Welfare recipients work hard

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
They stand in lines with the dregs of society for hours. Fill out a bunch of paperwork. Have to be stared down at by some case worker. They're putting their time in. Really, they're getting ripped off. A lot of jobs would be easier.

Then, they go out and blow their pittance all in one fell swoop on the first of the month at Wal Mart. Line up at the register at midnight waiting for the EBT to kick in.

Stock the buggy full of fat. Can you imagine reaching on the shelves and putting all that in there? Then, unloading it when they get home. One thing I've found out is spending money is hard work. I'm too lazy to spend it. I try to get by on as little as possible so I don't have to carry a bunch of stuff and put it in the cabinets.

Spending money, holy cow. You have to go out and buy stuff to do that. Requires going wherever it is. Deciding on what you want. How about people with boats, who go on vacations, get women, etc.? All that work. I put in enough work getting my cable hooked up 8 years ago.

====LAZY DAYS====
A lot of this is done online nowadays. The only time you have to see a case worker is when your on WIC or Section 8.

All you need is your SS number to apply for SNAP online
LOL, should have known my mom lied about spending all that time at the welfare office to renew her freebies.

She even lied about trying to get disability. Won't even fill out the paperwork. Probably too lazy to mail it. Well, I see where my laziness comes from. I'd have probably been that lazy myself if I would have known I could have everything handed to me.
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