What in the world is Mush thinking with this Iran deal?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
He is not, but it is the John Kerry think tank types. BUt, what are they doing? they are going to give Iran all kinds of money and embolden then. He is going to allow them to have missiles and inch towards a nuke bomb. Then, Russia and China are brokering.

What is this administration thinking? Mush admin knows they need the oil so, he is going to cave to the Iranians to get it.

This SOB and his admin are going to start a world conflict.

How, well we know what Russia is doing. We know the Chinese ambissions in Tawain. Then, let Iran get towards a nuke? You think Israel is going to go for that? Heck, no they are not

The three pronged scenario. Mush is playing right into.

They are complete morons. We can't get oil from Texas but, we can get it from the Mullahs? The Saudi's won't even talk to Mush and they are getting in bed with China.

Mush and his ilk are weakening us. Are they doing this on purpose? Who could be taht moronic?
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He is not, but it is the John Kerry think tank types. BUt, what are they doing? they are going to give Iran all kinds of money and embolden then. He is going to allow them to have missiles and inch towards a nuke bomb. Then, Russia and China are brokering.

What is this administration thinking? Mush admin knows they need the oil so, he is going to cave to the Iranians to get it.

This SOB and his admin are going to start a world conflict.

How, well we know what Russia is doing. We know the Chinese ambissions in Tawain. Then, let Iran get towards a nuke? You think Israel is going to go for that? Heck, no they are not

The three pronged scenario. Mush is playing right into.

They are complete morons. We can't get oil from Texas but, we can get it from the Mullahs? The Saudi's won't even talk to Mush and they are getting in bed with China.

Mush and his ilk are weakening us. Are they doing this on purpose? Who could be taht moronic?
You're an idiot. oath breaker.
You're an idiot. oath breaker.
Mush Biden is the PERFECT person to represent the Left.

He's a pervert, a criminal, an idiot who thinks he's brilliant, a pathological liar, and has never done a productive thing in his life.
The left wing climate changers are the ones that crack me up. WW3 about to break out and they are worried about climate change. Saw an article about how a nuclear attack would be bad for the environment. They might get vaporized but, they are worried about how the otters will be affected and how it might hurt the atmosphere in the long run. My tree hugger climate changer neighbor sent a message out about not warming your car up because it is bad for the atmosphere. Meanwhile Ukrainians children being bombed.
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7000 US covid deaths in the past 7 days and cons are triggered by tree huggers.
well we know what Russia is doing.

Ukraine gave up the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, and this is the motherfvcking thanks they get. The lesson is clear.

I can't blame Iran for wanting nukes. Or anyone else. Last I checked, we have a bunch, for obvious reasons.

I also cannot blame Iran for wanting nuclear energy. Don't we all?

The idea has always been to reward Iran for not producing nuclear weapons. The only way to do this is straight cash homie, drop the sanctions they were hit with for having a nuclear program.

Let's be clear: instead of getting out ahead of it, Herdman proposes we do nothing. Zilch. Nada. And let Iran go ahead and develop nuclear weapons, the exact thing he says he does not want.

I don't pretend to have all the answers here, but I know wagging our finger at Iran won't do shit.
Ukraine gave up the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, and this is the motherfvcking thanks they get. The lesson is clear.

I can't blame Iran for wanting nukes. Or anyone else. Last I checked, we have a bunch, for obvious reasons.

I also cannot blame Iran for wanting nuclear energy. Don't we all?

The idea has always been to reward Iran for not producing nuclear weapons. The only way to do this is straight cash homie, drop the sanctions they were hit with for having a nuclear program.

Let's be clear: instead of getting out ahead of it, Herdman proposes we do nothing. Zilch. Nada. And let Iran go ahead and develop nuclear weapons, the exact thing he says he does not want.

I don't pretend to have all the answers here, but I know wagging our finger at Iran won't do shit.
Mush will give them cash and a nuke
Ukraine gave up the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, and this is the motherfvcking thanks they get. The lesson is clear.

I can't blame Iran for wanting nukes. Or anyone else. Last I checked, we have a bunch, for obvious reasons.

I also cannot blame Iran for wanting nuclear energy. Don't we all?

The idea has always been to reward Iran for not producing nuclear weapons. The only way to do this is straight cash homie, drop the sanctions they were hit with for having a nuclear program.

Let's be clear: instead of getting out ahead of it, Herdman proposes we do nothing. Zilch. Nada. And let Iran go ahead and develop nuclear weapons, the exact thing he says he does not want.

I don't pretend to have all the answers here, but I know wagging our finger at Iran won't do shit.
Reports are the Biden administration is going to waive sanctions against Russia so they can build out one of Iran's most contested nuclear sites.
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Reports are the Biden administration is going to waive sanctions against Russia so they can build out one of Iran's most contested nuclear sites.
I believe I heard Russia is being offered 10 billion in contracts to build iran nuke sites.

you can't make this stuff up that biden admin is doing. I think they said 10 billion. A lot of money anyway.

Biden admin peaking out both sides of their mouth. Save Ukraine but fund Russia for Iran.

We are going to become more indpendent on foreign energy sources because of the climate change cult. It is literraly a cult. Biden is going to get us into ww3 over climate change.
I believe I heard Russia is being offered 10 billion in contracts to build iran nuke sites.

you can't make this stuff up that biden admin is doing. I think they said 10 billion. A lot of money anyway.

Biden admin peaking out both sides of their mouth. Save Ukraine but fund Russia for Iran.

We are going to become more indpendent on foreign energy sources because of the climate change cult. It is literraly a cult. Biden is going to get us into ww3 over climate change.
Just a reminder. You're a lying idiot trumptard and oath breaker.
Freebeacon reporting

As the Free Beacon reports, Biden State Department spokesman Ned Price has confirmed that “we, of course, would not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA.” The JCPOA, of course, is Obama’s 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.​
The Free Beacon has reviewed translations of Russian and Iranian documents pertinent to Biden’s new deal. They show that Rosatom, Russia’s state-controlled energy conglomerate, “has a $10 billion contract with Iran’s atomic energy organization to expand Tehran’s Bushehr nuclear plant.”​
Officials of both Putin’s regime and the Biden administration confirmed to the Free Beacon that “the new nuclear agreement includes carveouts that will waive sanctions on both countries so that Russia can make good on this contract.”​

National Review reporting
It's actually two words: link it.
I am asking you, some dude said it on tv. I think he said 10 billion in contracts for Russia. Have you heard that?

Edited: Looks like one of the fine posters of the forum, SamSwinner, LINKED It . My ears heard 10 billion.
So , we are going to give the Iranians a bunch of money via the Russians and Chinese while they still continue building a nuke program.

The irony.

I don't know how many times I have to tell you rubes this: I don't watch cable news, and I don't read the far biased web news.

If anything, your post is another example of Republican projection. YOU consume the whacky stuff.

CNN is only good for war, mass killings, and disasters. And these days, all of that is somewhere else first. I haven't watched a single second of Ukraine on cable, everything you could ever want to see is posted on Twitter by Ukrainians.