Time to shut down ALL social-media!

At this time, neither. How bout you?

BTW, where did you find this "info" about the Dem's desire to alter our text messages? Q-Anon? Alex Jones? Bad mushrooms?
So you’re just a hack.

Directly from a Politico article. Like I stated. Several times. In this thread.

"The article continues how pro-Biden groups and the Democratic National Committee will work with SMS carriers to "dispel misinformation" in peoples' private text messages. "

"A recent report revealed the Biden administration has plans to work with tech companies and SMS carriers to monitor and combat misinformation,"
LOL! WTF is that!?! There's better fiction at the library. So, we have an article (Politico) quoting right wing sources with questionable credibility. Would be like me using an article quoting Maddow or AOC.

Per the below, It's been dispelled...but I'm sure the story will live in the hearts of Trump Swallowers. It's right there with the election being stolen from a pathological-lying con man.
The Democrats are working with big tech to silence political opponents and those who dont vote for them. This should be alarming to every person in this country.
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LOL! WTF is that!?! There's better fiction at the library. So, we have an article (Politico) quoting right wing sources with questionable credibility. Would be like me using an article quoting Maddow or AOC.

Per the below, It's been dispelled...but I'm sure the story will live in the hearts of Trump Swallowers. It's right there with the election being stolen from a pathological-lying con man.
You clearly did not read the Politico article, did you?
So you’re just a hack.

Directly from a Politico article. Like I stated. Several times. In this thread.
Talk about hacks....that's a pretty pathetic article....even for trolling purposes. No proof....just a mish-mosh of speculation from another bunch of hacks.
I understand TDS adversely affects your cognitive reasoning ability, but let's look at some information from last November as the vaccines were being fast-tracked for approval by Trump's Operation Warp Speed.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

From Biden's own administration.

"Andy Slavitt, a senior adviser to the White House's Covid team, on Thursday credited the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed for spurring the development of a Covid vaccine at an unprecedented pace."

"“We’re grateful for the work that came before us and are doing the best we can to continue it and accelerate it,” Slavitt said on Fox News. “I would absolutely tip my hat. … The Trump administration made sure that we got in record time a vaccine up and out. That’s a great thing and it's something we should all be excited about.”"

"Slavitt’s comments come a day after former President Donald Trump, who was banned from Twitter earlier this year, issued a short, tweet-like statement arguing that without his administration’s work, “you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all.”"
You stupid lying trumptard. You said "endorsed the vaccine, and early in the game." He did not endorse getting the vaccine until 3 months after it became available.
The immediate goal appears to be to reduce sickness and death among US well as slow the spread of the disease.

I don't see this as a conspiracy to take away free speech.

If people are not getting vaccinated due to untrue/inaccurate FB reports, perhaps, FB should be held accountable for deaths for those who believed info published on their platform.
OK I want to state a couple of things before I give my opinion on what the administration is trying to do. I feel that people who get their news from Facebook or Twitter or anything else are idiots. I am also a major proponent of the vaccine. I as well as my whole family is fully vaccinated and I feel the people who are not vaccinated especially if it’s because they believe in some half cocked conspiracy theory as to why are just as big of idiots.

But that being said I don’t want information being censored on social media by the govt. When the govt controls the information the public receives that is fascism. I don’t care what good the intention is behind it. If you are dumb enough to read some of the ridiculously dumb crap that is considered news on social media and take it as gospel without investigating it then that’s on you, but I don’t want to trample the constitution to achieve the goal of stopping nonsense getting to idiots.
OK I want to state a couple of things before I give my opinion on what the administration is trying to do. I feel that people who get their news from Facebook or Twitter or anything else are idiots. I am also a major proponent of the vaccine. I as well as my whole family is fully vaccinated and I feel the people who are not vaccinated especially if it’s because they believe in some half cocked conspiracy theory as to why are just as big of idiots.

But that being said I don’t want information being censored on social media by the govt. When the govt controls the information the public receives that is fascism. I don’t care what good the intention is behind it. If you are dumb enough to read some of the ridiculously dumb crap that is considered news on social media and take it as gospel without investigating it then that’s on you, but I don’t want to trample the constitution to achieve the goal of stopping nonsense getting to idiots.
As you know, with social media, all of us can become de facto publishing companies - only without the regulations "normal" media channels have to operate within.

I agree with you - exposure to lots of information is greatly beneficial.

BUT, what if disinformation is planted on our social media channels by hostile foreign govts, should there be no recourse? In the case of COVID, it's not like only those who don't get the vaccine are the only ones effected - unvaccinated children could be impacted, and the virus can mutate into forms that render current vaccines less effective or ineffective leading to disease, death as well as future economic shutdowns.

Perhaps, national security and public health are two areas where reckless disinformation might require some management?
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I feel that people who get their news from Facebook or Twitter or anything else are idiots.

