We are screwed if this keeps trending (Socialism)

ohio herd

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2012
A new poll showed that 40% of Americans think Socialism in some form is good. My God all they have to do is look at Venezuela and see it doesn't work.

From the article:

These data alone make it hard to generalize a simplistic conclusion about Americans' opinions of, and willingness to entertain, socialism. But there are a few clear takeaways. About four in 10 Americans are accepting of some form of socialism or socialist policies, and Democrats currently have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism. In addition, the April survey found that 47% of Americans say they would vote for a socialist candidate for president. While that figure represents nearly half of the U.S. adult population, even higher percentages say they would vote for an atheist (58%) or Muslim (60%) presidential candidate.

Okay Disillusionals aka liberals make a case for it.
What are your thoughts on federal financial aid for college students? Should it be completely eliminated?
what a
What are your thoughts on federal financial aid for college students? Should it be completely eliminated?
I am not a Libertarian. I do believe in Limited Government. Socialism is not a good form of Government in my view. No doubt the Government has a role in insuring the common good of it citizens. I suppose to what extent is where most of us disagree.We are a mixed economy now and I think that is a better system
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what a

I am not a Libertarian. I do believe in Limited Government. Socialism is not a good form of Government in my view. No doubt the Government has a role in insuring the common good of it citizens. I suppose to what extent is where most of us disagree.We are a mixed economy now and I think that is a better system

How about answering the very simple question?

This is one of the few times you and I disagree. I used the PELL grant as a student at MU because my family was dirt poor. If not for that, no college for me. There is a need. Now the government needs to get out of the student loan business. jmho.
This is one of the few times you and I disagree. I used the PELL grant as a student at MU because my family was dirt poor. If not for that, no college for me. There is a need. Now the government needs to get out of the student loan business. jmho.
You too good for a loan? I’m sure you would have done just fine.
You too good for a loan? I’m sure you would have done just fine.

Are the rich and corporations too good for a loan. I'm sure they would have done just fine without another trillion dollar tax cut. idiot.
Are the rich and corporations too good for a loan. I'm sure they would have done just fine without another trillion dollar tax cut. idiot.

Idiot? Classy post. Have you seen student debt numbers? Most kids will end up defaulting on those loans. The better way would be to have colleges stabilize their tuition rates and freeze them. jmho
You believe in big govt? I believe the constitution mentions specific things. That's just me.

It mentions Congress having the authority to investigate the President (if Congress can impeach, obviously it has to be able to investigate to get to that point), but your Orange Leader seems to disagree. Do you?

I find most of the "big government" rantings of the right to be silly. First, I have yet to find a single conservative leader that can articulate an exact definition of what their limited, narrow-reading government should look like. Indeed, they almost universally want to kill the postal service, but shit that is actually in the Constitution. There seems to be universal agreement, and indeed enumerated power, to provide for the common defense; should this include our offensive oriented military? Third, they seem to universally ignore part of the same clause as it pertains to the general welfare. Fourth, they bow to the Bible Thumpers, forget the Founders desire to limit religion and want to control the most private aspects of our lives. I suspect what they really want is to pay zero taxes.
This is one of the few times you and I disagree. I used the PELL grant as a student at MU because my family was dirt poor. If not for that, no college for me. There is a need. Now the government needs to get out of the student loan business. jmho.

Expand Pell Grants. But also limit traditional college. We really need to do a better job with both rationing and placing kids where their aptitudes and abilities can be used for success.
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Idiot? Classy post. Have you seen student debt numbers? Most kids will end up defaulting on those loans. The better way would be to have colleges stabilize their tuition rates and freeze them. jmho
tuition prices started skyrocketing around the time the govt got involved in financial aid. I’m sure it’s just a huge coincidence and in no way correlated
How about answering the very simple question?
i don't think it is the proper role for the Govt to play. I am convinced this has contributed to the run away inflation of a college education. However, I don't see any other viable solution currently available to help many who want to go to college. In my own world, my wife just finished another degree from Ohio University, We payed cash and borrowed some money from our local commercial bank. My youngest son is taking a year of community college before transferring to Ohio U. We paid cash for him.Lets see if you can answer a simple question. Yes or no. No 3 page response is required. Do you think Socialism is a better system than what we now have? Would the USA be better off with it?
Idiot? Classy post. Have you seen student debt numbers? Most kids will end up defaulting on those loans. The better way would be to have colleges stabilize their tuition rates and freeze them. jmho

So you are for the government introducing more regulations into the education system.

