammer Adam Schiff, who was duped by russian comics 'selling' him info.
So hit me with some specifics.

The whole Russian conspiracy thing - a false narrative that had its founding on a simple remake Trump made trying to be funny - Hey Russia, I would love for you to publish those emails if you got them. Trump opposition used that remark as a foundation to fabricate an entire narrative that we had to listen to for over two years.
Trump campaign had contact with the Russians, and the Russians assisted the campaign. Those are undisputed facts. We know there were meetings....we know there were lies about those meetings. Why the right wants to claim that didn't occur is pretty fvked up.

Obstruction - I believe Trump would have loved to obstruct the investigation any way possible. I would have too if I knew it was just a plot against me. However, I believe those around him stopped him from doing it in any meaningful way. After all, Mueller completed and presented his report and Executive Privilege was never invoked.
Hundreds of former federal prosecutors state Trump is guilty of obstruction....the fact he's president the only reason he wasn't indicted.

Stormy Daniels - he screwed her and paid her off. I don't have a problem with this because at least he didn't use taxpayer funds like Congress does to pay off their bimbos.
He paid her off to prohibit the info from being made public before the vote. It's a crime - Michael Cohen is serving time for that crime...and Trump was cited as an "unnamed co-conspirator". Plus, when did you cons look the other way when your president shags porn stars? Good grief you impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a bj.

This latest thing with Biden - Biden has admitted he strong armed the Ukranian government, threatening to without US aid if they didn't get rid of a prosecutor looking into a company his son was involved in. To me that's a crime if true and he didn't just make it up. If his son also got a lucrative job out of it, that's even worse. So even if Trump called them and said "I want the dirt on Biden, or I'm cutting off your money" I don't find that nefarious. I call that holding a foreign government to task for participating in graft with US officials.
As mentioned in another thread, if Biden is guilty, then he can share a jail cell with Trump.

Self enrichment for the Trump family - willing to buy it, but need some kind of proof. Here's the thing, people can talk about Kusner securing loans from foreign banks and such, but the fact is that the Trump organization has been acquiring foreign financing since long before he was President. They run a multi-billion dollar real estate investment firm, that hasn't happened in just the last two plus years. Show me that they received preferential rates and terms relative to what other customers of equal quality and I'll buy into it.
There's plenty of sources - you don't have to look too hard. Most recently, the military diverted flights to Scotland so that airport could refuel and flight crews could stay at his resort.

The issue Trump has in this area is that we haven't had a person who had significant business operations become President in a long time. To divest of those assets immediately upon election would require that you basically give them away, or be accused of getting to much for theme from people trying to buy favor with the new administration.
It's difficult...but it should be something that's understood before you decide to run. Now, I know the reports are Trump didn't believe he would win.....but we should expect our leaders to be able to handle.
There's your double standard. We know that Hillary's campaign funded a British national to work with the Russians to fabricate dirt on Trump to help her win an election. Is that collusion?
No double standard. I don't give a sh!^ about Hillary. Trump runs the justice department. They should investigate and prosecute it. Wonder why it hasn't happened? BTW, that investigation was started by republicans....hillary took it over.
The whole Russian conspiracy thing - a false narrative that had its founding on a simple remake Trump made trying to be funny - Hey Russia, I would love for you to publish those emails if you got them. Trump opposition used that remark as a foundation to fabricate an entire narrative that we had to listen to for over two years.
Trump campaign had contact with the Russians, and the Russians assisted the campaign. Those are undisputed facts. We know there were meetings....we know there were lies about those meetings. Why the right wants to claim that didn't occur is pretty fvked up.

The only thing we know is that Manafort apparently shared some polling data and that the Russians spent an insignificant amount of money (relative to the amount spent on the campaign by he two candidates) on some Facebook ads. We also know those ads were issue driven and meant to cause dissent on both sides of the issues. The goal of the Russians was not to get either candidate elected but instead to cause division. It worked really well and their limited spending has had a maximum impact.

Obstruction - I believe Trump would have loved to obstruct the investigation any way possible. I would have too if I knew it was just a plot against me. However, I believe those around him stopped him from doing it in any meaningful way. After all, Mueller completed and presented his report and Executive Privilege was never invoked.
Hundreds of former federal prosecutors state Trump is guilty of obstruction....the fact he's president the only reason he wasn't indicted.