If you are dumb enough to read some of the ridiculously dumb crap that is considered news on social media and take it as gospel without investigating it then that’s on you, but I don’t want to trample the constitution to achieve the goal of stopping nonsense getting to idiots.

Agree with most if not all of what you posted. I see things posted from both sides that don't pass the smell test much less any level of a deeper dive. However you can't legislate stupidity and whose call is it to determine what is allowed vs. what is not allowed.

For instance a year ago posting the Wuhan lab leak theory would likely result in having your account suspended, yet today it is widely considered to be a viable option. Healthy skepticism and inquiry changed the debate and in this instance for the better and resulted in reopening the official inquiry into its origins. Who would have an issue with getting to the truth of such an important issue of our time?

My biggest issue with all of this is the media, with its apparent reluctance to do any real investigative reporting, whether due to inherent biases and/or simple apathy, which does nothing but open the door for some of these alternate theories to gain traction.

And many of us should be able to name instances of this behavior from the media which does nothing but increase the level of distrust, again opening the door wider.
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You're an idiot, oath breaker.
probably struggled to fill out a draft card even when there is no draft

you and others can sit and play fear mongering in regard to china virus, but I have moved on from it and so have many others. Hell, you won't even call China out over it.

China Virus has you in fear. Or you are just a hypocrite.
probably struggled to fill out a draft card even when there is no draft

you and others can sit and play fear mongering in regard to china virus, but I have moved on from it and so have many others. Hell, you won't even call China out over it.

China Virus has you in fear. Or you are just a hypocrite.
You're an idiot, oath breaker.
You're an idiot, oath breaker.


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The government never seems to back off intrusiveness. Look what they’re getting away with, both sides, after 9/11. One side pretends to be outraged, salivating until they can use it for their benefit, expanding it even further.
The government never seems to back off intrusiveness. Look what they’re getting away with, both sides, after 9/11. One side pretends to be outraged, salivating until they can use it for their benefit, expanding it even further.
What they are attempting now makes 9/11 look like child's play. One side is openly using it to control information and silence political opponents.
Easy to remedy.

#1, Make Social Madia give equal access, like most media companies. (Which they will claim they are not media so they are exempt)

Step #2: Then if they are not a media company. Tax them like a lobbyist group. Which is 4%, above normal corporate tax.
No problem, the guy they call draft dodger. I tried to explain that you were born too late. That is what I get for taking up for your again. That is at least twice.
You made a mistake when you didn't keep your word, so here we are, lying trumptard oath breaker.
Didn't keep my word on what?
Like I told you before, you said you'd uphold the ban bets, but instead you did nothing and ever since you've even tried to get me to pardon them. I told you if you didn't I'd make your life on this board miserable. Here we are. Oath breaker trumptard.
Like I told you before, you said you'd uphold the ban bets, but instead you did nothing and ever since you've even tried to get me to pardon them. I told you if you didn't I'd make your life on this board miserable. Here we are. Oath breaker trumptard.
How do you expect him to uphold the ban bets? Reply to every single post with "liar, liar, pants on fire"?
Like I told you before, you said you'd uphold the ban bets, but instead you did nothing and ever since you've even tried to get me to pardon them. I told you if you didn't I'd make your life on this board miserable. Here we are. Oath breaker trumptard.
Oh stop being a bitch and ruining the board. You cant and won't make my life miserable you twit. I am not asking you pardon anybody. Hell I will pardon them if I want with a mystical pardon. I can't ban them..that is Chris the site owners call. All I ever said was let it play out. Hell they could come back on their own and you can't stop it.

But you want to come on here and be a dick every day adding nothing. If you want to be a dick, have at it.
If you want to be a dick, have at it.
Nope. You had a chance to shut up your lying stupid schtick and didn't. I told you in advance and I do what I say. And here we are, stop whining like a mule about what you brought on yourself. Oath breaker trumptard.
Nope. You had a chance to shut up your lying stupid schtick and didn't. I told you in advance and I do what I say. And here we are, stop whining like a mule about what you brought on yourself. Oath breaker trumptard.
It is called being an asshole
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You are being an ass hole again. Same shit differe time. Can you even make a post about anything else?
You had a chance to shut up your lying stupid schtick and didn't. I told you in advance and I do what I say. And here we are, stop whining like a mule about what you brought on yourself. Stop lying and supporting an insurrection against the United States govt, lying about the "rigged" election, lying about covid 19, lying about masks, ad infinitum. Stop being an Oath breaker trumptard.
You had a chance to shut up your lying stupid schtick and didn't. I told you in advance and I do what I say. And here we are, stop whining like a mule about what you brought on yourself. Stop lying and supporting an insurrection against the United States govt, lying about the "rigged" election, lying about covid 19, lying about masks, ad infinitum. Stop being an Oath breaker trumptard.
Ladies and gentlemen, your forum asshole, greed.

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