Time for WV to get rid of Manchin

The problem is his replacement. Would you really put in office one of the two carpetbaggers (Morissey or Mooney) who have expressed interest in running?
The problem is his replacement. Would you really put in office one of the two carpetbaggers (Morissey or Mooney) who have expressed interest in running?
Yes, carpet baggers are all over now. You have to get passed that. Manchin, a native, is not representing you or WV. If a carpetbagger will do better, vote for them. Look at all the carpet bagger Yankees running things down South. If you have a good carpetbagger, vote for them. It is a business relationship, not a family reunion.

PS- Wasn't sure if carpet bagger(carpetbagger) was one word or two. I spelled it both ways so I would be right.
The problem is his replacement. Would you really put in office one of the two carpetbaggers (Morissey or Mooney)who have expressed interest in running?
Yes, carpet baggers are all over now. You have to get passed that.
Don’t know a lot about Mooney, but I could never support Morissey. He came here from the northeast (Conn?) after several failed political runs. Not sure if he even has a permanent residence in WV.
He is in charge of prosecuting drug companies for showering our state with opioids at the same time his wife is a lobbyist for a big drug company.
There has been some talk Justice is interested. That should work well when they have a big vote and he can’t attend because he is back in Greenbrier County coaching girls’ basketball.
Personally, I’ll stick with the devil I know as opposed to out of state opportunists and a governor who views his job as a hobby.
The problem is his replacement. Would you really put in office one of the two carpetbaggers (Morissey or Mooney)who have expressed interest in running?

Don’t know a lot about Mooney, but I could never support Morissey. He came here from the northeast (Conn?) after several failed political runs. Not sure if he even has a permanent residence in WV.
He is in charge of prosecuting drug companies for showering our state with opioids at the same time his wife is a lobbyist for a big drug company.
There has been some talk Justice is interested. That should work well when they have a big vote and he can’t attend because he is back in Greenbrier County coaching girls’ basketball.
Personally, I’ll stick with the devil I know as opposed to out of state opportunists and a governor who views his job as a hobby.

And it’s people like you that are the reason the democrats control the Senate and why Chuck Shumer is majority leader.

The “devil you know” speaks softly and is a “true West Virginian” but he votes with liberals 90% of the time. Manchin is not a representative of this state. He just plays one on TV.
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i no longer live in WV so I can't vote there. Howeve,r the message Joe needs to hear is this, switch over to the GOP, or else get out your golf clubs and head to the greenbriar with all of your free time
We’re talking West Virginia here. I don’t trust any of the “devils” on the national level.

Doesn’t matter. Manchin doesn’t vote like 70% of West Virginians would want him to and that’s supposed to be his only job. Keeping him in power keeps the democrats in power, which should be exactly what you’re trying to keep from happening on Election Day.

I will never understand people who claim to be conservative but vote against their beliefs.
He doesn't represent the state well. He always ends up turning his back on WV. He flips flops and then just goes the ways of the liberals.

Time to give him the boot, WV.
Need to get rid of Capito too, she’s worthless. Since all we have are carpetbaggers anyway, may as well recruit some top talent like Blake Masters and Joe Kent. Make WV the most right wing state in the country.
I quit going back to Fayetteville due to all the weird liberals moving into town. Once my mom passes away, plan to make a decent buck selling that property to a gay couple for a couple hundred thousand more than it's worth.
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I will never understand people who claim to be conservative but vote against their beliefs.
I don’t understand the GOP dragging any weirdo off the street, labeling him/her conservative and expecting people to vote for the candidate. Maybe if Republicans ran candidates with real ideas, there could have been an actual Red Wave instead of the drop in the bucket we got.
I don’t understand the GOP dragging any weirdo off the street, labeling him/her conservative and expecting people to vote for the candidate. Maybe if Republicans ran candidates with real ideas, there could have been an actual Red Wave instead of the drop in the bucket we got.
I'm still trying to figure out what makes Hershel Walker a conservative....maybe because he only paid for one abortion, and two would be liberal?

The quicker the GOP dumps Trump, the quicker better candidates can run. The shadow of Trump is why Brian Kemp didn't run for Senate, and he would have beat the fvcking brakes off Hershel and Warnock.
And it’s people like you that are the reason the democrats control the Senate and why Chuck Shumer is majority leader.

The “devil you know” speaks softly and is a “true West Virginian” but he votes with liberals 90% of the time. Manchin is not a representative of this state. He just plays one on TV.
I keep trying to tell my mom this. Well, Joe is from WV and all that. I am like Mom he votes against WV ideals and screws the working people of WV. All the time. He is a Schumer Pawn.
Need to get rid of Capito too, she’s worthless. Since all we have are carpetbaggers anyway, may as well recruit some top talent like Blake Masters and Joe Kent. Make WV the most right wing state in the country.
Yehhh that would be awesome. Make it like a fortress and a Rally Point. Make it so right wing the Democrats won't even visit there.

When it all goes to shit, boys. Fall back to WV and we will destroy them in the hills and hollers. Because it is going to go to shit one of these days.
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Manchin should retire from the Senate, and be the AD at WVU.
If he was the AD at WVU and did what he does in the Senate, Pitt would get everything.

That is the analogy. He would be like the AD at WVU and he voted in favor of Pitt.

Hey AD Mancin got new uniforms...for Pitt.

AD Manchin got the refs for the Pitt vs WVU game...they are all Pitt grads.
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When it all goes to shit, boys. Fall back to WV and we will destroy them in the hills and hollers. Because it is going to go to shit one of these days.
When it all goes downhill, you can expect the powers that be to do exactly what they have done since 1863. Ignore us. We will be like those Amazon tribes you read about in National Geographic. No one will be allowed to contact us and we will be left alone to see how we evolve.
When it all goes downhill, you can expect the powers that be to do exactly what they have done since 1863. Ignore us. We will be like those Amazon tribes you read about in National Geographic. No one will be allowed to contact us and we will be left alone to see how we evolve.
If it was warmer, had more sunshine, and a beach I would go back.

I miss it sometimes. Went to a Herd game and the one old boy about 5 rows behind us just sitting there by himself lost in the 4th quarter and started going off yelling about clock management and how he had enough of the ***^ and we haven't had good clock management in 10 years or something. Threw his hat. Then, when the clock ran out is yelling at the other team about how we kicked their ass all night long. I miss the people.
Yeah, WV is a pretty good place to get lost. The out of state thugs usually stick to our more urban areas, and even the rural druggies don’t bother people much. Even the new people who are coming here from the north are afraid to venture far beyond the little towns where they settled. Watched too many reruns of Wrong Turn.
My street is so scary that it freighters me. One neighbor has a deer head on a shrunken body in his front yard. I keep telling myself it is a Halloween decoration, but Halloween ended weeks ago.
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Manchin should retire from the Senate, and be the AD at WVU.
He would likely do a better job than their current AD. Anyone would. What a trainwreck in football.

If it was warmer, had more sunshine, and a beach I would go back.
If WV simply had a decent economy I would still be there. It's just impossible to make a decent living and live in the parts I want to live, way out in the middle of nowhere. I envy those rich people in California that live out in the canyons. Sure, their homes will likely burn sometime, but they can make their money in the big city of LA but still live out there in natural beauty. Good roads for driving sports cars too.

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