And how does WVU eliminate fans at their opening game and we don’t?
Why does what WVU does matter to you, and why should what WVU does effect what we should or should not do?
But if you need it explained to you:
MU students - Mostly from WV or the immediate tri-state. And yet more so, while there are many exceptions, mostly from the I-64 corridor, lower Ohio valley, or upper coalfields. Decent kids, trying hard to get an education and have a better life.
WVU students - Vast majority from out-of-state. Majority of those from the epicenters of this "pandemic" - New Jersey and DC suburbs. Rich. Drunk. Irresponsible. Self-selected themselves for the WVU experience, which is four years of drinking and parties, over 100 others open to rich kids. Unlikely to follow JJ's advice and just "follow the ****ing guidelines" (already having massive problems as the New Jersites returned and immediately held reenactments of Animal House.)
Marshall fans and alumni - While there are plenty of exceptions, mostly from the immediate area. Decent hard working people. People who have already figured out how to deal with current events. Mostly there to, yes, have a good time, but to watch the game and support their team.
WVU fans - Most importantly a statewide and western PA group. Potential to spread a Weirton infection to Bluefield, or a Martinsburg one to Parkersburg. But also remember who they are. Uneducated hilljacks. People whose only outlet, other than a drunken week in Myrtle Beach (how did that work out? ) , is a drunken Saturday in a town they never have been in otherwise, rooting for a school they never attended, before returning to their dark lives in whichever holler they rarely otherwise leave. Remembering that massive drunkenness and redneckish behavior, and the accompanying irresponsibility, is more important to them than the game.
MU's purpose - A co-equal member of a great conference that is governed by consensus of its membership.
WVU's purpose - One of the Little 8. Paid to provide semi-legitimate cover for the Big 2. Said Big 2 totally running the operation, unwilling to risk their eventual victories over this, particularly over its red-headed stepchild member, remembering how for from the pandemic area the rest of the Little 8 are.