Why do these people lie?


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Not talking about greed only this time.

How can the lunatics deny Camel Toe wasn't the border czar? Obviously, she didn't do the job, but watched several videos where they're all talking about her being the border czar. Even one was mush brains introducing her as such, with camel toe doing the laugh in the background.

rifle, why does your kind lie so often? Every time their mouths open, they start lying. I guess they just know your kind are the lower IQ bunch. I hope you don't start lying like that, other than your tall tales when it comes to girls you've been with. We still like reading those stories.
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you know how to determine whether a liberal is lying? they're breathing.

obviously, based on performance, kumalluh wasn't the border czar, so maybe they're not lying in this instance.
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We are all terminally online here, but you would be shocked at how well MSM narrative works and influences more normal people out there.

They are not interested in reporting facts, they’re journalists second behind activists first. Trump broke them worse than ever and they would view it as ethical to slightly bend the truth to avoid another Trump presidency because they view that as an existential threat to the republic/democracy. So them omitting full truths or re framing the narrative is actually a good thing.
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And it’s not just low IQ people. My wife (very smart) just doesn’t read much news and I’m thankful she doesn’t, we’d probably live in some bunker/farm somewhere.

When she does read the news it’s the NYT or Axios or insert MSM news. If that’s all you see then why wouldn’t you believe it?

The whole Biden dementia fiasco has changed things though. Shes become more distrustful.