Sorry, but a bunch of former prosecutors who do not have access to the evidence aren't in a position to determine guilt. So this establishes no fact. Mueller, who had access to everything, did not make a determination on obstruction and stated that the reason wasn't because he couldn't indict a President.

Stormy Daniels - he screwed her and paid her off. I don't have a problem with this because at least he didn't use taxpayer funds like Congress does to pay off their bimbos.
He paid her off to prohibit the info from being made public before the vote. It's a crime - Michael Cohen is serving time for that crime...and Trump was cited as an "unnamed co-conspirator". Plus, when did you cons look the other way when your president shags porn stars? Good grief you impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a bj.

You are not correct about what Cohen was convicted of. The fact that you say Trump was cited as an unnamed co-conspirator is really funny. Reminds me of a line from Pirates of the Carribean. A pirate in the jail scene is talking about the Black Pearl and he states how cruel the crew is and that they never leave any survivors. So Captain Jack says if there are no survivors, who is telling the stories. You assume Trump is the unnamed co-conspirator, because CNN tells you he is, but no one has ever officially named who it is, hence "unnamed".

This latest thing with Biden - Biden has admitted he strong armed the Ukranian government, threatening to without US aid if they didn't get rid of a prosecutor looking into a company his son was involved in. To me that's a crime if true and he didn't just make it up. If his son also got a lucrative job out of it, that's even worse. So even if Trump called them and said "I want the dirt on Biden, or I'm cutting off your money" I don't find that nefarious. I call that holding a foreign government to task for participating in graft with US officials.
As mentioned in another thread, if Biden is guilty, then he can share a jail cell with Trump.

Self enrichment for the Trump family - willing to buy it, but need some kind of proof. Here's the thing, people can talk about Kusner securing loans from foreign banks and such, but the fact is that the Trump organization has been acquiring foreign financing since long before he was President. They run a multi-billion dollar real estate investment firm, that hasn't happened in just the last two plus years. Show me that they received preferential rates and terms relative to what other customers of equal quality and I'll buy into it.
There's plenty of sources - you don't have to look too hard. Most recently, the military diverted flights to Scotland so that airport could refuel and flight crews could stay at his resort.

Again, this is a CNN talking point unless you can provide me with an official source as to why they landed there. I could just as easily say that Trump just wanted to play a round at his course while he was in the region. Look, I wasn't overly happy when Obama sent Air Force One with his wife and daughters to meet Nelson Madela so the girls could write a kick azz book report at the cost of millions to the taxpayer, but being President ain't easy, so it comes with some perks.

The issue Trump has in this area is that we haven't had a person who had significant business operations become President in a long time. To divest of those assets immediately upon election would require that you basically give them away, or be accused of getting to much for theme from people trying to buy favor with the new administration.
It's difficult...but it should be something that's understood before you decide to run. Now, I know the reports are Trump didn't believe he would win.....but we should expect our leaders to be able to handle

Okay, name one candidate in the history of the United States that has divested physical assets when they announce a run for office. I won't even limit you to Presidential candidates, I'll give you Congress, governors and even mayors of large cities..
GK, you haven't like Trump ever since he laughed about Man Made Global Warming. My neighbor lectures me about that shit and they drive a crew cab silverado and take their kids to NYC for the weekend and fly on a 737. They hate the man over that single issue more than anything else. OMG, you can't speak out against Global Warming. It is going to kill us all. You need to use battery powered lawn mowers instead of the internal combustion engine! Drive off in 2014 Silverado and makes a living flying across the country ever week on Delta.

Politics is a dirty business. Trump has been in there for 3.5 years or so. People like BIden are career politicians and part of that machine.
I’ve said it before, but Trump supporters are much worse than Obama supporters when it comes to the cult-like worship.

The guy can do nothing wrong.
that's funny I have a hard time remembering you ever say anything negative about Obama
Then you haven’t been on this board very long.

@big_country90 can attest to the fact that I called out Obama on numerous things.
Thats good. I really think many Trump supporters ( I am one) may at times seem as if they support everything he does. I don't believe that to be true. In my lifetime I have NEVER seen a President so ruthlessly attacked by so many as I have with Trump.Good Lord they were trying to impeach him before he took office. They were rioting in the streets! Granted he may deserve some of it . However, he is doing a much better job than the media lets on. Maybe if the media could give him better than 90% negative coverage you might hear more of the views held by conservatives about areas he needs to work on. That just my thoughts on the matter.

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