Of course, the banker wants to privatize all college loans so that his corrupt industry can make money off of it and then wait for the government to bail them out with their socialist policies, again.

Let me know of all of the times you loaned money through your bank to a 17 year old without an adult co-signer.

i don't think it is the proper role for the Govt to play. I am convinced this has contributed to the run away inflation of a college education. However, I don't see any other viable solution currently available to help many who want to go to college.

Congratulations, you are now one of the four in ten U.S. adults who you were just complaining about who believe that some socialist policies are needed.

See how foolish your argument/complaint/warning was?

Lets see if you can answer a simple question. Yes or no. No 3 page response is required. Do you think Socialism is a better system than what we now have? Would the USA be better off with it?

There are socialist policies that are essential to the U.S. (and any other country the size of the U.S.). You've already stated that you agree with that, so why are you arguing against the four in ten adults who agree with you that some socialist polices are needed?
It mentions Congress having the authority to investigate the President (if Congress can impeach, obviously it has to be able to investigate to get to that point), but your Orange Leader seems to disagree. Do you?

I find most of the "big government" rantings of the right to be silly. First, I have yet to find a single conservative leader that can articulate an exact definition of what their limited, narrow-reading government should look like. Indeed, they almost universally want to kill the postal service, but shit that is actually in the Constitution. There seems to be universal agreement, and indeed enumerated power, to provide for the common defense; should this include our offensive oriented military? Third, they seem to universally ignore part of the same clause as it pertains to the general welfare. Fourth, they bow to the Bible Thumpers, forget the Founders desire to limit religion and want to control the most private aspects of our lives. I suspect what they really want is to pay zero taxes.
They have/are investigating him and he has a right to defend himself.
Expand Pell Grants. But also limit traditional college. We really need to do a better job with both rationing and placing kids where their aptitudes and abilities can be used for success.
To quote Judge Smails “the world needs ditch diggers too”
He does. He does not have right to executive privilege for everything up to and including if he cut a fart this morning. It's laughable. It is as laughable as when Eric Holder/Obama tried to claim EP.
They have a right until they are told by someone higher than Jerry Nadler they do. Who is he? The King?
You need to read what YOU posted....

That^^^^requires more regulations.

Not from the government. The colleges and academia can police themselves if they see fit. Obviously there is growing external pressure for colleges to cut tuition, or at least freeze it. Already we are seeing a growing sentiment that college isn't the end all, be all for many. My first semester (1980) at Marshall was $252.00 for 15 hours. Now, its $4200 I think. Why? Costs rise, but not at that rate - it's exorbitant.

So you feel more government intervention in all aspects of life is needed? Are there limits?
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Not from the government. The colleges and academia can police themselves if they see fit. Obviously there is growing external pressure for colleges to cut tuition, or at least freeze it. Already we are seeing a growing sentiment that college isn't the end all, be all for many. My first semester (1980) at Marshall was $252.00 for 15 hours. Now, its $4200 I think. Why? Costs rise, but not at that rate - it's exorbitant.

So you feel more government intervention in all aspects of life is needed? Are there limits?

Are you stating that universities will stabilize their tuition rates and freeze them without government intervention? Are you interested in beach front property in Wayne?

You cons have continuously pumped the college degree thing for decades, and all of a sudden if it saves a little tax money you're now pumping the trades instead. The same trades whose workers you want to have to work until they're 70 years old before they can draw soc sec. I don't see you complaining about giving a trillion dollar tax break to corporations and the rich. THAT'S exorbitant.
Are you stating that universities will stabilize their tuition rates and freeze them without government intervention? Are you interested in beach front property in Wayne?

You cons have continuously pumped the college degree thing for decades, and all of a sudden if it saves a little tax money you're now pumping the trades instead. The same trades whose workers you want to have to work until they're 70 years old before they can draw soc sec. I don't see you complaining about giving a trillion dollar tax break to corporations and the rich. THAT'S exorbitant.

You make too many generalizations. Many schools are already putting freezes in place and that number grows every year.

To believe that the government knows what’s best for each citizen is delusional. I prefer they don’t intervene in my affairs. It’s usually best for all when they don’t. Again just my opinion. Everyone has their own opinions.
You make too many generalizations. Many schools are already putting freezes in place and that number grows every year.

To believe that the government knows what’s best for each citizen is delusional. I prefer they don’t intervene in my affairs. It’s usually best for all when they don’t. Again just my opinion. Everyone has their own opinions.

How University Costs Keep Rising Despite Tuition Freezes

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